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September 13th 2007
Published: September 15th 2007
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BlackPool 1BlackPool 1BlackPool 1

Shock & Awe
Ok, so Bing's mum offered to take us up to BlackPool to see the 'illuminations'.
If you havn't been to BlackPool, imagine trying to build Las Vegas with a £5.67 budget.
In the seaside part, which was basically just rubbish piled up in the mud, you could hire a sun lounger, (providing there was any sun - there wasn't) Only one person was enjoying the sun lounger, the vendor.. although, perhaps enjoying is too strong a word as he looked thoroughly hacked off.

The other side of the street in Blackpool was made up of permanent easter show-type arcades, fish and chip shops, and souvenier shops that were so incredibly tacky, they made $2 shops at home look like Smith & Caughey.

In my attempts to find something pallatable to eat, I settled on a raspberry slushy which froze my teeth and gave me lockjaw. Bing had a hot-dog of which only the sausage was edible, and a marshmallow kebab.
Later, I bravely attempted a packet of donuts, which I think were made in 1897 and were meant to be historical sovenier rather than a food product, but if the desired result was to line my stomach with cement,
BlackPool 2BlackPool 2BlackPool 2

Oh my God!!
they were entirely successful.

We checked into the Crown Hotel, with maroon fittings and pink fushia towels.
This as you can imagine, created a remarkable ambience.

Bing & her mum kept asking me what I thought... All I could say was: 'I don't know what to say'
I really didn't know what to say, I still don't. I am quite traumatised.

Later, the lights came on, and whilst it still looked like Franklin Road on Party Pills, It was marginally less painful to view.

We paid £20 to be taken by horse and cart down the main street for about 2 miles which was actually quite fun in a 'so this is what they do to horses before they make dog food kind of way'.

All in all, I survived Blackpool, I am unlikely to return, and I still don't quite know what to say...

Additional photos below
Photos: 11, Displayed: 11


BlackPool 3BlackPool 3
BlackPool 3

'Oh I do love to live beside the seaside' 'Oh I do love to stand on hypodermic needles'
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BlackPool 4

The Poms seem to love it
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BlackPool 5

Bong won a prize - A BlackPool brown Turd.. How unexpected!
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BlackPool 6

BlackPool Tower
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BlackPool 7

Monkey Magic
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BlackPool 8

Making horsey progress down the main street
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BlackPool 9

Dinosaurs... Grrr
BlackPool 10BlackPool 10
BlackPool 10

If any country is missing it's disabled and elderly, it's ok, I've found them and they're in this tram.

15th September 2007

Ah, there's that lovely northern grey sky! Did you not marvel at the Blackpool Eiffel Tower? And what about the rides? When I was there, there was a man who was into his third month of roller coaster rides - an effort to get into the Guiness Book of Records. Perhaps he's still there. If you haven't got to Liverpool yet, check out the Ferry 'cross the Mersey.
17th September 2007

you nailed it
hi there! i live in blackpool. have done for years and still don't quite know what to say either :) I described it like a three-legged mongrel dog a while ago to someone... kinda manky, missing bits but it's still OK :p that said, i rarely try to find anything to eat outside, maybe that's why i've survived this long! bye, and i hope the rest of the trip goes well. cheers, darryll

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