Blogs from Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 8


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Derbyshire » Chesterfield May 23rd 2020

Someone once told me the story of the escape tunnel . A colleague at work was partially retired . He had about two years to go and had purchased a new car with a credit agreement . His plan was to work for the two years and the wages would pay the debt off . He likened it to being in a prison and digging his way out. He dug a little closer to the retirement date every day and every week. He had the dates written down and crossed the days off as they passed. 2 years he said and that time will pass quickly . I used to laugh at him . Two years was a long time . However he was right . In the end the two years did pass. He paid ... read more
Dutch Iris -  perhaps I should name the colour Dutch Iris blue
Hope we are not locked down 628 days
High up still telling the story of the school

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Derbyshire » Chesterfield May 20th 2020

If you follow the blog you might wonder what happened to me yesterday. For some reason Day 61 I found that I was a bit devoid of ideas . I had walked every path , seen into every garden and listened to every bird singing . I was struggling to find things to see and talk about. It seems as if Coronavirus has been going on for so long that I feel as if I am going round and round in ever decreasing circles . It was the 61st walk of the lockdown . As I could not think of anything to write I was interrupted by our friend and travelling companion Sion. Well travelled he was finding lockdown very difficult . His world had shrunk. Our house and our garden. For a sheep who loves ... read more
Another place the Hunlokes would recognise - now a pub The Hunloke Arms
The old stables
Another hint of something that once belonged to the Hunlokes  - the Kennels

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Derbyshire » Chesterfield May 19th 2020

"Just look over the fence " she said . I crossed the road keeping my distance and looked over into the pond. There she was. A beautiful coot mother sitting on her nest . I would not have noticed it at all if I had stayed on my side of the road . The lady on the other side was kind enough to tell me about the nest . The bird just sat there and watched us out of the corner of her eye. . My new friend said she walked at different times of the day. The light was different. The sounds different . She needed to get out as she worked from home. She even walked at night when the moon was rising . "Spooky and atmospheric it is " she said. But it ... read more
The Horse Chestnut is flowering
Garden poppies

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Derbyshire » Chesterfield May 18th 2020

Sometimes my calendar tells me something about mountains or the sea and I have to wait to use them in a blog until I manage a day out in the country or the seaside . A while ago I was ripping off each day and it had some relevance to Covid 19. I collected them up with the idea of using them at some point . Perhaps today is the day to use them. "Just let things be in their own way and there will be neither coming or going " Seng TsAn - The day started off as usual . I got up and did the usual chores before setting off for "the walk ". With little idea other than heading out towards the Methodist Chapel at New Tupton I set out . The plan ... read more
and this was where I intended to walk
My two small friends
another gate to nowhere

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Derbyshire » Chesterfield May 17th 2020

When you go to bed at night there are three ways the night can go . The first is that you get a wonderful nights sleep . The second that you toss and turn and sleep not one jot. The third that you sleep fitfully and dream a lot . Sometimes you remember the dream . Often you cannot remember a thing . Last night I slept well waking up to not knowing what time it was , what day it was nor what date it was . A quick check of the watch suggested 6.10 and the alarm would go off in a minute or two . A glance over at the calendar showed it was Sunday and the 17th May . Groundhog Day again . Wake up, get up , breakfast , walk , ... read more
Such pretty colours
The bench mark
Shoes and handbags - free to a good home

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Derbyshire » Chesterfield May 16th 2020

Day 57 and counting . The end of another week and almost the start of a new one . A week ending much the same and a week starting much the same . Saturday - to make things different I no longer shop on a Saturday morning nor do I do housework. Shopping just for a change happens midweek and cleaning as and when I cannot think of anything better to occupy my mind . This lockdown is not fun anymore . It looks sunny outside but cool. It is estill coat weather. I head out armed with scarf which can act as a mask if required and gloves to keep my fingers warm. I had hoped to ditch them all by now. As I walked I got to thinking about the numbers again. Day 57 ... read more
With just a little sun shining through the blue
That haze of blue that comes from bluebells

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Derbyshire » Chesterfield May 15th 2020

Day 56 - another night of NHS clapping last night . We or at least some of us stood outside at 8pm and clapped for the NHS and front line workers. I never consider I am a front line worker . Without me and thousands of other civil servants you would not get your pension paid , your benefit paid if you were sick or out of work . I bet you never considered who had been behind the scenes of the benefit claim you made a few weeks ago or is paying your furlough money. We sit there quietly in the background . You never realise we are there until you need us . A phone call away . There we are . No-one claps us . No-one gives us a thought . In fact ... read more
Although rusting this one was found easily
A lovely feature to a Derbyshire road
How far have I got to walk ?

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Derbyshire » Chesterfield May 14th 2020

Day 55 - 110 to go. I never liked maths at school but numbers now fascinate me. 55 days x 2 = 110 . The number of days left until we go on holiday . If we go on holiday . I couldn't sleep last night . Was it the cheese I ate for supper ? Or just my head full of facts and figures ? Whatever it was I lay there counting sheep. Waiting for morning to come. It is work tomorrow I thought . A virtual canteen set up so that we can all meet up. A telekit to listen to. My suit lies unused in the wardrobe . I cannot remember the last time I wore it . Nor can I work out when I next will put it on. I miss work ... read more
Not a number but a name
A sign that summer is coming

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Derbyshire » Chesterfield May 13th 2020

It's Wednesday - the first day of Boris' new advice. Stay alert is the new stay at home today. Let's see just how well this works out. We are unlocking the lockdown - shame that the UK is not acting like one union . We may be unlocking in England but not in the other three nations. They are not being alert. They are still staying at home. No garden centres open up here . Garden centres open in Wales . Go for as much exercise as you want in England and even drive to the country or the seaside to do it . But make sure you come home and don't stay there . Wales and Scotland - go home you are not welcome . We are still closed . Even so many English are ... read more
The serenity of the fishing lake
I do love a good clock

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Derbyshire » Chesterfield May 12th 2020

Day 53 - I did not overlay this morning . The sun streamed in through the blinds . Today was not going to be the day I lay in bed . Instead I would be up and about . Breakfast made and out into the Derbyshire countryside . According to Boris I can get in my car tomorrow and drive for exercise . Nothing different there for some folks then. This morning we are heading same road , same direction just until we get to the bottom of the hill. Turn right today and uphill . Not left and down toward the Nethermoor Plantation. A householder has made a cardboard cut out figure , dressed it as a nurse and attached it to a lamppost . As I walked past it I could not resist taking ... read more
Still signs of the estate around  - even in the cottage names
No prizes for guessing what this is - I might tell you tomorrow

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