Blogs from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany, Europe - page 7


Europe » Germany » Mecklenburg-Vorpommern » Schwerin July 15th 2006

Recently we haven’t been exploring much of Germany, partly due to the World Cup and people being rather slack. But this weekend we decided to get off our butts and see some beautiful part of Germany that was yet to be explored. So waking up on a beautiful sunny morning we got ready and met at the Hauptbahnhof ready for our adventures. Our destination was Schwerin, which is in the North-East of Germany. So we caught our first train to Hamburg, had a twenty five minute wait, in which we had a quick look in the shops nearby. We then caught out second train to Schwerin. We arrived there at approx. 1.30pm and set off. We followed our map to find the castle (which was unfortunately being restored, so the exterior was ruined with scaffolding). On ... read more
2 - Schwerin Castle
3 - Schwerin Castle
4 - 1984

Europe » Germany » Mecklenburg-Vorpommern » Brunow September 14th 2005

Ten years ago I first set foot in this tiny place wondering how I could survive a week, let alone an entire year. My request to be placed with a family in the former DDR for my exchange year had been granted, but the old proverb of “Be careful what you wish for…” was running through my head as we rolled down one of only five streets in town to my new home. Forget looking for this place on any but the most detailed maps of Brandenburg; the village of Brunow’s two hundred some inhabitants generally don’t warrant mention among cartographers. But this completely off-the-beaten-path spot in one of Europe’s highly touristed countries now holds a charm for me that is hard to match in any other locale, for it is here that I not only ... read more
Heckelberg and Brunow
Harry Potter meets German Playground

Europe » Germany » Mecklenburg-Vorpommern » Schwerin August 9th 2004

大概是昨晚睡前讀畢旅遊書然後作出的神來一筆:這天暫且先不到不來梅,因為書上說Schwerin與Friedrichstadt皆是非常漂亮的地方 0922 RE1 Schwarzenbek   火車在這裡停了很久仍未開出。今天按時6:30起床,但見另外五個彪形大漢仍未起身,實在戰戰兢兢,匆匆收拾好便出門,臨走前那長髮的還給我揮手道別。   昨晚走的那條較直接的路實在太靜太隱蔽了,今天還要走回舊路,理論上還要多走4次。   到Hbf問了班次,我昨天才決定要去的Schwerin原來可直達,太好了(不過Friedrichstadt未必成行了),還剛好趕上火車,不過上車時太心急了,見下車的乘客漸疏便衝入,給一個女人用德文「訓示」(語氣倒不是罵人,但我仍然很尷尬)一番。 1011 RE Schwarzenbek   連DB壞車也給我遇上了!"Ist das kaputt?"那年青的職員點點頭。 那確實是一位非常年青的職員,他塗了很多髮蠟,金色的頭髮全向後梳,在月台上努力地拿著「手提售票機」不斷按呀按的,為受影響乘客辦理補票手續。但遇上一句英文也說不了的青年人還是首遭(而且是鐵路職員),我很努力才拼湊出那一問句。不知在月台上呆等了多久,接應的火車才到達 1018 RE   火車也在半路停下來,廣播過後乘客都笑了起來,只要不是再壞車便行了…… 1035 RE 行了一段又停下   又一輪廣播,乘客笑得更大聲,但同時車又啟動了。 1313 Lennestraβe@Schloβgarten 陣陣清風   到Schwerin Hbf已比預定遲了個多小時,反正去不了Friedrichstadt空出了時間,整天留在Schwerin吧。   我望到Information Centre有影印本地圖,但職員聽不憧英文(今天已經是第二個了),"Landkarten" "Stadtkarte?" "Ja!"我又再拿著一份免費的地圖闖蕩江湖了。   我昨天看書才決定到Schwerin,但這裡又的確值得留一天。美麗的建築物是例牌菜(大風得很... read more
St. Pauls Kirche

Europe » Germany » Mecklenburg-Vorpommern » Rostock November 30th 1991

A couple of years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Visiting the former East Germany. Satellite dishes are decorating nearly every balcony or window of every building. A bizarre sight on the gray concrete blocks serving as residential housing. In some areas they were quick to adapt to the western way of life. In others not so much. Apparently funding for the restoration of the road network didn't have the highest of priorities. Autobahn in former Eastern Germany did not quite measure up to it’s Western German equivalent. Built on initiative of the nazis for speedy transports of the troops. Solid and reliable, but hopelessly outdated on some stretches. The one between Rostock and Berlin was one of these bumpier parts. Bump, bump, bump. Every 50 or so feet, a bump. The bus ride would ... read more

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