Blogs from Curaçao, Central America Caribbean - page 6


Central America Caribbean » Curaçao February 2nd 2008

Happy Groundhog Day everyone! Not sure whether or not Wiarton Willie saw his shadow or not but hope you are all well in reading this blog. I hate to talk about the sunny days in Curacao but there have been many here when I know many of you have been digging yourselves out of your driveways filled with snow! Every day the sun shines here in Curacao and the skies are blue with white puffy clouds with only occasional rain! (that only really lasts for 10 minutes). Over this past week I have spent a lot of time reading, roaming around town and learning about how to live in a family in Curacao. Speaking Spanish all the time and being surrounded by people speaking their native tongue that you don't understand can become challenging. I am ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Curaçao January 28th 2008

Bon tarde! Hello everyone, I hope that you have been receiving some of the sunshine I have been sending up north! Today the temperature was 29C and there was just a little rain shower in the afternoon. This past weekend I spent most of my time visiting with my friend Amarelys. We went on a drive out to Caracasbaai and saw all the very expensive homes right on the waterside. We climbed up into an old tower that was used as a fortification by the Dutch against the Spaniards. We wandered down town in Willemstad and checked out the sales in the stores. I even bought a nice summer top! On Sunday I attended the Ebenezer Presbyterian Church and got the chance to sing with my friends here. Being in that church reminded me of being ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Curaçao January 25th 2008

Hello everyone, Well I arrived here safe and sound last night and was welcomed by my three friends Elizabeth, Amarelys and Farida at the airport. The flight was uneventful and for the last leg I had my three seats to myself... I read mostly. Last night we chatted a fair amount here with everyone and caught up. Elizabeth's mom and sister speak little English so I am speaking spanish most of the time. Thank God I still remember a lot of it and I am getting better at remembering the tenses too... If I don't remember words I am asking for translations but so far so good. Today I got up with Eliz and Melissa, sister and went to see where they go to school. I then took a mini-bus down into Willemstad itself. This is ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Curaçao January 25th 2008

Hey everyone, Ok so the true is, I didn't eat a whole iguana but I did get to try some today. It tastes like chicken really with a whole lot of bones. As they say, you only live once! Today Elizabeth and I went on a fantastic bus trip all over the island. Of course, Elizabeth is from here but went to places she has never been to before. Here are some of the things I learned today! They are in no particular order 1) It is not a strange occurence to see a man walking down the street carrying 4 ft long iguanas, one in each hand! 2) The reason why the buildings are all painted different colours in Willemstad is because a doctor in the town went to the Governor and told him that ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Curaçao November 26th 2007

After dinner one night, sitting out back, dark, swirling water, swells rolling thru’, it’s so much spookier at night, the foreboding-meter ratchets up to 11, I chuck a piece of leftover bread out the back…suddenly a massive splash, flash of silver and gone!…quick!!….out with the line…. bit of somescrap on the hook and in….the line didn’t get 10’ down and whack…big fight…this one’s a real goer…..the handline is slipping thru’ dinner greasy fingers…I can’t hold it when it runs…slowly clawing back ground….finally fought it onboard, a big Horse Eye Jack…looks edible so I skin and fillet it…darkish firm flesh, a bit tunalike…we ate it next night….not too bad….would be good curry. Next I let out a line with just a hook, floating on a piece of bread…10 mins and snap again…this time a nice sized ... read more
french angel fish
little grouper

Central America Caribbean » Curaçao November 25th 2007

We stayed a little too long in Peurto la Cruz Venezuela after hurricane Felix kissed Bonaire, our next main island. Finally we got out to the Venezuelan offshore island, and the were georgous. Fantastic water, snorkelling, diving, fishing and eating. Eventually getting to Bonaire, we were in divers paradise on an island that got the nature preserve idea early on. There waters are totally protected and provide over 150 marked dive sites and we made the most of it every day for 2 weeks. Now in Curacou, we wait another window in the weather to head down the Columbian coast to Cartegna. Here it is more populated and no less beautiful, just not as laid back. The shopping here is fantastic and we have been able to buy the best of the world in food and ... read more

Someone, sometime long, long ago, decided that the center of Willemstad, the capital, was the ideal place to situate an oil refinery. Maybe it was because a natural deepwater harbour was located here or maybe someone thought that upper respiratory tract infection would be trendy for the locals in 2007. We think the former was the reason and that the latter was an unfortunate side effect. The Isla refinery, formerly owned by Shell who sold it to the government for USD 1, is now a Venezuelan concern. Its furnaces and phallic chimneys belch black smoke high into the air and spew fire 24 hours a day, everyday. Wind shift would send pungent fumes in different directions. Huge oil tankers sail thru the narrow Santa Annabaai and under the impressive Emmabrug which spans the canal and on ... read more
Ostrich Feeding
Shanna and Ozzy

As a matter of principle, we must feature Curacao. The trip started there, we will pass thru it at least three times before we say 'goodbye' and, not least of all, we lived there for a year or so. Plus, our friends and fans and history would not forgive us. The island is bright and cheerful in most parts. It is the kind of place where people are not afraid to paint their homes and businesses in the brightest combinations of colours. Curacao is a small Dutch Caribbean island located 40 miles from the west coast of Venezuela. It is a part of the 5-island Netherlands Antilles with the others being St. Maarten, Saba, St. Eustatius and Bonaire. It is 444 km, or just about 141 square miles. Willemstad, its capital, is split in two by ... read more
The Punda Skyline
Prosecutor's office
The Marvelous Marble Central Bank

I guess you can say that this is a lemon-to-lemonade type story. We both quit our jobs for similar reasons and faced with the prospect of being unemployed, we decided to do something we had dreamt and spoken about ... a world tour. With the decision made, we jumped into setting the priorities. We decided on the places to visit - from Cuba to Australia and most everywhere in between. We'll swim in the turquiose waters of Aruba, soak up the majesty of Kaieteur Falls in Guyana and sleep in the lush hinterlands of Surinam, admire the lights of Times Square, New York and segway thru Centennial Park in Atlanta. Maybe catch a game of cricket at Lord's in England and take pictures at the RLD in Amsterdam, take a safari in South Africa and gaze ... read more
Oh no, not THE eyes
Home in a bag

Central America Caribbean » Curaçao August 31st 2006

It was my boyfriend's dream as a kid to swim with Dolphins. So to make his dream come true I've been doing research and found this site It is located at Sea Aquarium Curacao (Southern Caribbean), which was great! There are different programs, depending on your age, budget and what you prefer. Pregnant women can only participate in the Dolphin Encounter Program. Before all the activities, you will receive instructions from the trainers. Customers must fill in an assumption of risk waiver before the activity of: Dolphin Swim and Dolphin Snorkel. You must get there before hand to pay for your activity and they will hand you the color coded wrist band for your activity and different color coded wrist band for the spectators. You must bring along bathing suit, towel and suntan lotion. ... read more
Dolphin Academy
Trivago - Hotel reviews and Travelguide
Dolphin Academy

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