Día del Niño ("Kid's Day")

Published: September 21st 2007
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Okay, imagine all the candy and presents from Christmas, Halloween and Easter rolled up in one day... and that's a taste of Honduras' Día del Niño.

Today the kids went to school, but there were absolutely no classes. Instead they had cake, soda, pizza, piñatas, prizes, candy, games, toys, gifts, free time, water balloons, and anything else to make the day crazy-fun!

At my host family's church we even had a piñata for the neighborhood kids. There's something about free candy and food that brings everybody out...I had no idea there were even that many kids in our neighborhood!! (Looks like I've got more wook ahead of my for the Sunday School!)

After the little kids had their chance at the piñata, and the bigger kids wacked it up, I even got to take a swing at it! The whole experience is much more than hitting the thing with a stick, and it can be absolutely hilarious to watch! Pastor Nahún had fun making the "Hello Kitty" piñata dance up and down out of reach of the blindfolded kid. It can also be a dangerous expereince when the kid with the stick keeps wacking while the others crowd around to get the candy! More than one greedy candy-getting went away with a goose egg on his head!

The foreigners I've talked to have differing opinions on this day set aside to celebrate kids. Some think a better name is "Let kids get away with anything they want while stuffing them full of sugar" day. Others see it as a special way to appreciate the children we have and be reminded of their worth. Personally, I think it's mostly in the way the day is carried out. If it's nothing more than pastel and piñatas than it's probably misused. But if one takes the time to really let the children know that they're special and have a future ahead, then it can be a wonderful celebration. Unfotunately I think the former is standard.

Still, I had a great time celebrating this day and just enjoying it for what it is! It's also a good reminder for me to continue to PRAY for the kids in Honduras and especially Copán. Sometimes I get so caught up in just DOING the stuff for them (teaching, Bible Clubs, trainings, etc.), that I don't put in the solid PRAYER time that I know makes all the difference! Please pray with me for the children of Honduras! (THANK YOU!!!)

PS I've got some super-fun photos of the celebrations...but need to get some more internet time to post them. Hopefully soon!


21st September 2007

I realized I should have put this a public comment rather than a private one. Looking forward to your photos when you have time. Love and prayers!! April - I just finished catching up on your blog (9/4) . You have a way with MANY things (teaching, believing, patience, care for others, love for God and many more) but you also have a way with words. As I read each of your entries on your various involvements in Hondouras I could feel the love you have for what you are doing, it seems to be sheer joy. I hope that makes sence to you. As I have mentioned before you have done and are doing such wonderful things for so many people it is a honor to be a relative of yours. I pray that Felix (hurricane) doesn't/hasn't caused problems with you, yours and Hondouras. Love, prayers and thoughts are with you A.Betsy
17th March 2010

yo quiero un dsi para mi y mis amigos para jugar en mi casa y en la escuela con mis super amigos.

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