ruins explorer's Guestbook

13th April 2011

It is so great that you go to all of these wonderful places. I have really enjoyed the pictures.
31st May 2010

sorry it took me so long to respond! I can't believe you found this post! Yeah, I can't wait to take my son to Mexico with it. We really loved Mexico and think it's a fantastic country - how lucky we are to be right next to it. And the bellydancers there are great!
11th February 2010

i,m egyptian girl i love egypt so much egypt in my heart
7th June 2009

i'm a bellydance too
hello!!!! i was danced in the andalus for you with sharid and my anothers friends. i was enjoyed and i was so happy like too remenber my mexico is your mexico and back with us again!! sharid is so funny and is so friendly i love her i hope see u again in my beautiful mexico and will going to metepec my favorite contry i was borned there and is so beautiful this place have many culture and many food places! well i have to got to sleep and all apologizes because my english is not to perfect but i try to write some and thanks for come to mexico and saw dance to me and my partners see u later and i waiting for u comeming again take care for you and your baby! sukran habibi stephanie corona serrano karahkala dancer by sharid sanĂ¡
7th June 2009

i'm a bellydance too
hello!!!! i was danced in the andalus for you with sharid and my anothers friends. i was enjoyed and i was so happy like too remenber my mexico is your mexico and back with us again!! sharid is so funny and is so friendly i love her i hope see u again in my beautiful mexico and will going to metepec my favorite contry i was borned there and is so beautiful this place have many culture and many food places! well i have to got to sleep and all apologizes because my english is not to perfect but i try to write some and thanks for come to mexico and saw dance to me and my partners see u later and i waiting for u comeming again take care for you and your baby! sukran habibi stephanie corona serrano karahkala dancer by sharid sanĂ¡
2nd February 2009

responding to bellamy
Oh I don't live there. But it is really fun in Egypt - a really interesting place to visit.
29th January 2009

thats awsome
i really like how egypt looks .back when they were building the pyrimds they were smart but strange at the same time.i would LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE to live in egypt. how is it there?is it fun there?be sure to send me back and be sure to answer my quistions.
29th December 2008

Nile Trasure is amazing Nile cruise, I recommend it to all my friends prefer to spend some nights on the Nile Cruise, the food was perfect, our cabin was very nice with big window to the nile, totally the service on board was more than Excellent
15th August 2008

thank you so much. this blog is more than a booster to us. wait til you see the beaches :)
20th April 2008

About the show
Hi! I saw your blog and I know how you must be feeling about the length of my show that night. There was a major emergency that night. The original dancer in thet boat got herself fired that night just before the first trip. The dancer on th other boat didn't show up, so in that night I had to do 4 trips on two different boats, one wedding in the bartoum and after that I even had work outside. So there was a big problem as the time of the cruises on the two boats overlap sometimes. I hope to see you again and hopefully this time without any problems. Outi
8th April 2008

Crispy Pata
That was funny, great way to compare yourself to crispy pata...But delicious nonetheless, right?
From Blog: Sarap
7th April 2008

Ah Manila
The sights and the sounds...great blog. It's always nice to see a city on a local's perspective and great observation. Manila may lack the 'exotic' flavors like it's Asian sisters, but it does offer some charm still. And yes, the eating fork and spoon is the way to go! Rice with fork? That's a big no-no.
5th April 2008

Enjoy your stay... mabuhay
Im smiling while reading your journal. It seems you are enjoying your stay in my home country. I miss the Philippines after leaving the country in 2005 for further postgrad studies in the UK. Im sure you will enjoy your trip to Corregidor which will provide you the our past during the war. Keep sharing your Philipine trip!
22nd May 2007

This sounds like a truly amazing trip!! So happy you are both enjoying it so much.
18th April 2007

That was nice
You have no idea of how one small act of kindness (bringing shrimp to Ross) can multiply a hundredfold. You are wonderful Ambassadors for your country! Too bad there aren't more vacationers like you! -A.T.
29th March 2007

thanks for reading our blog. we were always psyched to see our stats far surpassing our # of subscribers and wondered who the mystery readers could be. best of luck in your travels, moria and kate p.s. i (moria) used to live in somerville. please give massachusetts my love the next time you're time.
18th May 2006

Hey. Nice blog. Off to Ranakpur myself in a couple of days. I'd just like to say don't get your hopes down. It's not always about money. I've been to many places poorer than Ranakpur, and don't get asked for money, such as for photos or help. It's simply down to the history of the interaction of the region between tourists and locals. By giving people money, i.e. for taking a photo of them, only makes them think they can do it again to the next tourist. And so the situation goes on sadly. Asking for money is strangely not always about poverty. Mayrad :)
From Blog: Ranakpur
16th May 2006

I love the picture of the village girl...great shot!
From Blog: Ranakpur
16th January 2006

Ashamed to call myself an Indian.
Sorry to hear about your terrible experience in Rajasthan and hope you never face anyone like that ever again in India or anywhere else. I really feel ashamed to call myself an Indian after what you described here and feel sorry for you about the pervert who tried to act funny with you. Maybe you should have reported him to the police if possible. I know that some instances like this can put anyone off from the other good things that India has to offer but then if there are such instances then all the good things of the world would be useless in front of such incidences. Hope you have not let that incident affect you too much and just let bygones be bygones. Hope you have a nice trip ahead and enjoy your journey wherever you go now!!! Take care and enjoy India!!! Cheers, Aadil.
16th January 2006

Hi there, Great to hear about your experience and I wish you could have taken the jeep in the park. But the only good thing about the Canter is the height advantage it has over the lowly jeeps!!! You sure must have got a great picture from the top of the Canter. Hope to see them someday soon. Thanks for sharing your interesting story!!! Cheers, Aadil (From
From Blog: El Tigre
12th January 2006

but dont let's forget...
that his brother/uncle etc probably owned the alternative place he took you to. As a woman alone I visited Rajasthan and had no sense of danger AT ALL. Maybe that is because I live in South Africa - but seriously, I felt very safe in India, especially out of the big towns of Mumbai and Delhi.
6th January 2006

Missing you
It sounds so exotic but scary so read your adventures and misadventures. I am sure that the rest of the trip will be much better than Bundi. Love both of you and can't wait to hear more when you are home.
6th January 2006

It was easy to get a sk made. They took my measurements and then asked what kind of neckline, sleeves, pants, etc that I wanted, showing me examples. When it came back, it was beautiful and fit perfectly. danger after dark - at the time, he specifically meant two boys that had said something as we drove by, but in the main, the dangerous part would be walking after dark in the cities, where there are no sidewalks and you're rather likely to be hit by a vehicle. Today a rickshaw deliberately tried to hit me while laughing hysterically in Bundi.
4th January 2006

So glad to hear you're having fun!
Shannon, Thanks for all the lovely updates -- they are fascinating! I cannot wait to see your and Alli's photos. And hear all of your stories first hand. I'm still in awe that they had elephants in the roads, for example. :-) Keep having fun, and be safe! Later, Em
From Blog: Udaipur
4th January 2006

Your Adventures
Shannon and Allison: We are so enjoying your adventure through your eyes. Makes us want to travel again. Do take care and have a lot of fun.
From Blog: Udaipur

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