washed out!!


Well...we finally made it to the twin volcano island in the largest tropical lake in the world, Lago de Nicaragua..also the home of the only freshwater shark known to man. It's the place ALL the backpackers talk about and a perfect spot for a crater climb! ..now here's the deal..we got up at about 5am thinking the world was coming to an end after having tossed and turned all night to the sound of the craziest storm either of us has ever experienced..we even ran out to check if there was a lake of lava pouring down the hill to polish us off, thinking with that much noise and rumbling the volcano must have been about to erupt! False alarm...nonetheless, after about an hour and a half following a very soggy guide up the side of the thing in the pouring rain, we had to call off the already paid for 10 hour hike and head home..bummer.

We left the island this morning a little poorer and a little bitterer than before, finding our way to the dodgy capital Managua, a place with no real centre and no landmarks to assist navigation, but plenty of bandido gangs and delinquentes making sure we spent most our time indoors! Tomorrow morning another 5am start, this time for Tegucigalpa, Honduras. That'll be country 5!

The cyber cafe is about to shut, so once again, no pics..you'll just have to guess!

P.S. Grattis Tobbe pa fodelsedagen!!..and congratulations to M & G for working the thing out (P.P.S. you seem to have conveniently forgotten to send a certain number to us..we're not sure about that!)

Hugs and kisses.


22nd July 2005

did you get the number?
I sent the number in a private message (och det kanske tog några timmar extra för att jag tydligen behövde bekräfta från min mail...upptäckte jag nyss...)to you just so not the whole world that reads this page will call my friend... I hope you got it before you left the nation...

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