Blogs from L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada, North America - page 2


From Gros Morne we drove to the northern tip of Newfoundland and L'Anse aux Meadows - the site of the first European settlement (Norse) in North America over 1000 years ago. The UNESCO site recaptures the struggle to survive in this harsh climate with actors in role (with local accents) in sod huts going about their daily tasks. On to Twillingate. As there is only one road to the north we had to retrace our route - but we have found that the views are still fresh from the other direction. We are really enjoying B&Bs - meeting the locals and interesting fellow travellers and getting good advice. Fogo is a little island off the east coast and probably as close as we'll find to the traditional old days of subsistence living in fishing outports - ... read more
dig site
bergs in Durrell

June 27, 2008 L'Anse aux Meadows - Only Viking Site in North America We've got an exciting day ahead of us, and I don't even mind the 6:40 AM departure time to catch the morning ferry back to St. Barbe, because I know it's followed by our drive north to L'Anse aux Meadows (LAM), my prime reason for making this trip. Most of highway 430 is designated the Viking Trail, good for marketing, but also because the Vikings probably explored a great deal of the area along the Gulf of St. Lawrence as well as much of Newfoundland. My Dad, ever proud of his 100% Norwegian heritage, first introduced me to the concept of Vikings exploring "the New World" nearly 500 years before Columbus. (Guess a lot of history books needed rewrites!) Oh how I ... read more
L'Anse aux Meadows
Viking Ruins
A Sod House, Recreated

Harold and I are getting ready for a week-long trip which will take us 2500 miles north and east of home to Newfoundland (NL), Canada. We're going to help the Newfoundlanders celebrate the 1008th anniversary of the Vikings walking on their shores at L'Anse aux Meadows, a Canadian. Other highlights include Gros Morne National Park, whale watching, birding and if we're lucky we'll see a few icebergs. Leaving the planning to the experts, we'll join a tour, offered by Wildlands Tours. On June 22 we fly from Green Bay to Detroit to Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Northwest, and after a 4 hour layover we'll finally fly to Deer Lake, NL, via Air Canada. From Deer Lake, the tour company transports us north about 30 miles to Gros Morne National Park, a UN World Heritage Site, where ... read more

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