Blogs from Catalonia, Spain, Europe - page 10


Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona » Barcelona February 15th 2019

One of the hardest times in my life you found me. Emotional and vulnerable you gently, slowly and tenderly got to know me. You never pushed too hard or made me feel like I wasn’t being enough. I knew that even if all we had was those few weeks, you had come into my life for a reason. It’s been more than a few weeks now we are easily slipping into a few months, we are effortlessly making plans for the future and when I look at you, like really look at you, I can feel myself falling in love. One of the things I have to do is let go of the others, to finally release the pain. I have to consciously make sure that I am not allowing them to effect us, that I ... read more
Moon child
The road ahead

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona February 2nd 2019

Took our time getting up and having breakfast, because we weren't rushing for any particular bus into Barcelona, and anyway didn't know hlong the "10 minute walk to the bus stop" REALLY was. In the event it was only about 13, and we didn't have long to wait for the bus, which took about 25 minutes, and got us into the Plaza Catalunya about midday. First plan was to call in the TIO which was supposed to be in that square, to pick up a tourist map. Unfortunately the website seems to be out of date, as there's no sign of it, even standing on the precise spot it's supposed to be! If in doubt, grab a coffee. Then, after one more look for the phantom TIO, looked on a street newsstand for a map. 5€ ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Castelldefels February 1st 2019

Proper rain during the night, but didn't disturb our sleep too much. Cloudy early in the morning, but began to clear later. Sea was lively though - still can't believe the Med isn't truly tidal. Anyway, stuck around to go for a bite of lunch at the snack bar, then hit the road. Now on the campsite "3 Estrellas" south of Barcelona. Not bad, except for the aeroplanes. Which do seem to have stopped now, 23.00. To be replaced by thunder! No rain here though, and it seems to be receding. Watched France / Wales rugby match on the laptop - glad we weren't in the Bar du Pont back home! 2512km, so 91 today.... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » La Pineda January 31st 2019

Very peaceful night, until the first college classes started at 8.00. From then on, our empty car park just kept filling up - with students, college staff, school staf, parents dropping off small humans, etc. So we got up, showered, breakfasted, and set off - only to find an Eroski supermarket round the corner, where we topped up our supplies and had a coffee. Nice lady at the bar was happy to speak English to us! Then, at last, on the road for an hour and a half, towards La Pineda. The first P4N spot we tried was full of builders' vans and cars, as there was major work going on, but the second was brilliant - facing the beach, with no crowds but a friendly bar/restaurant nearby. In fact, the people there were so friendly, ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Amposta January 30th 2019

Onward and upward! Very peaceful night last night (as it should be on a Camperpark, even for 12€!). Stuck around til midday-ish, and got a load of washing done, before finally setting off. Stopped to fill up with diesel, and found a lovely picnic area behind the garage so decided to stay for lunch. Then on, initially, to L'Aldea on the Ebre delata, but although the P4K spot there was pretty, there was really nothing there to entice us to stay another few hours before evening. Maybe different in summer, as it's clearly a tourism spot. Anyway, we went on to Amposta, which at least has parking in the town, and chance for a late afternoon drink at a nearby bar! So here we are - 2338km on the clock, so 86 today.... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona » Barcelona November 23rd 2018

Talk about zero dark thirty – my flights out of McCarran started at 12:35am to make connections in Minneapolis and New York – things were going well until my first connection at MSP – everyone had boarded for JFK and we are ready for takeoff, when our captain tells us that a snow storm, ice pellets and a blizzard just hit the New York City area and we are delayed. So we sat at the gate in Minnesota for over an hour (I promptly went to sleep), and finally we leave. Arriving at Kennedy some 90 minutes late, the place is virtually a “whiteout” – snowing like crazy, bitterly cold and flights delayed and/or cancelled in every direction – the place was a zoo! I made my way to the Delta Sky Lounge in terminal 4 ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona November 23rd 2018

Today when we left the mountains there was a snowstorm blowing in. We got going as soon as possible because driving down the mountain in the snow sounded like as much fun as driving up in the dark. However, the snow quickly turned to rain and vanished all together with the quick drop in altitude. We were able to stop in a small town between Prada and Olette for coffee. It was definitely the center of the town. People in there nursing their morning expresso shots while the lunch crowd was starting on their first pint. Several people simply popped in to ask if so and so had been around. Transport to the bus station was slick and when we got into Barcelona we rented a couple of lockers and headed to La Rambla and St. ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona November 11th 2018

The next breath The nights are getting longer, the mornings that little bit darker and honestly my motivation has taken a bit of a dive these past few weeks. I started my new job in September and always pushing myself I have thrown myself into becoming the best version of myself at work. Now it’s time to work on the balance of work and all the wonderful things I do in my life that bring me joy. I was reminded today as I took some time away from everything and had a life admin day that every element of myself sometimes needs space. Seventh on my list and one very obvious goal is to finally do some kind of yoga teacher training, the day I added this I got an email from one of my favourite ... read more
Colombian trees
Sivananda dream

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona November 4th 2018

This will be our third transatlantic cruise and second westbound. It has been difficult trying to pre guess what the weather will be like whilst crossing the Atlantic. Another early start, as we wanted to get to the ship early to get a Posh Pass. Not holding out much hope, but being early will give us the best chance. This is a paid for pass to an exclusive luxury bathing area on the top deck. There is a kettle in the room but no tea or coffee, so no hot drinks to start the day. The first tough decision of the day. Last night, we ordered a taxi for our journey to the port. When we got out of the hotel, he was parked on the side of the road waiting for us. 15 minutes early. ... read more
Mascot with cruise luggage labels
Cruise terminal
Ready to check in

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona November 3rd 2018

Many of the places we are visiting we have been to before. In light of this, we are going to try to do something different at each place. This holiday looks to be like none other we have had before. It is going to be a cracker. Not too earlier morning start this today, we were up and out the house by 8.00am and at the airport by 8.30am. Check-in was not open when we got there, so we joined the queue. We did not realise that the empty line next to the queue was also in use for our flight. Could have been first in that queue if we had been more awake. Unusual for us. This is the first real holiday away for eighteen months. By the time we got through check in, our ... read more
Ready to go
Our mascot with all the removed luggage labels
Flag of Barcelona

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