How to watch the superbowl on a tropical island

Published: February 27th 2009
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Sunday was the superbowl, and of course I had to watch, since the Cardinals had made it to this point... quite obviously hell must have frozen over

Reid, the latest and greatest intern, had arrived the day before. Alice, Mindy, and I took the day off, which to Brian meant we were all taking the day off, including Michel and Reid... that was quite the first morning for Reid, to have his ride to work drive off without him

Anyways, I digress. Michel and Reid made it to work, and we enjoyed our lazy Sunday. More like Alice and I went down the backyard to Patricks where Mindy was staying, and Annie Carl Alyssa and Jordan were still in Brick Bay as well either, at Patricks or Brians, though Carl and Jordan had gotten a place in West End. We moped around for a bit, played online, watched tv and whinged about how there was nothing to do on Roatan (to be fair, there really is nothing to do here except dive or drink...) eventually we decided we should take Carl down to west end so he could drop off his stuff before we drank too much and nobody could drive the van... We picked up Albert (one of the boat captains) at the Petro Sun at Coxen Hole, and continued on our merry way down to West End... Mindy driving. On the way to West End, there was a police checkpoint to check that everyones registration was current... As Mindy slowed down and pulled over to the side, she came up against one of the cop's motorbikes... the handlebar got wedged up against the back side window of the van... so Mindy decided she should move the van, and so almost toppled the motorbike... the look on the cop's face was priceless! Thankfully Albert was with us, and so talked to the cop, who asked why she was driving, since she obviously couldnt drive... eventually it was decided that the cop needed some money for gas for his motorbike, and this is how a van full of gringo hippies bribed a cop in Central America... of course as we tried to drive off, Mindy stalled the van three times

We got to their room at the end of the road in West End, and found Luke and Garth (Garth was a previous intern and now an instructor in the West End, and Luke was a previous intern from October who had come back after traveling to pick up his stuff he had left on the island before going off to the US and then home to Australia). So we brought them with us and went to Jenny's to watch the game. Sat at the bar most of the night eyes glued to the screen, and chatted with Luke and Reid while we watched

Was quite happy until the end of the game when the Steelers ended up winning... ah well at least the Cardinals made a good showing. However, if the Steelers had not gotten that last touchdown, I would have won the pool for the ending numeral of the scores... so I was doubly bummed!


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