July 1 - Canada Day in Winnipeg

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July 1st 2008
Published: July 14th 2008
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Just a reminder from the last blog - we have been awake since yesterday at 8am!

We arrived at Brad’s at 11 local time, and we served a nice refreshing wrap for lunch, which felt great after eating mostly chips and a greasy breakfast. After that we hung out for a while, played guitar hero and had a few beers while we did our laundry. After supper we headed downtown, where there was a street closed off and there was all sorts of music and other things going on. We searched for a place to sit outside and drink/eat but failed… it was pretty darn busy. We ended up going to a little greek place where we each took a spanakopita (a pastry filled with spinach, garlic, and cheeses YUM). It was starting to get dark so we headed to “The Forks” where the fireworks were being held.

It was packed at The Forks too so we just found a good spot and watched the fireworks. It lasted about 30 minutes and was spectacular. Mel says it was definitely not Moncton or Richibucto fireworks lol. We had a few beers at a little bar that was pretty out of the way and quiet, but we were exhausted so we headed home around 1:30 am.

Sorry... There's not really any pics from today. There is a sweet video but it is HUGE!


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