Crack open the champagne... I´´ve done it!

August 25th 2009
Published: August 25th 2009
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Crack open the champagne everyone and celebrate for me... I have climbed the Pyrenees and in one day and in the pouring rain!!!!! I had organised to do only the first 8 kilometres and stay at Orisson albergue but I did that in 2 hours despite it being the steepest walk ever! I decided to join others who were continuing on.. 3 young guys became my companions (they thought I as tough so I´m glad!) Unfortunately it was only about ten minutes away form Orisson thqta it started to pour... perhaps I should have turned back but then where would the challenge be?
So through the pouring rain without even a stop which I confess was hard we walked upwards ever upwards up and finally over the Pyrenees. No photos though as it was wet! But I did it! And now the challenge is to get everything dry... including my passport!

Pilgrim´s dinner is booked for 700pm and I think it will be off to sleep straight after. ANother long (27kms) walk tomorrow.

For those who have been sommenting, please forgive if you haven´´t seen your published comment... I don´´t always have time to wait for them to be accepted... but i have read them all. It is soooooo good to do so. I love knowing you are there wiht me in spirirt!
For those who asked... a pilgrim is traditionally recognised as walking with a staff and wearing a scallop shell.. I am wearing a beautiful shell on my pack as well as a small one on a necklace. Rather than a staff many pilgrims now use the two walking poles.... an absolute must for those planning to do this walk.

I feel excited, somehow relieved to have today done and very very tired. Its so amazing meeting all these people from all around the world... young and my age! Ab fab!

Hopefully you ´´ll hear more tomorrow. Take care! Thanks for staying with me!



25th August 2009

I will have a bottle on ice for your return - well done you
25th August 2009

well done i am impressed, just leave those young guys alone! Thinking of you lots love me!
25th August 2009

Good on You!!
Great to read about your super challenge being accomplished!! An idea you may want to do...put your passport in a sandwich bag, I know you took some spares!! Bet you're glad you took out the shampoo; Pam
25th August 2009

You are amazing!
Karen, I just think you are amazing. And now I think you are just legendary. I am so very proud of you and I am just loving reading your blogs. What an experience...keep going and stay strong. Love always Aimee xx
25th August 2009

Great News!!
Hi Karen, fantastic to hear your news, not that any of us would have expected anything else!Hope walk the next day or two is a little dryer and you are really getting into the swing. Carol xx
25th August 2009

Go girl!
What great news! Who says the aged can't keep up with youth? Thinking of you at lots of times during the day and can't believe I've becme soo involved. Don't worry about publishing comments and don't even think about mine!Hope that left behind beanie wasn't waterproof! X Judy
25th August 2009

Congratulations!! You are marvellous! Hope you were able to thoroughly dry out before the next day. I love getting your news. J x
25th August 2009

I am travelling every step with you. I love the comment from your friend Jan- I know Gwen (Mum) would be very proud of you and she would be with you all the way- she is there right now- pity about the photos- but the memories will remain forever. Love Dad
26th August 2009

Well - big surprise that you did something in 2 hours that should have taken 8. Well done - its all downhill now !!!!
26th August 2009

I'm very, very impressed! Be careful of those young companions, however - you'll be deemed to be a cougar!
26th August 2009

Hip hip hooray!
You are a legend!!!!!!!!! Keep your knickers dry. Love Jan
26th August 2009

Here is cheers to you Karen..what an accomplishment. I know that it is a very beautiful part of the world. You probably didn't see too much in the rain..head down plodding on. Well done. Cheers again. Dorothy
26th August 2009

I had no doubts
Hi Karen, Well done! I had absolutely no doubts that you would do it and with such style!!! If it was me I would be popping more than one cork! Thanks for sharing your adventure, Chrisxx
26th August 2009

you clever little thing!
What a fantastic achievement and it must give you so much confidence for ther rest of your trip having achieved that marathon task, bloody well done! Lots of love, Chick
26th August 2009

How Fantastic!
Way to go, Karen! Congratulations! What a brilliant start to your walk (even in the rain), Cheers, Jan
27th August 2009

Though the days are long k's, there's never a doubt you'll tackle AND succeed whatever challenge is thrown at you! Stay safe pilgrim Karen.

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