Page 18 of pn76 Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Japan » Tokyo June 4th 2008

Okayama this morning was every bit as hot as they claim to be....the most sunshine hrs in Japan, and I would have to say the most cash machines that rejected my Westpac ATM card. So I took the lonely planet's advice of accessing money from a yuubinkyoku ATM (that is a post office, 20, 000 over japan that evidently accept foreign cards like mine)............that did not work, sorry, sumimasen, try the major bank of Chuugoku around the corner. Of which I did...........sorry, again that did not work. Why not try innocent bystander in desperation............perhaps I would have success going to the international centre and speaking with a gaijin teacher so she recommended. I held her up from going to school, but that was no problem at all as far as she saw! Maybe an excuse to ... read more
Okayama by day, nr Korakuen gardens
feeling the speed of 230kph
seto ohashi bridge, again (the return leg, northbound)

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima » Miyajima June 3rd 2008

Have I got some stories to tell today! Brace yourself, this is really good blog material, and not in the least exaggerated as many may believe me to be!........ The ritzy digs of the AGUNESU hotel (Agnes hotel) were worth their weight in quality sleep, Japanese TV travel programmes, and toilet privelidges..........I tried my very first bidet, yes I was a newby to this invention, and I have to say have not really developed a taste, or feel should I say, for it! There was so much scope for flow changes, pressure changes, temperature changes, realyl if you wanted could sit there all day and have your backside preened and pampered onsen style.....I digress.... It was wet in other ways however. Tokushima is at the mouth of the naruto straits, and had I ventured out ... read more
Tokushima trying to go tropical
Wet but scenic
bottoms up

Asia » Japan » Kochi June 2nd 2008

Well if I was not hot enough from the onsen of Dogo, it certainly paid off in the next few days! I spent yesterday morning seeing Matsuyama castle, and the tranquil park of Dogo kooen, where I was amongst the like minded taking photos of lillies and beautifully tamed bonsai. The local folk come here for relaxing, reading sleeping, contemplating, and a bit of romance, or so it seems! The odd vagrant also appeared beneath a newspaper and dishevelled clothing, but then again that could be me compared to the TORENDI japanese....I digress... The streetcars of Matsuyama make getting around a I learnt. For 300 yen you can go anywhere for one day from dawn until 10pm, taking you in the general direction of every tour group known to visit this place. Creating your own itinerary ... read more
dreaming of lost memeory sticks
view from matsuyama youth hostel in dogo onsen area
clip, clop, multiplied....

Asia » Japan » Ehime May 31st 2008

Now to turn the slant back from shirtless japanese samurais photographed at the shimane art museum, fighting over who found pauline's memory cards, to the delights of Matsue and Shikoku! Matsue is a wonderful town worth at least a days visit or two. I've met so many lovely people; one from the USA who teaches in Matsue and has done for 4 yrs (!), several japanese who are happy to help a foreigner takes thoughtful photos at the top of the Matsue castle, you get the idea. I never remembered having so many positive experiences in dealing with humans in one short space, I love this place and how gracious the japanese are, the food id affordable and varied, the sights cultural and historical. Before visiting the castle I went for a jog this morning - ... read more
castle shots
me and matsue castle
night views, matsue shoping precinct

Asia » Japan » Yamaguchi May 31st 2008

I have decided that this is too important a topic to miss, that of the TORENDI Japanese. They have the best hair cuts, and I have noticed so many beauty salons and barbers I figure there is a bit of vanity or image consciousness about. But they look so good it must work! I have not seen an overweight japanese person. They are very funky and well dressed at all ages. I have seen a lot of girls hoiking their skirts up like every girls does once, but they do it so much better than I could, with haircut and shoes to match! The women are immaculately dressed, made up, and make my practical kathmandu kiwi dress with valuables pouch look positively dowdy. The males are very talented here too, they can clean loos, and beaches. ... read more
TORENDI japanese males
TORENDI matching uniform

