Page 8 of tinyisgreat Travel Blog Posts

Geo: 36.5077, -118.575It took us a little over a three hour drive to get to Buckeye Flat Campground at Sequoia National Park. Unfortunately, I had some sort of stomach bug so I was pretty nauseous this entire trip. I toughed it out anyway. Chris and I have this mantra as parents now, "We're always going to be tired." It's just our faces at this point. So we might as well enjoy life, travel and do what we dream of anyway because we're never not going to be tired and we're often going to be sick since our toddler is a little petri dish of germs. That being said, we chose to camp in the foothills of the park. What I didn't realize beforehand was that even though on a driving map the campground appears very close ... read more
Enjoying the Sunset View at Beetle Rock
Sunset View at Beetle Rock
Mama Bear and her Two Cubs

North America » United States » California » Santa Cruz July 25th 2016

Geo: 36.974, -122.031We woke again to another chill morning the next day. It was cooling off day by day, and it wasn't going to be nearly as hot today as that first day had been. We cooked our breakfast burritos again, did the dishes and then began packing up camp. By 10am, we were out of our campsite and headed down the mountain to Santa Cruz.We stopped Downtown to get some Verve coffee, one of our "must always stop" places in Santa Cruz. Then walked down a few shops to the bookstore, one of my favorite bookstores in area. As much as I love to cheaply by books off, there's something about non-chain bookstores that I absolutely fall in love with. I wanted to hunt down some more books because I was seriously about to ... read more
Rocking out at Santa Cruz Bookshop
Chillin at the Beach

North America » United States » California July 24th 2016

Geo: 37.1852, -122.23Even though the temperature the previous day had hit 100F, the nights still dropped to a chill 40F. We co-slept with the baby to make sure she stayed warm. She only occasionally thwarted this by somehow maneuvering into the most ridiculous upside down and diagonal positions, as well as taking over my pillow. Sleeping while camping is always a little rough for me, depending on how much energy I expended that day. So, I woke up alot and stared out at the stars and treetops through our open top tent. We left off the rain guard so the tent wouldn't bake during the day. I'd always fall back asleep soon enough. I was worried Arya wouldn't sleep while camping since we had so much trouble with it the previous year but she ended up ... read more
Chill, Brisk Morning
Chugging Coffee and Milk
Making Breakfast

North America » United States » California July 23rd 2016

Geo: 37.0514, -122.072Since check-in for Big Basin SP wasn't until 2pm, and it was only an hour and a half drive from home, we decided to spend our morning at Roaring Camp Railroad in Felton. Our first mistake was completely underestimating weekend beach traffic. We left at 9am thinking we'd have plenty of time to get coffee, gas and make the hour drive over Highway 17 to the park. By the time it was nearly 10:30am, we were still only outside of Los Gatos, and our toddler had long lost her patience in the back seat. Chris had also forgot his e-reader at work, so he was in dire need of a book for the weekend. So, we pulled over in a very congested downtown Los Gatos in search of a book shop. It took awhile ... read more
Welcome to Roaring Camp
Playing on the Wagon
On Standby for Tickets, We Hope

Geo: 29.9537, -90.0778This was my last day in NOLA and I was ready to head home to eat a giant salad. I'd had a long week of binging on food and drinking every night. It was time to relax again. Not that I actually know how to be still for very long. I get bored and need to move or accomplish something. Anyway, check out was 10am but my classes were going to last until 1pm. So, that meant dragging all my luggage with me class to class at the conference center. While I wasn't the only nurse doing so I think I was probably the one with the most luggage. I felt like I would have been amusing to watch- midget buried under all her own crap moving at turtle pace.After my classes, it was ... read more
Bringing All My Luggage to Class
My Luggage. Its Heavy.

Geo: 29.9537, -90.0778This was my last full day of classes and I'm not gonna lie, I was way more interested in sight-seeing at this point. I went to a morning class and then headed back out to meet Anna for last minute wandering and eating. We were supposed to do another walking tour that day but we cancelled last minute so we could souvenir shop. I met her at the famed Cafe du Monde so we could compare it to the beignets we had our first night in town. Verdict? I prefer the other place more. Cafe du Monde was crispier and I enjoyed the softer ones more. It all comes down to personal taste, though. =) We ended up back at French Marker for MORE oysters, and to shop. I ended up buying some mardi ... read more
More Oysters!
Pretty Architecture

Geo: 29.9537, -90.0778Today was my long day in classes so there's less to say about the goings-on of this day then the others. It was raining lightly on my morning commute walking and taking the streetcar to the convention center. It was incredibly muggy, like being in a rainforest. I also sent a quick email to the landlord of the studio, telling her what happened with the shutter being pried open (part of it was now broken) and literally asking at the end of the email if the property happened to be haunted by any chance. Yeah. I went there.I had time to go to one of the SuperSessions today and was stunned by the impressiveness of the ceremonies and speakers. It looked like a rock concert in there and the energy was intense. ... read more
Mel Robbins Selfie
Special Coin

Geo: 29.9537, -90.0778Today was my first day of classes for the AACN's NTI 2016 Conference. Basically, 8,000-10,000 nurses from across the country descend on one city for continuing education (CE). In California, we have to have 30 hours CE every two years when we renew our licenses. For my Critical Care Certification, I have to have 100 hours CE every 3 years when I renew. So, big conferences like these are an excellent way to meet those requirements, as well as network, get up to date on technology and have fun in a new city.My very first class on Traumatic Brain Injuries ended up being one of my favorites (when I get home I'll do unit teaching on it). The nice thing about these classes is I can come and go when I want in between ... read more
Front of our Studio
Off to First Day of Classes
Massive Vendor Hall

Geo: 29.9537, -90.0778Amazingly, we were up about 8am after having been up so late the night before. I had really wanted to do a traditional Southern Sunday Brunch but with timing of our kayaking tour we had to settle for breakfast. I had heard Stanley's was good, and it was actually open early enough, so we headed over to Jackson Square. Anna was hungover- I felt great surprisingly. We ended up getting Bloody Mary's- hair of the dog. Anna also ordered an oyster Po'Boy with some giant freakin oysters in it, and I had a Seafood Sampler platter with egg Benedict going on. I wasn't the biggest fan of all the fried but the soft shell fried crab was impressive. I've never eaten a crab shell like that!After breakfast we started getting sleepy from the heavy ... read more
Bourbon Ghost Town
Sunday Brunch Bloody Mary's

Geo: 29.9537, -90.0778My sister and I took separate flights to get here but we arrived only about 30min apart. We found each other in baggage claim and set out on our six days of sister vacation and conference time. We got lost right off the bat. I had little trouble navigating Japan public transportation but damned if we could find the bus stop at the airport. And we weren't about to pay full price for a cab or uber to the French Quarter. We finally just ambled outside and walked up to the first most public looking bus we saw, dragging our luggage behind us. The driver asked where we were headed, we said French Quarter and he said he'd get us there. No idea if this was the right bus but we got on! Turns ... read more
Dancing in the Streets
Ready to Party
Our First Hand Grenades

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