Finally I am at Burgos!

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September 7th 2009
Published: September 7th 2009
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After a teary farewell to my Aussie friends, Roger and Rosie, last night I tried to sleep knowing that I would be up early this monring for a long hard walk of 20 or so kms to Burgos. Unfortunatley I didn.t get much sleep... maybe too many vinos last night or agian it oculd just be 6 poeple with snorers all in one room!!!!

No worries... I was up early and on the road by 6.45am walking along the camino lit only by the light of the moon. It was amazing!!!
I had thought that I owuld be walking alone today and had prepared myself for a contemplative walk. Instead I walked the first few kms alone thoroughly enjoying the ambience and then caught up wiht a Spanish couple we had befiended over the alst week or so. They are the nicest, happiest couple ever! And we walked together. We shared the usual cafe con leche and croissant at around the 2 hour mark and from there on in we talked in a mixture of Spanish and English . What fun! Just wish my memory was better so I could remember all the vocab. It really is the way to learn another language though. We laughed and played charades as we tackled the long hard road... and it was hard! Unfortunatley walking into a major city like Burgos means treding thehard surfaces of tarred roads and footpaths and today was no different. It is the first time I can honestly say that my legs were aching and mty feet were growing soreer each step. But of course we walked on. We all agreed that company made the kms seem to go faster.

After almost 20 kms and walking round the perimeter of the airport, along the main road through the industrial area and into the outskirts of town we finally started to see the semblance of the city.
We even had a local or two join us and chat. Well, of course I didn.t join in much but it was still fun.

We wanted to rest but knew we were only minutes away from our goal... the Cathedral of Burgos: the Centro Ciudad! (Centre of the City).

Oh my gosh... you should have seen me when the church steeple was finally pionted out to us! I cold feel the tears well up in my eyes. It was truly an amzing feeling... suddenly I felt strong and simply wanted to walk right into the centre and soak up that feeling of achievement. We all smiled and encouraged each other to keep walking... our feet were really aching and I´, sure the apck was ten kilos heavier.

But we did it! We walked into the plaza and there was this most magnificent cathedral...we had reached today´s goal but moreso I felt that after two weeks of walking without even a day´s break we could celebrate our strength and je ne sais pas... maybe our tenacity... what is that feeling of yes! we can do it!

Thank you my friends and familiy for keeping the comments and your support going. You don´t know how much you all mean to me. I love reading your comments even though I do not respond and often thoink about them and all you are doing when I am walking.

I walked today and felt tired at the end but also exuberant! This is a wonderful life experience. My friend Chick arrives very shortly. We will be sharing the next stage of this experience. I know it will be different to the last two weeks but I also know that it will be special.

Buen camino everyone!

PS Just have to add: all those who thought I´d lose kilos all this walk,.... forget that idea. You should see what we consume each day! Love it!
Love me! Xxxxxxx


7th September 2009

Your doing marvellously well! Feel the soreness and tiredness as much as the magnificent highs. Energy abounds everywhere. The colours, the people, the smells, the sounds.....Its an experience of a lifetime. The days at home all roll together; for yourself, they must be going extremely quick. Following your journey intently and trying to visualise the whole experience. Enjoy some of those quieter moments. A good time of self reflection and the building of dreams. All our luv, Pilgrim Karen. Good on ya Sis! The Marrawah clan. (somewhere on the other side of the globe)!
8th September 2009

wow, you are going well. I know that feeling of finally getting there..I often felt like that in Tas. Thought that you might like to know that I had a new grandson born last Sat. to my middle daughter Amanda. For the first time ever boys now out number girls in our family. His name is Willem after Geert's father and the name we traditionally should have given our son had we had one. He is healthy and doing well but I have yet to see him as I have a gastric bug and don't want to get him sick as I had a cousin who died of it from contracting it in hospital when he was a baby so I am very wary..Hopefully I'll get better soon. At least Geert takes photos every day and I can talk to Mandie on the phone. Keep up the great reading your blogs and say hi to Chic from me. Dorothy
8th September 2009

Burgos at last
What a journey- I have only seen pictures of the Cathedral at Burgos -I can imagine you emotions swelling up inside as you approached. Enjoy Chick's company and give mty love. Love youlots Dad
8th September 2009

What An Experience!!!!
It seems you are having such a great time - it must have been such a terrific experience walking into the city of Burgos and seeing the cathedral!! Are you taking many pictures or will the memories be enough?? You keep at it - each step and phase is another step closer to your goal. Enjoy!!!!
8th September 2009

Feel like I am there
Hi Karen, I feel like I am there with you as your writing is so descriptive. I can only imagine how you are feeling but I know the goal is worth it. Going out to dinner with good friends tomorrow so we will all toast you - several old Glenorites! Keep up the great work! Thanks for sharing. Salud!
8th September 2009

Congratulations mi amiga!! The aching hip was well worth it! 2 weeks without a break, you little Trojan! All the very best wishes to both you and Chick on your next leg! Mucho bueno! Adios Senora Karen.
8th September 2009

Congratulations mi amiga!! The aching hip was well worth it! 2 weeks without a break, you little Trojan! All the very best wishes to both you and Chick on your next leg! Mucho bueno! Adios Senora Karen.
8th September 2009

I am inspired every day reading your blog! I want to go too. Googled Burgos: it looks beautiful and the history was very interesting. I know you can't reply individually but did you actually stay in the cathedral? I'm not a religious person, but I am a spiritual one, and the walk is sounding like a wonderfully spiritual experience. Thank you, my journey with you is lots of fun. xx
8th September 2009

Hola, Karen
You are just amazing! I sometimes find it hard to drag myself down to the cafeteria to have a coffee, let alone walk anywhere near 20 kms. As for the weight, that's nothing. Imagine how fit and healthy you must be. Keep on enjoying and living this great adventure, Love, Jan
8th September 2009

well done
Well done you. I'm loving the blogs and am a bit misty eyed just reading it tonight. I can feel your relief and elation. Again I say go girl well done you!!!
8th September 2009

You go Girl! What an amazing achievement, what's on the agenda for next year?? I know the malls of Dubai!

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