Asia » Japan » Oita May 31st 2008

Being a bit spent of all my memory card emotion, it was time to get positive again, and back to the purpose of seeing this beautiful country and it's gracious, polite people! That morning was himid, and I got up and went for a long walk into the huills of Mt Ogi and Tsurumi, above Beppu town. The colours and agriculture were beautiful and reminded me of my times in north queenlsland. On the memory stick front, I picked up one for 3000 yen for a 1gb memeory stick, sony of course, and got busy with some sightseeing. Beppu is lovely, and after some cleansing activity at the train station with the staff regharding my lost items, and kooban (police station, no it is not the TORENDI uniformed policeman that made me visit there, but my ... read more
pride in their work!
first glimpse of coastal Miyazaki ken
hand cleansing in Beppu

Asia » Japan » Oita » Beppu May 28th 2008

I have sad news, well it is incredibly sad for me being here and having lived the memories that the pictures have maybe 10% conveyed......I have no more memory sticks. So you will have to use your imagination as I try to describe things.... The loss of the sticks goes like this.... It is wet now, torrential,, flooding in streets. It was not wet in Kagoshima, just hot and sultry. Hence, I went on to kirishima Jingu early today from kagoshima, and on to Takachiho Gawara 35 mins away for a spot of hiking. Met some good fit japanese almost thrice my age! Great chance to get wetter and some moody misty shots, plus excellent footage at summit in howling wind and rain. Empited contents of bag carefully to dry things that got wet, camera included, ... read more

Asia » Japan » Kumamoto May 28th 2008

After an interesting day and night chasing my lost yoofuku and strange men about the Aso Youth Hostel, a group of us decided to get physical and hike around Aso national park. This area is at elevation 1200-1600m, actvely volcanic, and very prone to closures due to gas vapours, much like say White island in NZ, or the case where Ruapehu erupted. Someone I met, Marcelle, a brazilian who was travelling with Donelo his partner, is making this a research trip for his journalism work in Brazil, writing of adventure tourism. Part of this involved interviewing Shinotani san the elderly owner, with a japanese guy from yokohama to help. A question was posed about does she mind living under a volcano - not a problem, as it is very common in Japan! Makes for some rich onsen ... read more
low level crater nr ebooshi dake
post fall grub
aso san flowers

Asia » Japan May 27th 2008

Aso!, I here you say, that is meant to be some expression of surprise reserved for Japanese folk. WEll be informed readers, that is not entirely true. It is indeed a region in central kyuushuu renound for volcanic activity. And forms the middle of my central Kyuushuu island adventure. But before I get to the guts of Aso and smoking volcanos, I had an exceptional Monday, and I have to say monday evening too. I shall elaborate...i.e.go off on tangent.... Nagasaki worked its charms on me, then it was time to head to Aso on the 1245 train - with several housewifes, retired folk, and young japanese females chatting into their mobiles. I am getting familiar with ordering lunch from the 7-11 or kiosks so proliferic in train stations. This usually consisits of the ubiquitious obentoo, ... read more
the colours of downtown Nagasaki....
the ever present jidoohambaiki selling tobacco to anyone!
worker exodus from KUmamoto town

Asia » Japan May 26th 2008

Pictures from this morning whilst I lost and found myself in the beautiful port city of Nagasaki.... Well Nagasaki was truly fantastic! The tourist brochures describes Nagasaki as historic、romantic and exotic....well it certainly was historic with the peace dome that I got lost trying to find, the Dejima port and the memories of Dutch settlement ihere and in the Glover park region and atrocities of the early demise of japanese christianity.......exotic in that it was bloody hot and gloriously exotic, on the edge of japan and the tropical okinawa chain of island...., but I am not sure about the romance of it all...... Maybe that is eluding to the architecture and easy relaxed environment that comes with warmth and holiday makers that flock here. It is worthwhile seeing Chinatownm megane bridge, portside and the atomiv bomb museum ... read more
contemplation at nagasaki wharf
lucky or  unlucky?
so where is the peace park in east Nagasaki, or temple for that matter?

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