Blogs from Amman, North, Jordan, Middle East - page 25


Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman October 15th 2007

So I finally arrived in Aqaba after spending far too long in the airport waiting for a delayed flight - and ultimately could have driven here in the time (!). I didn’t realise Aqaba was so BIG! I also didn’t realise that people had 5 days public holidays for Eid and so the place is absolutely packed full of holiday makers. Oh for a bit of research before leaving home. So I’ve had to book into a larger, nastier and more expensive hotel than expected which is packed with French and German tours groups and throngs of British squaddies presumably on leave from Iraq. They are not actually behaving as badly as one might expect, they all seem pretty irritable but are generally quite quiet; although I haven’t yet seen them with a drink inside them. ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman October 10th 2007

I am sending this out a bit early because I am about to go on my Eid break at the end of Ramadan and do some great traveling. I have about 7 days off so I am hopefully going to spend some time in Damascus and then either travel around the region there or come back and visit Petra and maybe Wadi Rum. This is going to be the special Islam edition of my blog entries, if you have no interest in Islam, sacred sites, or think "those people are devil worshipers!" (high pitched old lady voice) then this entry is not for you. This past Monday (one of my days off), I was able to go on a trip with other Qasid students to visit three shrines of fairly well known members of religious history. ... read more
Peaceful Garden
Shuaeb's Tomb

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman October 5th 2007

Its been a little while since I last wrote, but there have been a couple of interesting experiences since. Hopefully next time I can show you some pictures from outside Amman. Some of the good things that have been happening are that I have been spending more time with the other students at Qasid and meeting Jordanians that are really nice and allow me to speak to them in Arabic so I am not as lonely nor do I have as much time on my hands as I used to. Unfortunately that means that I am spending more time in cabs here and am not tolerating being swindled where the meter is "broken". I got into a pretty big argument with a driver today and ended up not paying him the exorbitant price that he was ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman September 26th 2007

(K) From Petra I rode, first steep up, then more up and a little more up, then it finally leveled out a bit and I found a castle to explore. Can't remember its name but it was a castle and it was free entry. Following this was the usual hills, goats, sheppards, camps and rocks- more hills and rocks if anything. So anyway, I was heading for Dana (I know, some of you will find that funny). Dana is an amazing little town in the middle of Jordan's version of the rift valley. The town is basically made of stone and is surrounded by amazing landscapes. It was only around 50k's from Petra so no problem. I ended up staying in a hotel on the hill, designed for backpackers and had such a great atmosphere and ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman September 24th 2007

Hey all, I have just completed week 2 in Jordan and things are still going great hear with much less confusion. I started classes the day after the my excursion to Ajloun Castle and love them so far. I have class for 3 hours in two sections starting at 8:00 am. My first teacher is Muhammad (common name over here as you may know) and is apparently the best in the school. He speaks the entire time in Arabic and is constantly joking around which is great just on the fact that we can finally joke in Arabic a new level of language competency! Our second teacher is Ra'id and not quite as good. He makes forced jokes that are not as funny (although he laughs) and speaks in English when he really doesn't have to ... read more
Breaking Fast

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman September 21st 2007

Jordaania kohta ei oskagi midagi kirjutada, kuna kogu oma siin oldud aja veetsin ainult kõrbes (mitte midagi tehes). Kodutöö oli siia tulles tegemata, kuid üldjuhul vastas minu ettekujutusele. Suurt vaadata siin ei ole ja erinevalt Liibanoni ja Süüriaga on tunda, et "tänu" koostööle läänemaailmaga, ei ole negatiivse meedia propaganaga turistide horde siit eemale hoidnud. Kohalikud üritavad igal võimalusel petta ja kedagi usaldada sellepärast siin ei saa. Esimesel katsel Iisrealisse sisenedes saatis juba Jordaania piir mind jutule võtmata tagasi. Järgmisel päeval uuesti proovides õnnestus siiski piirivalvurid ära rääkida ja Jordaaniast väljumistemplit mulle passi ei löödud. Iisreali pool hoidis mind hiljem selleparast 6 (kuus) tundi kinni, kusjuures piir suleti 2h ennem minu vabaks laskmist. Juudid lubasid passi märgistamata labi lasta ainult tingimusel,et sama piiripunkti kaudu näda... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman September 18th 2007

Al-Salam Alaykum from Jordan everyone! I have been here for a week now and I thought that it was about time to fill you in the happenings here as I sit in my apartment awaiting the first day of classes tomorrow. Starting from the beginning... My flight was great as flights go. I was one of the nine of so white people on the plane, the rest were Arabs and most from Jordan. I got to sit next to a sweet little lady going to Damascus and we chatted in Arabic on and off the whole flight which was a great warm up for getting into Jordan itself. After a 10 hour flight, fitful sleep and two meals, we landed in Amman. The majority of the young English speakers on the plane quickly grouped up and ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman July 25th 2007

Apologies - currently unable to restore. If you have a backup please edit this entry and save/publish... read more
Me covered in Dead Sea Mud 2
Downtown Amman
Dead Sea - Israel on the other side

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman July 24th 2007

Well I was up early again for the 5:30 bus to Amman, I arrived in the capital around lunchtime entering through New Amman, very much a contemporary Arab city, I suppose it had the potential to feel refreshingly modern, but for me it was more disappointingly new age. Amman has never really rivaled the Middle East's great cities of Cairo and Damascus as a grand Islamic metropolis, but downtown does have its moments, and it is a central transport hub for other Jordanian areas. Slightly disillusioned, I headed for the old city centre and the Roman Theatre. The Roman Theatre in Amman encompass some of the last remnant of the outer reaches of the Empire and still stand as a solid testimony to a great Philadelphian era. It is cut directly into the Northern side ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman July 16th 2007

We finished the house and guiltyly left a happy, waving family behind in the desert heat. The next day was one of "rest and recreation" but, of course, being the good travelers we are, we couldn't stand the thought of a day of nothing. Due to some program complications we were sent out of the way while the arabs fixed our complicated schedule. We stuffed ourselves into taxis and set out for a real cultural experience... Mecca Mall. Yep, a mall, fully equipped with every American and European big name you can think of. Riding up the escalator behind two completely, though very styleishly, covered women in hijabs and extremely high heels I was again touched by the extremes in this place. Wealth and a lack of and all of it under the headlines of ... read more

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