Page 13 of wanderweg Travel Blog Posts

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Powell River September 12th 2016

We spent the morning finding our way around the house, doing washing, checking out the immediate area and then going along the coast to a well known cafe to see how the coffee measured up. Not bad at all. After lunch we took the car along to the coastal walkway and walked along as far as we could to the Vancouver Island ferry jetty and mariner. Strangely, it was cooler at the house property than in town and we were soon stripped down to singlet and shorts as it was much warmer along the coast. The views from the walkway are out to a large island with Vancouver Island in the distance with snow capped mountains. It is a peaceful laid back sort of location which is hardly surprising since the road goes only 20 odd ... read more
Powell River Mariner
A beer by the sea
Setting sun over the bay

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Powell River September 11th 2016

The day didn't start off quite so well with Linds having a stomach upset probably from something he ate last night so I had a lovely breakfast by myself. We packed our bags and with some instructions from Alan to call on an excellent bakery in Function Junction and some water falls on the way south, we were off on the road again. It was sad to leave Whistler where we know there was so much more to do than we had time for. Not far from Function Junction are some waterfalls called Brandywine Falls which proved to be very popular with weekend travellers. It is a 15 walk into the falls that cascade over a cliff at the back of a horseshoe shaped amphitheatre made up of basalt. Because basalt shrinks into columns as it ... read more
Mountains and glaciers seen on the way to Vancouver

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Whistler September 10th 2016

Today is a huge 122km bike race from Vancouver to Whistler with 4000 entries. It is called the GranFondo and is one of the main cycling events in North America each year. The main car park is closed for competitors and prize giving, roads are diverted and the main road has a lane taken out. So, what to do in order not to get too tangled with this event? Our host suggested that since we were in Whistler South we should continue in that area and hike up a river valley to a small lake called Logger Lake. It would also incorporate seeing the bike riders coming up the main route into Whistler. First, we went into Creekside to get some lunch then packed a backpack and set off on a shared bike trail just down ... read more
Logger lake
A strange caterpillar

North America » Canada » British Columbia September 9th 2016

What a perfect day! It started with a superb breakfast of fresh fruit, croissants, crepes filled with spinach and cheese sauce and scrambled egg. It was beautifully cooked and presented. Later, in Whistler Village we bought a day ticket to the gondolas to take us high up on the mountains. We were amazed at the number of mountain bikes and bikers in the area also going up. There are many trails for them and the bikes are put in the gondolas ahead of the riders in the next car. It seems to be the craze for the younger set at present. The first gondola was the Whistler Village Gondola up to Roundhouse Lodge on Whistler Mountain at 1850m which took 30 minutes up over forest and finally to the rocks, trees and alpine plants above. Whistler ... read more
A mountain robin?
A Pika
Lunch spot by a mountain tarn

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Whistler September 8th 2016

Our day started with a shoe purchase for me since my Nike's are bald and we're intending to do some hiking in Whistler. The sports shop guy was a sport enthusiast and very helpful. He had also run in NZ so there was much to talk about. We had an amazing driving day as we went through dramatic scenery. As we left Kamloops we travelled alongside a large lake where we could see an incredibly long train on the other side so we stopped to take a photos and a video. The train must have been more than a kilometre long with two engines hauling it along. It looked like a long coloured snake against the mountains and lake. We drove through badlands with heavily eroded steep rocky hillsides dropping away to flat irrigated farmland. At ... read more
Fraser River near Lillooet
Steep terraces along Fraser River
Creekside Village, Dusty's Pub

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Kamloops September 7th 2016

Well, what can I say about our B&B at Osoyoos. It was a case of Mr Grumpy (French) and Basil from Fawlty Towers rolled into one. The TV wouldn't go so he did his nut about it being caused by the previous people in the room. He was difficult to get a smile or polite answer from and it all seemed to be just so much bother!! Needless to say TripAdvisor will get a writeup from me. The B&B is out of Osoyoos on a Vineyard which could have been quite nice except that there wasn't anything to do or see. There certainly wasn't bottle of wine to be seen or a glass to have a wine. There wasn't even the offer of a cup of tea. Weird. After what was a very good breakfast we ... read more
A wonderful road but where are the cars?

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Osoyoos September 6th 2016

Today was a travel day through some pretty amazing territory. It wasn't what we expected at all. In effect it is all desert apart from the valleys which are all irrigated. Outside of the irrigated areas are rocks, gravel, tussock, low scrub and the wide river of the Okanogan River dammed in places along the way. The colours were unrelenting grey and brown with green to liven it up along the river terraces. It was like driving through a very big Waitaki River valley like we have in the South Island. It was Central Otago and Marlborough rolled into one except for the vastness. We drove over 250km and nearly the whole way was apples, pears, stone fruit, cherry orchards and vineyards. Can you imagine the size of the production? Along the valleys were huge packing ... read more
Along the Okanogan Valley
The vineyard at our B&B in Osoyoos

North America » United States » Washington » Chelan September 5th 2016

Today is our last day around the Lake Chelan area so we said farewell to Don and Jane and a thankyou for their hospitality and home exchange. It has been a comfortable and relaxing place to be. We do recommend Home Exchange as an alternative to the usual way of travel. You get to meet new people and go to places you may not have considered. We certainly would not have considered coming here but for belonging to the huge world wide audience of Exchangers. You can choose non-simultaneous as we have or a direct swap. Requests come from all over the world and you can state your preferences on your own account whether you are interested or not. After a leisurely breakfast by the lake in the sun we walked up the road to Kelly's ... read more
House from the jetty
View up the lake from the State Forest Park

North America » United States » Washington » Chelan September 4th 2016

Today has been a day of exercise. We met Don and Jane at the house, adjusted the bikes, and set off up the Lake to the end of the road. At Fields Point turnoff we stopped for a catchup and I managed to get my foot stuck in the pedal and fell off. Not elegantly either. Lindsay and Don continued to the road end (2 miles ahead) while I went rock hunting with Jane (willingly or not) being educated all about intrusive metamorphic rocks. There was a pile of blasted out rocks so it was easy to check out pegmatite sills and quartz veins in the gneiss, schist and amphiboles. Interesting for me anyway. We all caught up again at Kelly's Store (Umbria Cafe) for an excellent coffee. The young woman there was most accommodating as ... read more
Regenerating forest

North America » United States » Washington » Chelan September 4th 2016

Today was essentially a boat day. There are only two boats a day going up the Lake - a fast one and a not so fast. One would only give an hour at the destination so we chose the fast one up and the slow one back to give us 3 hours in Stehekin which still isn't enough but the best option. The Lake is a long 90 kilometres so we opted to drive up to Fields Point and catch it there saving an hour of the journey. When I consider the steep sided lake, they have an amazingly good road to 25 miles up then nothing from there on. It is wide and paved and certainly an improvement on what we're used to around our national parks. At Fields Point we joined the boat which ... read more
Rainbow Falls
The old Stehekin School
View of the Stehekin River and into the Cascades hinterland

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