Blogs from Prestwick, Ayrshire, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe


Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Ayrshire » Prestwick August 19th 2017

What a pleasant surprise...Stranraer was a combination of parkland and links with trees and terrain AND shots that rewarded a good bump and run. The drive from Prestwick in Ayr down to Portpatrick took an hour and 1/2 but it was an exceptional drive. Portpatrick is a village by the sea...a small Martha's Vinyard/ Kalk Bay with a fantastic hotel called Fernhill. We booked Fernhill months ago on the advice of John and we secured rooms with breakFast and dinner at an amazing price. Fernhill, a quaint hotel, with views over the village below, was/is very comfortable with a restaurant and menu that, once again, knocks dieting out the window. Stranraer, some 15 minutes down the road, near the ferry station, was the surprise of the tour. Greeted by a proper wind from the west, the ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Ayrshire » Prestwick August 18th 2017

Today was special, really special as we teed off at the home of the 1st Open Championship. Prestwick is not Muirfield...there is not a course much more low-key, yet, a very proper feel when you enter. Oh, its still a jacket and tie environment and the locker room reaks of history with names that cover generations of royals and higherarchy. The course opens with a par-4 that embarassed former Open Champion, Sandy Lyle, as he launched his drive onto the railroad tracks when returning for the 150 year tribute. Lee Trevino was there and so was amateur champion, Harvey Ward. Prestwick is the history of golf and the course has stood the test of time. They say they dont have the infrastructure to host another Open, as the last champion, Jim Barnes, was awarded the Claret ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Ayrshire » Prestwick September 20th 2007

The night before we start our travels, and are we prepared? Mmmm! Not Quite. Still to pack, but what should we take anyway? Don’t know if there will be room for many clothes, well, not after you’ve packed all your gadgets, chargers, guidebooks, and stuff. Almost ready to begin our adventure! Johnny and Eileen are doing a “Michael Palin” heading eastwards for a year to see the world. Departing from Scotland, a small country lacking the confidence to run their own affairs, to visit other independent ones, who, no doubt, wouldn’t understand such nonsense. So, a brief goodbye to can’t do, cold rain, traffic cones, central heating, DIY, playing golf, and (fingers crossed) Celtic soccer shirts, and hello to can do, hot rain, pot holed roads, ping pong, air conditioning, YDI (you do it), and tropical ... read more

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