Page 10 of letyourspiritrunfree Travel Blog Posts

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland » Central February 7th 2023

Even though we have been riding for long periods each day we are not sleeping well at all. As way of an example was being fully awake before 3.30 this morning. We didn’t miss the shuttle to the airport for our flight to Auckland at 9.45am! Jane had the window seat and took some great shots. I've used 3 ... with permission! Accommodation is central, downtown Auckland and the room is very roomy, quiet and high class. We shuttled in by shuttle …definitely the cheapest and delivery right to the door. We have spent the remainder of the day looking at maps, hard copies and internet variety, and reading of places of interest to explore. We came with an overview of what we wanted to do in the North Island but for Auckland itself we were ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Central Otago » Middlemarch February 6th 2023

Knowing that we had to be in Middlemarch, 54kms away, by 1.20pm at the latest, we breakfasted early and hit the trail. After a little confusion of which direction to take we settled into a comfortable rhythm. As the trail steadily wound its way down towards our destination and with the wind at our backs it gave us the opportunity to enjoy the views the countryside was throwing to us. We were off our bikes many times to walk down or up tracks to take in the views. For most of todays ride the trail was in good condition with only a few rough sections. We were warned to be very careful upon exiting the tunnel 3 kms from Hyde as the strong crosswinds could easily throw you off the trail and down the embankment. We ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Central Otago » Oturehua February 5th 2023

UNBELIEVABLE! Jane and I are sitting outside NZ’s longest operating general store, “Gilchrists General Store”, in the town of Oturehua, consisting of the aforementioned store, the pub across the road, the local hall and 3 houses, when 5 blokes who have just stopped and poured out of a vehicle, give us a look, go into the store and after a while emerge and come to our table … the leader of the group, a strong, good looking guy says to me … “Are you Andrew, Andrew Belotti?” (Jane is wide eyed and shaking her head saying, “not again”, as this has occurred a few times before). Naturally I reply in the affirmative. He continues, “You used to coach me in football and athletics. I’m Jaimie. Jaimie Walsh.” (son of the former Australian hockey great, Terry) I ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Central Otago » Omakau February 4th 2023

Surprisingly, we were upbeat away by 7.30am with our goal, Lauder, a trail ride of 50km. Taking the 13km, undulating, windy and narrow River Trail was enjoyable as we were under tree cover for the total ride. The Clutha River with its various tributaries was flowing slowly from Alexandra’s direction. In the wet season The River Trail is totally covered. With the sun rising the rays of light still found it difficult to penetrate the dense foliage. We had visited the Otago region’s largest town, Alexandra, on our previous visit to the South Island and crossed the huge bridge for entry into the town. We had breakfast at the Tiny Goose, purchased Powerade and water and being refreshed, it was onto the railway siding and the old station building of Galloway, 7kms along the Otago Rail ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Central Otago » Cromwell February 3rd 2023

Cooked! Stuffed! Buggered! Rooted! Challenged, physically and mentally. We cannot remember a time when we were so exhausted. A difficult trail in undertaken during the rising heat of the day. There was no escape. Shade was non-existent unless one hugged the side of the cliff face which we did numerous times in our exhaustion. We coped with the first 20km from Cromwell to the “Coffee Float”, two small river craft selling coffee, icecream, burgers, muffins, cold drinks, etc, quite well. Literally metres from the Coffee Float the trail morphed into one out of a horror movie. The Cairnmuir Ladder began with steep climbing switchbacks with steep drop offs that seemed never ending. (Watch the 2min and 1min 20 sec videos) We walked most of them. It rose 130 vertical metres. There is a total of 580m ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown February 2nd 2023

Departed Perth at 11.05pm arriving in Melbourne at 5.50am. We misread the flight ticket for the next leg as departing from the International terminal at 6.30am. It was a mad rush where we were separated as the call of nature for me was more important than getting on the plane. Jane continued on her merry way, oblivious to her man not tagging on behind. I knew I could read the direction signs however Jane didn’t and began phoning and messaging me from the departure gate. My phone was switched off. Much to Jane’s surprise I did join her, only to find that the 6.30am time was when boarding was to begin! The flight was for 7.15am. We hadn’t slept on either leg and arrived in Queenstown quite tired. Our room at the Hilton Resort and Spa ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Como July 29th 2022

I loved: - Steve Woods friendship and hospitality, Coolgardie - Royal Flying Doctor Nullarbor Highway airstrips - the Bunda Cliffs, Great Australian Bight - Head of Bight - Windmills, Penong - Fowlers Bay and the sand dunes - Meeting up with John and Pauline Gummery - Bunyeroo Valley Geological Trail, Flinders Ranges - Acacia Ridge hike to the summit, Arkaroola, Gamon Ranges - Farina Bakehouse - Oodnadatta Track - William Creek Pub - Painted Desert - The Breakaways, Coober Pedy - Coward Springs on Oodnadatta Track - Marree Pub dinners number 29 twice! - Helpful mechanical advice from Sam Belotti - convoying with David Date and Kerry Date, Birdsville Track - free camping at Tippipilia Creek with David and Kerry - Koonchera Dune on Birdsville Track - Birdsville Track - Diamantina River - Big Red ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Kalgoorlie July 29th 2022

An unplanned stopover. Prado problem. Excellent organisation day. Walked Hannan Street from Town Hall to Monty's and returned opposite side. Afternoon tea at Viennas cafe where we had spent enjoyable times in '80 and '81. Drove down Piccadilly Street and pinpointed the position on the road that Jane had asked me out on 5th April, me on a treadly with a steak and kidney pie and a pavlova on the carrier, Jane in her red Ford Escort. Made in heaven! Final meal, finishing off our produce ... also made in heaven. Reminisced on the 'best' of most things during the trip with no collusion. We each summarised the trip in 3 words again with no collusion. Gee, we have had some belly laughs. Love it. Tomorrow we spend the 50th day on the final leg home. ... read more
WOW! The works ... tablecloth, serviettes and a stripper
Ordered to be sensible
Hannan St from the top end

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Kalgoorlie July 29th 2022

From The Pines campsite we continued our onwards journey towards Kalgoorlie but not before rising to a beautiful sunrise and a deviation to Giles Breakaway a further 70km down the track. We were greeted by a landscape full of rich colours and rugged with drop away cliff walls. One not to be missed with camping available under trees We hit the bitumen just before Laverton, slowly fuelled due to the blowback. Pulled into Leonora where we did want to stay for a few days, however plans have changed. On the way out we came across more than 6 wedge-tailed eagles and crows feeding on a road killed kangaroo. It was a beautiful sight as we had never seen that many in one group before. Broad Arrow beckoned as did the Broady Burger. Kalgoorlie. Running total of ... read more
Giles Breakaway

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia July 29th 2022

We said our goodbyes as we departed a beautiful campsite. There is something different about experiencing a sunrise and a sunset in the outback. We have been fortunate to have enjoyed many whilst on this very memorable trip of ours and this morning was no different. Our spirits were high as we hit the road and it was not long before we came across roadworks. We stopped at Tims Tree, a memorial for Tim Ballinger by his family as Tim lost his life at the age of 21 on this road. Oh, how things can change ‘just-like-that’. The fuel warning light began flashing even though We still had just over half a tank. Stopped, checked the Prado manual which said that we were being warned that only 22 litres remained. Didn’t make sense so we continued ... read more
Tim Ballinger

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