Copan, Honduras Day 1

Published: June 18th 2007
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Hotel Brisas de CopanHotel Brisas de CopanHotel Brisas de Copan

Our hotel in Copan Ruinas, Honduras.
We found out that not only was the tour comprised of only 6 people, we had a big 40-passenger bus! We loaded up and left Antigua. The bus was very comfortable, with reclining seats, two table and chair sets in the back and a good-sized paperback library and a cooler. After about 2 1/2 hours, we stopped for a quick stretch and then continued to the Honduras border about 2 hours later. We waited on the bus while the tour leader Lisa showed our passports and paid our border fees, 10 Quetzals each ($1.50) to leave Guatemala and $3 US to enter Honduras. We also bought some Lempiras (Honduras money) from one of the ever-present moneychangers at the border. Copan Ruinas (the name of the town... Copan is the name of the ruins..go figure!) was only 10 km away. We arrived in Copan Ruinas, toted our bags a couple blocks to the hotel (the bus couldn't get any closer) and checked into the Hotel Brisas de Copan. A very nice multi-level hotel with two large beds, TV, private bath-shower. The tour leader gave us a brief walking tour of the small town. Afterwards, we walked to Cafe Welchez for a
Manoli and the hammock!Manoli and the hammock!Manoli and the hammock!

Manoli enjoying one of the hammocks on the roof of our hotel in Copan Ruinas.
couple of cafes con leche made from their own locally-grown coffee and a dessert. We strolled around the gift shops til it was time for dinner and just as we decided to eat at a nearby restaurant, the power went off! We went to the restaurant anyways, Carnelitas Nia Lolas, since they had candles, and just when we were wondering how we could read the menus the lights came back on. I forgot to mention that it started to rain around 2pm and continued off and on all night. For dinner I had a chicken fajita and Manoli had fruit salad. Both were excellent, filling, and about 179 Lempiras (about $20) and we each had a fruit drink for that too. Well, getting late, so back to the room. Tomorrow the Mayan ruins of Copan!


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