Day 2 - its all good

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Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen
October 31st 2007
Published: October 31st 2007
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So far, Norway is being very good to us. Granted we have only been here for a couple of days, but it just all is so easy. Travelling through a Scandinavian country is like a breath of fresh air (and there's lots of that, up here, for sure) after having travelled thru countries like Egypt, Morocco & Cuba....even France last month. I'm not saying that its necessarily a better experience, in fact, its not as rewarding as those other countries, but it certainly makes a change.

On the subject of fresh air, as I said, its pretty plentiful up here. I guess that's what people come here for. Famed for its natural beauty, I have been passing the time on our 6hr train ride to Bergen from Oslo, staring out the window, entranced by the stunning natural beauty. Lush hills covered with forest, dipping down into still blue lakes that look like glass, that stretch as far as the eye can see. I swear you would think this view would get boring, but I have had my camera out ready to snap every time we turn a corner.
I'm guessing this is why people rave about the South Island of NZ so much. Well I haven't been there so can't compare. Not yet, anyway, heading there in Jan 08 when we get back so I will present my comparison then.

However, I do keep thinking the scenery looks like what we saw on the train we rode thru US, through the states of Nebraska and Colorado, the same coloured wooden weatherboard houses poking out from the trees. And every now and then, a little town, that looks like....the town of Twin Peaks.

Aaah, lovely start to our epic journey (and a warm up to test how I fare spending hours on a train!).

Now in Bergen, and its raining, can you believe it. Not quite what I had pictured when deciding on this place as a stop off point. And its not London rain, that just drizzles and stops, this is full on, coming straight down, heavy rain! We have still booked to do a tour of the fjords tomorrow, (would really have been rude not to) so fingers crossed for clear skies tomorrow!


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