I must share this with you!

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Europe » Spain
September 5th 2009
Published: September 5th 2009
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i actually tried sending this last night but to no avail! No worries! The last two days have been so incredible! Firstly we left the little town of Azofra at 6.00am in the dark uisng our head lights to show the way. It was so amazing! there was three of us all walking and talking together. Luckily it was easy to find the waymarks as we headed out of town. it was so beautiful though as the sun began to rise. the fileds of harvested crops were a golden yellow. the only hard part was having to keep on turning around to see the sun as again we were walking westwards wiht the sun at our backs. Just the same an incredible ezperience. We had our usual cafe stop... this tijme in a very plush golf club... back home I am sure they would not consider us pilgrims as suitable customers but here, at 8 in the morning it all seemed just part of the day.

Our walk was a lovely one all day. When we finally came into Azofra we were a little disappointed as my girlfriend and i had perhaps walked a little slower than some and found ourselves in the "flowover rooms" of the albergue... a small white painted cell of a room. No worries though... the albergue had a small pool which we delighted in soaking our feet after the usual shower, washing of clothes etc.

But the bext stay yet was still ahead of us.... the next day (Thursday I think) we walked to Granon...and stayed in the bell tower of the old church. My gosh was that unreal!!!! It was truly pilgrim sharing. Make sure I tell you all about it on my return. We slept on a mattress on the floor in the church attic! We shared a communal meal... everyone helped either prepare or clean up afterwards. Magic!
Food has been delicious nad of course the vino tinto very nice no matter which region we have been in.
The only problem we all faced that night were the dogs that barked continuously... set off by the donkey braying (that´s another story! )

Last night we stayed in another type of albergue again in a town called Belarado. Agian it was soooo much fun. you see it was fiesta time! Bill, I wish you had been here. We would have shown the locals how to really dance. It was so much fun. We went into the plaza to see the action after having had a sumptuous meal of roast chicken!! and of course the place was alive! We had watched the stage being set up and the band was going full bore. But the funniest (and best) part was they started palying the Grease lightning medley! Oh boy... I had to dance! It wsa so much fun. Unfortunately lights out was at 10pm so we couldn´t stay out! But the locals did.... all night!!!! yes until 5.00am this morning we all could hear the band playing.

Consequently we have given ourselves a short day today! Love it. It´s cool though so would have been better perhasp to keep walking.

No worries.

Happy Fathers Day to Dad and to Bill... hope you both enjoy! To everyobe else.... buen domingo!

PS My feet are fantastic! great boots and great socks!!!


5th September 2009

Mucho Bueno
Hola! Mucho fiesta grande! I can just imagine you up there dancing your feet off! Even after a big day of walking! Great news the boots are so comfortable. Don't know what Chick's going to do. Apparently she hadn't got herself a pair of boots and it was only a week until she was to get on the plane!!! No wonder she was panicing!! Maybe she should just wear her runners. You might end up having to piggyback her!! Keep enjoying!! Pam March
6th September 2009

Hola Karen
So good to read of the great time and lotsa walking - enjoy yhe vino tinto also try the vino blanco and be careful of the sangria. It's also fun working out the computer keyboards and waiting for the 1 euro to vanish - enjoy it all karen love Phillip Judy

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