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June 28th 2015
Published: June 28th 2015
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Di waits for the next connection.
Well here we are back with the family in Bergen. Great to see the kids again and to see the new alterations in the house. A new kitchen and extended lounge with a revamped bathroom downstairs, along with a lot of new outdoor living areas. The house is certainly different since we were here last year. It is looking great. Also this year the Rhododendrons are still in full bloom which is unusual for when we come. Apparently everything is running a month late this year. Bergen became known as the City of Rhododendrons after the first ones were bought here in the mid 1800's and since then they have been planted in their thousands. Most of the roads have hundreds planted along them and along with Azaleas this make a fantastic showing when they are out. We usually miss them but this year struck it lucky. They would be one of my favourite shrubs and they appear to be in every garden. So far we haven't seen much sun but we know that it will come. We took Lilly to summer school and Stella to kindy on Thursday and Friday and we are so enjoying them and the welcome that
New Area.New Area.New Area.

Chris and Hege's house looks mazing with new alterations done. Di sits and tests this area out.
they gave us at the airport when we arrived on Wednesday. Unfortunately Di's suitcase didn't arrive with us after the long flights, Wellington to Auckland, Auckland to L.A, L.A to Heathrow and then onto Bergen. A long trip but worth it when you are meet by 2 excited kids. They were a bit disappointed that Nana didn't have her suitcase with her so they could explore it and see what we had bought for them, but we have finally got it today, Sunday. One of Lilly's birthday party's today for friends so a big day. Just starting to adjust to the time zone and also not waking up during the night and thinking why is it light when it is 2.30 at night. It does take a little bit of adjusting to. Lilly and Stella will be spending the days with us over the next few weeks so we are looking for adventures that we can do together. It's neat that we can spend so much time with them. Then, we head off to Spain with them mid July. We watched the Hurricanes win and also the Highlanders game so well pleased that it is an all NZ final next
Color everywere.Color everywere.Color everywere.

Looking out over the trees from the new dining room.
week. We will be watching here on Saturday morning local time. So all is well and I I trust all is well with everyone. Pip/Rod

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Lots of these around as well.

Home from kind and having a snack.

Not in her usual outfit but after a day at school which had a witch theme. She looked pretty scary when we picked her up.
Beautiful Trees.Beautiful Trees.
Beautiful Trees.

So many sizes and varsity's. I do love them.
Road Borders.Road Borders.
Road Borders.

Lots of roads have them on their borders.
Chris and Hege's HomeChris and Hege's Home
Chris and Hege's Home

The house from across the valley.

7th July 2015
Vivid Colors

Colors of summer

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