Blogs from Damascus, South, Syria, Middle East - page 11


Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus June 21st 2008

I left off after an inadequate description of one of the world's finest castles, though I had already started my new adventures in Damascus by then. It's all a bit of a blur. Time for more catching up. After the castle, we were dropped off by a bus station in Homs, which appeared to be a rather uninspiring city. After using what we unfortunately discovered later were not actually the worst toilets in Syria, we grabbed some quick eats. For about $0.60 we bought fresh falafel sandwiches rolled up in thin pita bread. They hit the spot. We effortlessly hopped on our next bus to the exciting capital. After some lukewarm reports from other travelers, I was expecting good, but not great, things from Damascus. Within a few hours I was so blown away by the ... read more
Sayyida Ruqayya Mosque
Fresh juice!!!
Khan As'ad Pasha

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus June 20th 2008

Damascus, Syria, part of the so-called axis of evil and a place where all the signs are in Arabic which might just as well be ancient Greek or Aramaic! So, why did we choose to come here? Well, 35 degrees of sunshine almost guaranteed for the next three months, a job with the British Council, and about as much hummus as we can manage to eat are just three of the reasons! The people seem very friendly and we are managing to communicate in restaurants in broken English, the odd word of French and lots of pointing. We MUST learn a few words of Arabic!! The flight from Heathrow was uneventful. The stressful part was check-in where the BMI desk was unbelievably strict about excess baggage. For the first time in our travels we have been ... read more
Damascene Statues
Looking Out

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus June 14th 2008

A few things about Damascus: - Images of their fearless leader, Bashar al-Assad, everywhere. When I pick up a pistachio croissant in the morning, he’s looking far off into the distance in a bold striped suit. When I walk through the souqs, he’s smiling down at me in a top hat. When I go to the bathroom, he’s got his arms around other militant leaders. - Everybody is smoking sheesha, seemingly more so than in Turkey. People sitting at cafes, smoking sheesha. Old men watching the football, smoking sheesha. Old women in leopard print burkas, smoking sheesha. Bored on a Tuesday? Smoking sheesha. Everybody. I wonder how many long distance runners Syria produces. I wonder if kissing a sheesha smoker is like smothering your face in blackberries, but I’m not in a rush to find out. ... read more
Photo 7
tea men
on Syria side

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus May 19th 2008

It is hot here! I've decided to escape from the heat for a few minutes and check my mail in an air conditioned internet cafe. Last night, I was woken up at 4am, by someone knocking at the door. My roommate had left just after midnight for a flight, so I had locked the door. A girl had arrived to take the other bed, so she came in dropped her backpack and went to get cleaned up, and I went back to sleep. When I woke up, I looked over at her bed and say a little head pop up! She had a baby! He was two and a half and really reminded me of my nephew Leland. Not what you expect when you sleep in dorms with backpackers, but they arrived late and all that ... read more

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus May 10th 2008

So following the last entry I returned to the hotel where I met Peter he had just arrived in Damascus and was here for only one day. Went out for supper close by the hotel and whilst it was really quite nice it was a bit bland - rice with chicken that looked pretty unappatizing for 125 SYP though you can't complain. Met up with Peter as I went into the hotel and as he hadn't eaten I accompanied him much to my annoyance though as he found a restaurant which appeared to be serving the yummiest barbequed meat as I drank my water I felt quiet envious of him!!! Friday morning I woke with my first bout of food poisoning not to fun and after Breakfast I had to move rooms - this time I'm ... read more

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus May 8th 2008

Last night I went to the famous Beit Al Jabrin which is located in the back streets of Damascus. It was just Matt and I as Pascale has gone up to Palymra now. The food was okay but came in massive portions which considering the price is reasonable - the meal cost 380 SYP around 4 pounds! This morning I woke up late again!!! After Breakfast went to omayad mosque which was very peaceful in comparison to the rest of Damascus. I donned a fetching robe which made me look so stylish and wandered around for a bit - sat down to take some pictures when Mohamed asked if he could talk to me. We ended up having a really interesting conversation about the differences between the 'east' and west and religion - turns out he ... read more

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus May 8th 2008

there are 3 pages of photos so click next at the bottom of page to look " here's a newsflash: contrary to what the US state department may wish the world to think, syria is not populated by terrorists, zealots and other boogeyman. in fact, syrians are among the most friendly and hospitable people in the world, and most visitors to their country end up developing lifelong infatuation with its gentle charms" - guidebook as you can see from our photos, syria is amazing, seriously. from the second we got there, we couldnt stop taking photos, and commenting back and forth to eachother "look at that" "wow" "awesome". i know some of you out there think that it is unsafe, we are living proof that it was one of the most genuine and hospitable places we ... read more
market shot

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus May 7th 2008

Last night after writing this I went back to the hotel and eventually decided to go for supper! Went out with Matt (English) and Pascale (Canadian) to a restaurant that had a good review in the lonely planet. Walked for a bit through the souq which was pretty hectic and eventually found the 'Old City' in one of the back alleys. Shared some Mezze which were all yummy and then had lamb chops with various veges - having walked through the fruit and veg market on my first day I was suprised at how tasteless it all was! We did get a chuckle out of the menu when we saw frogs legs as a starter!! Walking back I consoled myself with an ice cream which was yummy - the Syrians seem to love ice cream judging ... read more

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus May 6th 2008

After a mild panic mid air I realised that the plane was going to Bahrain as well as Kuwait! Anyhow after a massive amount of travelling Dubai, Bahrain, Kuwait I arrived in Syria. The initial flight was shared with a mass of Indians going to Tehran quite what they were going to do there I do not know but I had a mild panic at the airport when I found around 100 people all clamouring for there new boarding pass anyhow I queue barged by showing my ticket and going thats the flight I need as final boarding calls were being issued! Sat in row 2 with a syrian lady she had brought a picnic for the flight and insisted I had half - I think thats what she was doing as she didnt speak English! ... read more

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