Tour Guiding in Brookings- Basically a Rainforest in Oregon

a trip by Nicki
From: March 28th 2013
Until: March 30th 2013

So, originally, I was thinkin about driving down to the SF Bay Area this week since Chris was going to be out of town visiting a good friend in Missouri (and I didn't want to be in the empty house by myself). Coincidentally, our friends Paul, Joe and Patrick were going on a road-trip of the Pacific Northwest that week as well. They hit up Crater Lake, Portland and Seattle before stopping here in Brookings, Oregon (where I lived for a year and a half) for a few days at the end of their trip. Sweet- I have company, and I don't need to waste money driving back to the Bay. Technically these blogs are supposed to be when I go on vacation, but living in this beautiful place was like being on vacation every day I had off work. So, I'm including it for anyone ever thinking of visiting this beautiful area. It worked out well with these particular boys visiting because they like hiking. AND they like photography. AND they are the most easily entertained guests I've EVER had visit. AND they cook. AND they run around without their shirts half the time. Staycation, hubby- I think I got the better end of the deal here.
Trip Length: 2 days
Blog Entries: 0
Photos: 0
Words: 0
Tot: 0.021s; Tpl: 0.006s; cc: 3; qc: 4; dbt: 0.0042s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 976.1kb