random thoughts wednesday - tickets to the wedding & ordering my custom made dress

Published: April 14th 2010
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2.30 PM

Well, I did it. I ordered my wedding dress to be made. Will cost $250, or 5,300 cords, and comes with the crown and veil, a ring pillow, a pillow for the money thing, and the money thing.

I am exhausted.

8.30 AM

Woohoo! I just checked my email annnnnnd my family has tickets and so does Arielle!

That means I have my family, Arielle, LB, and Cassi allllllll for sure coming!

8 Thurs - Baade Family Arrives! at 7:30 PM

13 Tues - Arielle Arrives! at 11:30 AM

14 Wed - Cassi Arrives! at ?????

15 Thurs - Bachelor y Bachelorette Party, Esteli, at 6 PM - 2 AM

16 Fri - LB Arrives! at 11:30 AM
16 Fri - Rehearsal and Dinner, Moropoto


18 Sun - LB leaves 😞 at 12:00 PM
18 Sun - my dad's birthday
18 Sun - Canyon of Somoto?

21 Wed Baade Family leaves 😞 at 7:00 AM

25 Sun Arielle leaves 😞 at 12:00 PM

27 Tues Cassi leaves 😞 from Panama... at ?????


15th April 2010

WooHoo AND Yaaay-yes!!
It was so good to hear your voice tonight! AND,...good to hear you taking deep breaths and enjoying your stay in Esteli! Oh, Molly, NO YOUNG BRIDE SHOULD HAVE TO ORDER HER OWN DRESS AND GO ALONE TO HER FITTING. Sometimes, either *I* just suck .... OR you are just too far away. Both. Anyway, good job. I'm happy that you are so thrilled with your choices, and I can hardly wait to see you wearing your beautiful, HAND CUSTOM MADE Nicaraguan wedding gown. Yes, we finally have tickets and a 'real' schedule. Now, just to get through these next coupla months so we can just GET THERE ALREADY!! Love you and miss you. Hugs enc. for you and Lenin and ALL of everyone else! X O
16th April 2010

I KNOW.......
Molly, I KNOW that you're stressin' over schedules and making sure that everyone ELSE is having a good and satisfying visit during your WEDDING!!!! Am guessing that the debit card thang didn't help with everything else today. SO,...."just breathe", as that beautiful song says. TRY to relax a little and ENJOY all of this! OK? WE WILL handle the debit card mess from up here. No worries about $ ANYMORE!!! Promise?? Meanwhile, back in Missouri, this weekend is the Dogwood Festival...parade, carnival, etc. The trees are all leafing out so fast right now that a person can SERIOUSLY see the difference from one day to the next! Dogwood blossoms are being encased in "the green wall" of home. AND,......may I call you "MS. EDITOR" now?? CONGRATS, My Molly!! Well done! Love you! XO
16th April 2010

another PS
BUT,.......in spite of it all,......sure was good hearing your voice today!!

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