Blogs from Old Town, Bratislava, Bratislava Region, Slovakia, Europe - page 5


Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region » Bratislava » Old Town July 24th 2010

Talk about confusion. Today has been full of it. To start, this is honestly the first time I've gotten horribly confused about European trains. I had to email my Slovakian tour company an ETA into Bratislava a couple of days ago, and used the Internet to figure out that I should be leaving Vienna from the Südbahnhof. Yesterday, though, I checked and my ticket to Bratislava says it's from Wien Westbahnhof to Bratislava via Kledering and Kittsee. Does such a train exist? No. Fortunately it's an open ticket, so no worries about time, which has been quite lucky. I got to the Westbahnhof and stared at the departure board for an extended period of time before realizing there was nothing departing for Bratislava. So I wandered over to the info desk and asked. Wrong station. Apparenty ... read more

Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region » Bratislava » Old Town March 10th 2010

Allen Unkenrufen zum Trotz haben wir unser gesamtes Gepäck in unserem Auto untergebracht, es ging also auch ohne Bus (Caddy (lieber Ronny ;-) ). Wild entschlossen stiegen wir trotz widriger Wetterbedingungen ins Auto und starteten gen Salzburg - und erkannten recht schnell, dass die fortschreitende Zeitangabe im Navi nicht eine falsche Uhrzeit, sondern die jeweils angepasste Ankunftszeit wiedergibt. Nach "nur" neun Stunden (statt geplanter vier Stunden) erreichten wir schließlich unser Zwischenziel am Mondsee bei Salzburg. Die Weiterreise am Folgetag verlief problemlos, wir trafen noch bei Tageslicht in Bratislava ein und konnten sofort unsere Wohnung beziehen. Das neue Zuhause ist fast perfekt - lediglich Tisch und Stühle fehlten. Dies behoben wir am nächsten Tag mit einem Ausflug zu IKEA Bratislava. Emilia ist von ihrem Zimmer begeistert und hat sich gut eingelebt, sie vermisst l... read more
Emlia freut sich auf die Reise
dank navi haben wirs dann auch gefunden, das BRATISLAVA !
Hier wohnen wir

Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region » Bratislava » Old Town March 4th 2010

Der Packwahnsinn ist im vollen Gange .... ... read more

Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region » Bratislava » Old Town October 24th 2009

Instead of stopping in Vienna again, we decided to go to Bratislava and see the capital of Slovakia, which is just 60km north of Vienna. Once again, we didn't have much time, but we did take a few pictures and walked around the Old Town. Even though it's quite close to Austria and Hungary, you can see and feel the difference in architecture, culture, food, and people. The Old Town is beautiful, full of old buildings and narrow streets on a hill, on top of which is a big castle overlooking the Danube river. We crossed Danube many times on our trip, and it's not quite exactly blue, but it's an important and impressive river in every city, whether Vienna, Bratislava or Novi Sad.... read more
Castle on top of a hill
NY, London, Toronto, etc
Just 6981km to Toronto

Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region » Bratislava » Old Town August 17th 2009

Monday Today we met at half 8 to catch the train to Bratislava, Slovakia. We caught the tram to the station and then got on the train. The journey took about an hour and was fairly scenic. When we got there George showed us where to go in the old town before he had to head back to Vienna. We headed up to the castle first. It was under rennovation but we walked around the outside and it gave us great views of Bratislava - a surprisingly cosmopolitan city. Apparently you could also see Vienna and Budapest from there. Tony found north on his compass but we still couldn't quite work out which was which! Then we took a walk down the hill back to the old town. A few people went for lunch and the ... read more

Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region » Bratislava » Old Town August 5th 2009

DAY112 Today we are traveling by train to Bratislava, Slovakia. The ride was about 3 hours. Not a long ride and we arrive by midday. In the train station we talk with the information women but not any real help with accommodations and then there are some young women at a hostel information booth and we talk with them about the several hostel here in town. The one that we preferred did not have a twin share, so we hop the tram and travel into the old town to the information office there. Here we are lucky because the gentleman is very helpful and we soon find a place that has what we need. Mainly Wi-Fi and a room here in the Old Part of Town. It comes at a hefty price of 90e for the ... read more

Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region » Bratislava » Old Town May 4th 2006

3 meals, 3 countries. Breakfast in Budapest, Lunch in Bratislava, Dinner in Vienna. Today we had to pay a really hefty fine to cross the boarder from Hungary to Slovakia - 2 cans of Coke. Both countries are part of the EU so border crossings are usually just a formality. The guard came onto the bus, looked up and down and saw Nev was drinking a Coke and said he wanted one. Of course Brad gave him one, then stopped and said he wanted 2. So Brad gave him another and he waved us through. No passport check - nothing... but the Cokes. Only in Slovakia for a total of a couple of hours. We barely even set our feet on the ground but our bums were solidly planted on the seats. All we did was ... read more

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