Blogs from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Central America Caribbean - page 4


Hey everybody, so here's the deal. I'm still waiting to hear the official word on Honduras, but for right now I'm in the Dominican Republic until the 22nd of July. I'm living in a host family in Santo Domingo for the first three weeks of training which consists of language/cultural/technical training. After three weeks we're supposed to go to Honduras BUT everything seems to be up in the air right now. Things are going well although it certainly is hot, but for sure that is something to get used to. Hope things are going well with everybody and I'll check in again soon!... read more

Hey one and all, Just thought Id update you all on a few things. Not too much to update actually. All has been well with my classes, they are hard to take seriously sometimes but I am trying. So I think that taking classes with Dominicans has been quite the experience, I like having the opportunity to talk with the locales, and not make such a fool out of myself because I actually have a reason to do so. I made one friend in particular that will not speak to me in spanish because he thinks that he has to speak slowly but I am at the point that I really do not need people to speak slowly to me anymore. I try to explain this to him but he still speaks to me in English, ... read more

DR ROUND 2!!!!!!!! Well here I am again, attempting to continue this not so successful blog but I thought I should let you all know how round two is going! First and foremost, the city of Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic. I love it! So much more fast and bustling and so much more too see and experience. Also the people are much easier to understand for some reason, it is probably a combination of the fact that I have already been here for four months but I know the Southern part is much easier to grasp because when I travel in the south it is easier to communicate and I visited Santiago the other weekend, people were still difficult to understand. I don’t know why this is, but I certainly am ... read more

Hola everyone, As you all know I’ve been looking and looking for apartments like a crazy person. I have found the location of where I want tot stay. There is a street called Anna Caona and on one side of the street is this giant park. It is beautiful, and people are running thru it and there are spots in the park that are Wi-Fi hot spots. It is very safe. On the other side of the street are apartment buildings. Sammy Sosa has a place here. I saw one apartment that is within my budget, and I might get to see two more on Monday. Then I should be able to move this week. I hope!! I attached a picture of the view of the park from an apartment on the ninth floor that’s available, ... read more

Its getting late here, but I wanted to post some pictures of the new ACS CompIQ team. We are almost done with training and it has been great! I haven't posted any blogs this week, because everyday after work I go apartment hunting and I don't get back to the hotel until late. I am really close to picking one. I can't wait to move into my new apartment. then I will be able to relax more after work. Well I'll catch you up with what I've been up to this weekend. Have a great Friday tomorrow!!... read more
LZ Training

Today was uneventful. I worked most of the day, I took a break to work out at the gym for an hour and a half. Then I came back to my room and finished up some more work. That’s it. I also sorted some laundry. Some of you wanted to see the picture I took of Jesus, yesterday when my camera was acting up. So I attached it to this blog. I expect tomorrow to be way more interesting than today. I’ll let you know!! ... read more

This morning I had a blast!! I looked at two apartments and I really liked one of them. I will look at some more on Monday. There is an apartment that has a gym that I’m looking forward to seeing. After looking at apartments I went exploring. I went to the boulevard were vendors and shops line the streets. I looked around at everything. Then I went to see the oldest church in all of the Americas. There is a statue of Christopher Columbus in front of the church. Across the street from the church was the Hard Rock Café. I bought a hat. There was some commotion outside the church because some ladies from the US wanted inside and the guards wouldn’t let them because their shorts were too short. One of the tour guides ... read more
school zone
Front of Church
church bells

Hey everyone…. I missed yesterday - sorry!! I was busy with some work stuff…. So today was another great day in training. My team is really coming along. Yesterday, I was picked up at the office buy a different driver. His name was Julio. Julio wanted to show me the DRs version of the White House. So he drove me past it on the way to my hotel. I have some pictures attached. But he didn’t slow down and my camera doesn’t just take a picture when I hit the button, so sorry, the pictures aren’t very good. One thing the pictures don’t show are the guards. There were guards all over the place with machine guns. I said to Julio, that it doesn’t look like they want any one to jump the fence… He told ... read more
Sugar Cane Mem
Sugar Cane 2

Today was a GREAT training day! We got a lot done. I hope every day from now on is like today! I will try to remember to take some pictures of my new team. I was going to take some pictures of the crazy traffic on my way home tonight, but my camera went dead. I will put new batteries in and make sure to take some pictures tomorrow. Today would have been the greatest day for pictures! It was pouring rain and we passed a couple of bad accidents. Nangy pointed out one car that was totally smashed and said “now that’s a good car, you see, where the people are - the car isn’t bent”. Plus, I wanted to take a picture of the motorcyclists who had their helmets on today - its because ... read more

Every morning I pass Christopher Columbus’ memorial on the way to work. This memorial is somewhat of a controversy here. Christopher Columbus is a bad man to the Dominicans. He is responsible for killing all the original Indians here in the DR. No one here likes him at all. The memorial was built, but no one wants it. It is also part of another controversy between Spain and the DR. Spain says they have the bones of Christopher Columbus and the DR says they have them. I guess even Cuba says they have them. It’s a big deal. The pictures attached are of the memorial. Today was a better day. I think I’m over the jet lag. The group wanted to change their hours from 9-6 to 8-5. We will start this new schedule tomorrow. This ... read more

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