On the road again

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September 8th 2009
Published: September 8th 2009
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Hola once more.
Tomorrow Chick and I set off for the next stage in our camino experience. I can hardly wait. It was really strange sleeping late this morning and not putting on my boots and walking ages! But still I enjoyed a slow day here in beautiful Burgos. I am not a religoius person but (like you Karen C.) I amd feeling the spiritual side of this whole experience and it was even moreso in our walk through the magnificent catheral of Burgos. Truly beautiful but also full of so many treasures and awesome (in the true sense) chapels. Words cannot express its beauty. I think we were there for almost 3 hours!

It has continued to be very warm... 30 or so degrees today. I ma hoping that it may be a little cooler tomoorow as we leave Burgos and begin our walk through the mesata. While I love Burgos with all its sight s and lovely people I ma looking forward to being on the camino again. I find myself attracted to the many pilgrims who enter and rest in this city and enjoy even just brief moments of exchanges with them. So many stories... so many different expereinces and yet we are all travelling in the one direction.

Tomorrow we leave behind the comforts of a single soft bed, clean white sheets and space in a hotel room. Back to bunk beds, shared amenities and who knows what we will have for dinner!!!! It´s all part of the surprises that await for us.

I am only sorry that I am not able to share my photos with you... hopefully I will be able to do so soon. Many thanks again for all your well wishes.

Congratulations Dorothy, thanks Pam... I will pass on your wishes to Chick and Bill... hurry over..you will enjoy!

Love to you all.


8th September 2009

It's very interesing reading your words, Karen and hearing the different moods come through. Today's seem very reflective and quietly confident and satisfied. As I said last time any Brown news seems so mundane! Enjoy Chick's company. X Judy
9th September 2009

thinking of you. luv you. i like your dinosaur puzzle. good luck. lachy
9th September 2009

Hi Karen Your short stay sounded blissful - not only for your bidy but for your emotions. I am thoroughly enjoying your adventure. I look forward to being with you in the middle of some drama(?!) at my desk. Love Jan
9th September 2009

Buenos dias Espana mucho linda! Such a viaje grande you are on!! All the very best of luck on the next part of your journey! Hi to Chick too. Enjoy! Pam March
9th September 2009

Sooo impressed!
I'm just sooooo impressed with you. I hope the Irish prayer continues to be part of your experience. Kind regards,
10th September 2009

Hi Karen, We have just returned from our caravan trip up north and have been catching up on your multiple communications. Glad your having such a fabulous time and enjoying your little stroll. We are busy getting back into routine (again) and catching up with everyone. Thanks for your birthday wishes (sms and card) but I'm not sure of your card's message..... sailing off into the sunset?????? Bill is missing his social secretary but we have managed to get him here for dinner next week. We will send him home early before he gets too comfortable on the lounge! Have a beer for us and remember that most of those people you spoke to in Burgos were not born when I was there! Sad, isn't it? Love, Paul and Barbara.
10th September 2009

Hi Karen, We have just returned from our caravan trip up north and have been catching up on your multiple communications. Glad your having such a fabulous time and enjoying your little stroll. We are busy getting back into routine (again) and catching up with everyone. Thanks for your birthday wishes (sms and card) but I'm not sure of your card's message..... sailing off into the sunset?????? Bill is missing his social secretary but we have managed to get him here for dinner next week. We will send him home early before he gets too comfortable on the lounge! Have a beer for us and remember that most of those people you spoke to in Burgos were not born when I was there! Sad, isn't it? Love, Paul and Barbara.

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