Day Deux

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August 21st 2007
Published: August 21st 2007
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Today classes actually begin. We had a great 3.5 hour lecture from a professor at Sciences Po. It was really interested and kind of theoretical (about what determines "L'Etat"--the State-- and why it has crediability), but it ended up being so long and given that we are all jet lagged, the last hour was pretty tough to sit through. We all went out for baguettes again for lunch, then back to class to learn about how to write a french paper. Apparently an opinion is not needed, just knowledge of both sides of the argument in a very formal structure. After classes ended, we all went our seperate ways for the afternoon to finish running errands and such. I went grocery shopping, and couldn't given in to nutella and riz-au-lait (there's not much left... oops!). Then afterwards, I decided to go and investigate another part of Paris. I took the Metro to St. Lazare, then got off and looked around the station. It's huge and in a beautiful old building, which an odd clock statue in the front (see picture). After being accosted by a young man who was trying to insist I buy his magazine, I decided to walk to Pereire, which is apparently further than I thought it was! I walked past the trains, an old mini, and somehow ended up opposite the Dome Cafe(in Villiers) where mother, father, james and I used to have breakfast on Sunday mornings before walking through the market. It looks very different from what it used to. The Dome seems much more modern, and all our of old market places have changed-- except the book store and the fruit stand that mother got asked on a date at! The old merry-go-round is still there though!

I eventually gave up and went to metro stop and took the train to Pereire, saw Bistro 17, then left.

That's my day today. Enjoy the pictures.

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22nd August 2007

YAY MS. BUTTON!!!!!! Your pictures are awesome and not in the least bit touristy :)
26th August 2007

Yay Trains!
You need to ride the TGV while you're there and take lots of pictures of that too!

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