Blogs from Asturias, Spain, Europe - page 7


We have been enjoying the northern Spanish region of Asturias with its cliff lined beaches and brightly coloured fishing villages. I even managed a quick dip in the Atlantic at one of the beaches, Playa De Silencios, reputedly one of Spain's most beautiful beaches. A quick splash then out; freezing! More recently we have been in the mountain area known as the Picos De Europa. So named by American sailors because they were the first peaks to be seen as they approached Europe. Today we have walked part of a trail namedRuta Del Cares. A spectacular hike which was made by workers when mountain streams were diverted to produce hydro electricity. (This is also amazing as they tunnelled through the mountains way back in 1915.) The trail rises 300 metres in the first kilometre (got us ... read more
That wiggly line is the track
It's a long way down
walk showing hydro channels

Europe » Spain » Asturias » Llanes May 9th 2013

Wednesday dawned dry but damp. The rain had stopped! Everywhere was very water-logged due to heavy persistent rain overnight but for today it had stopped! Many campers have packed up and started to head home. The Northern Europeans bracing themselves for the long drive home through France (or to head to the Med further south), the Brits to head for the Santander ferry to get an early crossing and the Spanish are nowhere to be seen. The Spanish don´t do camping in the rain! There are still a few brave French souls about but not many. We thought (on Wednesday) that maybe we should think about heading for the Med as well i.e. heading home. The forecast does not look at all good and nobody is going to the Picos, they are shrouded in mist and ... read more
And another!
Q: How does this beach-side car park differ from those at home on the Med?
Can we be let off to run on the beach now please?

Europe » Spain » Asturias » Cudillero May 7th 2013

On Saturday we left Galicia to drive 212 kilometres east into Asturias. It was three hours of beautiful scenery, first mountains and then the coast of the Bay of Biscay. Our campsite is a few kilometres east of the old historic fishing port of Cudillero and the scenery is sensational. We thought it didn´t get any better than Galicia until we walked out of the campsite a few hundred metres down a winding country road and were met by a view that took our breath away; a series of sandy bays and sheer cliffs stretching into the distance and the waters of the Bay of Biscay at their calmest, benign and blue. Our photos do not do it justice because the light wasn´t particularly good and there was quite a damp mist rolling in from the ... read more
Like camping in a park!
Cudillero harbour
Cudillero lighthouse

Europe » Spain » Asturias » Cudillero May 7th 2013

Well it rained steadily all night and most of the morning. The sky was dismal, no breeze, humid, not cold just depressingly dull! We had planned to pack a picnic and have a hiking day today but decided it might not really be much fun; wet dogs, wet grass, slippery coastal paths and hazy mist instead of the promised panoramic views. So we decided to have a lazy morning and then drive around to see what we could find of interest towards lunchtime. We found San Estaban de Pravia, an old and historic port, still very gentile, with graceful old late 19th/early 20th century houses bordering the harbour and some very smart tapas bars. The tapas themselves were not truly brilliant (the squid was a bit tough) but the service and ambiance were very nice indeed! ... read more
Elegant harbour-front buildings
The old railway station by the docks
Old coal docks

Europe » Spain » Asturias » Cangas de Onis June 15th 2012

Traveling with over 20 people is never a good idea. Our tour bus picked us up early this morning and we got started on the 6-hour bus ride. The first problem that came up was that one girl didn’t make it in time! She got left behind as we began the group trip. According to Spanish law drivers have to stop to rest every few hours, so we made two stops where we enjoyed the picnics packed by our families. We passed from the Madrid area into Castilla-León, the original area of Spain before it added all of the rest of the autonomous communities. In Castilla there were fields of grapes and solar panels equally. Next came Asturias, our destination region. Mountainous and green with rivers, Asturias looks completely different from Madrid, which is suffering from ... read more

Europe » Spain » Asturias October 3rd 2011

The five-hour bus ride north from Madrid to Oviedo was an odd mixture of boredom and terror. I traveled with the only other student from my university studying in Spain this semester. As far as I could tell, she and I were the only English-speakers on a crowded coach departing from the deceptively hard-to-navigate Madrid bus station. We almost missed the bus as we patiently waited at the deserted platform where a woman in the ticket office had told us ours would arrive. Seeing as there was clearly no bus leaving from that platform any time soon, I decided to check where the bus a few platforms down was headed. It was ours, and after we threw our bags underneath and climbed aboard, it pulled out of the station less than a minute later. I watched ... read more
Photo 10
Photo 11
Photo 9

Europe » Spain » Asturias August 2nd 2011

We headed north. It was 600ks to Salamanca, but that was nothing to a young man who stupidly tried to drive from Alice Springs to Canberra in one day. And, it was cooler up north. The drive was great – I concentrated really hard on trying to drive smoothly, and, I won. At one point the trip computer told me we would do 1300kms on one tank. Love the Citroen turbodiesel. We made camp at a place called Don Quijote. The bloke checking us in was some kind of ninja – cranky French folk, demanding Dutch and a whole bunch of others rocking up all at once didn't faze him even a little. The campsite was good, but a little far from anything useful, so we drove to the shops. Here we found the worst roundabouts ... read more
Cozy camp
Santiago de Compostela
Decent beer, some taste, 3 stars

Europe » Spain » Asturias March 18th 2011

In the US we have the East Coast and the West Coast but Spain has an East Coast, West Coast and a North Coast. The North Coast is where we spent four days exploring as we headed west. Our first stop on the coast was the city of Bilbao, known in the local dialect as Bilbo, just like The Hobbit. The challenges started as we entered the city. John said it felt like driving into Boston the day after getting his drivers permit. There were no signs pointing to where we wanted to go so I was navigating using the map in the guidebook. It was accurate but drawn for pedestrians so did not indicate the one-way streets nor the pedestrian malls. At least five times we would approach a street only to find we could ... read more
Cave Art
Capricho de Gaudi

Europe » Spain » Asturias » Picos de Europa National Park November 14th 2010

After our last ecology class field trip with our professor Montes, we could not wait for our second trip 'straight back to hell'. This time we went to Montes' homeland in the north of Spain to the autonomous community of Asturias for more hiking, horseback riding, culture exposure, and general fun with our crazy professor. Asturias is in the celtic region of Spain and where Ireland or Scotland are considered the homeland for the Irish or Scottish, Asturias is considered the grand-homeland, as in predating the more northern regions when it comes to the culture and so forth. And having never been to Ireland or Scotland, I feel like I can say I have a good idea what it is like after visiting Asturias where the landscape, music, way of dress and even food is all ... read more
Montes on the Hunt for a Salamander
The Place to Take the "Super Lady"
Natural Cider

Europe » Spain » Asturias October 24th 2010

Monday 18th October to Sunday 24th October 2010 Monday 18th Oct 2010 Now at Riano. Woke to a cold morning with frost on the ground, but it was clear. By 10am it was absolutely great - clear, sunny and cool and the scenery was absolutely unbelievable. The mist was hanging around the top of the rocky jagged mountains, the sun was shining partially on the village - postcard perfect picture. We left there and headed to Oviedo. The road was just as thrilling as yesterday. Hair pin bends, with only enough room for the motorhome and hoping like hell that no-one would come around the corner. The scenery was magnificent and the mountains majestic. We had our first sighting of snow on the mountain tops. We drove through many small villages, propped on mountain edges - ... read more
18.10.10 0 Riano to Arriondas
19.10.10 La Coruna
23.10.10 Tom's 60th birthday

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