Blogs from Iran, Middle East - page 27


Middle East » Iran » South » Shiraz March 2nd 2011

NB: This post was originally written on Sunday, October 31st, 2010. 'Well, it’s the end of my second full day in Shiraz, embarking on my second visit to Iran. Yesterday, after having slept for a much-needed 12 hours on Friday night (I spent a total of 48 hours in-transit to get from Melbourne-Shiraz, with only max 5 hours’ sleep in between), I was befriended by a quirky 28 y.o. man by the name of Mostafa, who is one of the approx. 12 workers in the hotel at which I am now employed as well. He showed me around Shiraz on foot, saying that he would’ve liked to have taken me around on a motorbike (and indeed, I love riding on the back of motorbikes!), but he wanted me to get to know my surroundings properly first, ... read more
Cinema poster in Shiraz
The new 100 000 Iranian rial note (just under USD $10)
View of the old city of Shiraz from the hotel where I worked for a short while

Middle East » Iran January 26th 2011

Planning a trip overseas inspires a mixture of excitement and trepidation as one prepares to set off into the unknown and turn dreams into reality. Purchasing an airline ticket is only the start and navigating one's way around foreign bureaucracy and visa requirements can be quite a challenge, as demonstrated by my naive forray into obtaining an Iranian visa over the internet. I selected an online visa application service - - who required a service fee of 30 Euros (almost $55 Australian dollars) to organise a letter of invitation with a visa authorisation code to be sent to my local Iranian Embassy in Canberra, ACT (Australia's capital). I filled in some details and sent off an online application and asked if there was a difference in cost for using either a British or Australian ... read more

Middle East » Iran » South » Persepolis January 22nd 2011

shanbe Jan22Sat Up at the crack of dawn, even earlier, for a 5:00am full-day trip to Persepolis, Naqhsh-e Rostam and Naqhsh-e Rajab, before ending off with Passagardae, which according to LP is a questionable stop for what value there is to see at the site. Let's see! My driver, Ahmed Miere (a Shirazian with no English), arrives a little late and with only a slight detour to pick up his friend, who is along for the ride, we head off for less than an hour or so before getting to Persepolis. I am no history enthusiast, nor am I really particularly knowledgeable about Iranian times around 2 million B.C, but I understand that Persepolis, may be possibly the greatest empire of the Achaemenid period, and will be something to behold; this is what I have really ... read more
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Middle East » Iran » South » Shiraz January 21st 2011

jom’e Jan21F – bist o yek To shorten the rather complicated and full day of visits in Shiraz, let’s just say I see all there could possibly be worth visiting, and also mentioned in LP Iran. No, I have to say -- I see everything to the point of near casual indifference -- every nook, crack and cranny of Shiraz, of which I can only imagine the usual tourist would hardly ever get a whiff, including myself had I not “lucked out (??)” in running into the old man I take as guide. (But is this really luck(ed) or "f_cked"? Both meaning to say by this old guide Mohammed and what now looks like a problem finding photos taken while in Shiraz!) Together with Mohammed, I go from mosque to mosque, girls' or boys' Madraseh, an ... read more

Middle East » Iran » South » Shiraz January 20th 2011

panj shanbeJan20R Had earlier considered a day visit to Kashan, before heading south by buses; however, these plans fall apart, so I change itinerary and ask Elham to look into a flight to Shiraz, thinking that the LPIran itinerary would be best to follow and eventually leave me working my way north by some combination of buses, bus tours and taxis. In this way, I would be working my way back to Tehran for my Feb3 departure rather than travelling away from my point of final departure from Iran (this approach was learned in Korea – risky ventures first and early in journey and small short trips last, so you remain close to home prior to final departure). I find this a more suitable plan of attack for travelling to the cities of Shiraz, Persepolis, Yazd, ... read more

Middle East » Iran » North » Tehran January 16th 2011

SJan16 – Yek Shanbe Got a good night’s sleep – as far as I remember – and up early as a result. I take advantage of the metro, walking west along Taleghani to Moffateh St. to get the Taleghani Station and I casually make my way to Behest-e Zahara cemetery where most Tehranians or Iranians are buried, including those killed in the 1980-88 Irag-Iran war. First, I visit the Holy Shrine of Imam Khomeini. The Shrine is not a particularly pretty site to visit but I try to make the best of a bad thing. I enter a Mosque for the very first time (first ever as a Muslim, sshhh?). I take off my shoes, check in both Canon cameras, but not the iPhone, which they allow everyone to retain. I walk around and am actually ... read more
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Middle East » Iran » North » Tehran January 15th 2011

SatJan15 – Shanbe Well, I will keep the long details out of this day’s events. Suffice to say, I went terribly awry picking Reza to be my CS host. I will be much more careful in future. Consequence of this mistake was one long wasted Shanbe in Tehran. One thing of real value learned this day was how to grapple with taxi drivers over fares; the other was how to make use of the Tehran metro. This is clearly the cheapest means of getting around and it costs only about $1 per trip!!! Why use a taxi, except perhaps when lost? With ease of travelling with the metro now in hand, I make my way to the Bazaari district and then on to Golestan Palace; unfortunately, while this is a cheap tourist site, only 33,000IRR, the ... read more
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Middle East » Iran » North » Tehran January 13th 2011

Most of yesterday involved taking it easy and/or getting ready for the next leg of this trip -- Tehran! I think this will be the most difficult part of this holiday, but I am optimistic nonetheless. I arrive in Tehran Jan 13 (Thurs) – panj shanbe at 4:00am -- and, fortunately for me, my pick-up has been arranged, for what could only have been otherwise described as a 'most' difficult task -- imagine, travelling into 15 million population city, to the downtown, alone, in the middle of the night to the Hotel Atlas. (Read later blogs to get more on just how difficult getting to the Atlas can actually be for a tourist, even when I am from one part of the city to another in Tehran.). Luckily for me, Elham D. is waiting to deliver ... read more
Old Theatre and Chaykhaneh

Middle East » Iran December 1st 2010

Middle East » Iran » North » Amol November 10th 2010

Back at the Blog! I hope all is well to those who have been following adventures here in the East. School finally started! I must say it was wonderful having a long break. The semester here is only 3 months long and my last day of classes falls on Dec 31st! Its a bit crazy thinking that so much time has already gone by. I feel like I've done so little out here, yet at the same moment I know that I have experienced a whole new world. So I decided to take 6 classes this semester - and so far all is going well. I'm not liking 8 o'clock mornings though, especially since Hebrew is my first class. Not sure how they figure someone will be at their peak so early in the morning, but ... read more

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