The jet lag kicks in

Published: July 5th 2011
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I woke at 5am or thereabouts... got to the conference just in time at 8:30am as I was so wrapped up in finishing my talk for next week that I almost forgot to go! Today I went to a four-part panel on social action, which was pretty good, even though I slept through some parts. The sleeping was all about my jet lag and nothing about the talks (well, mostly)! I then went to another panel on first actions, which was good, particularly the last talk that was about babies and apes. Unfortunately because I was so tired, I didn't absorb as much as I would have liked. That was my very full day of panel sessions - 8:30am to 7pm! Of course there were breaks and I skipped one talk and slept through another, but a long day all the same. The lunch, though included in my fee, was pretty shocking. Almost as bad as in Mannheim for the ICCA conference last year. Almost.

Maria and I left just past 7pm and decided to get a drink on the way home. We stopped at a hotel bar called Abode and had very sweet raspberry cocktails called Raspberry Woo Woos. And chips of course. We didn't realise how late it was (almost 9pm) when we set off round the corner to home and dinner. Luckily we can cook and so we made salmon, potatoes and salad for our late dinner. I was so surprised that I stayed up until after 10pm!


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