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Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow November 7th 2017

Town squares attract tourists all over the world. Recently, in Prague, the Old Town Square was filled with tourists, locals, restaurants, and food stalls, surrounded by beautiful churches and museums. In Budapest, St. Stephen's Square was a hub of action, leading to many other pedestrian only squares and streets, a well laid out plan for locals and tourists alike. But the two big squares, in my opinion, not necessarily the best, but certainly among the brightest and most famous, are surprisingly Moscow's Red Square, and venerable New York City's Times Square. And they both seem an accurate reflection of the countries they represent. Red Square looks like downtown Disney now, with the lights of the GUM Department Store, St. Basil's Cathedral, the Kremlin (and Lenin's Tomb), and squared by the Kazan Cathedral. It is very difficult ... read more
Times Square
More Times Square
Red Square

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Honolulu October 29th 2017

I wrote this before I left for eastern Europe. Does it seem like everyone we know is headed out on a vacation or journey this fall? Yes, I am headed out on Tuesday. My cousins are headed to Japan. Some Washington friends are headed to the east coast. So, this begs the question, of why travel in the Fall?? I have several reasons, not necessarily in order of importance, but nonetheless, important to me, and obviously, some of you. First, most the kids, young, teens, college students, are back in school. This makes for quieter (thank you Bose Quiet Comfort) flights, fewer lines, and in general less perturbation in around famous tourist sights and popular casual restaurants. Now, I often travelled with my kids, mostly to Hawaii (winter or spring break), as well as Spring Training ... read more
Look familiar???

Europe » Germany » Brandenburg » Frankfurt October 29th 2017

Truth be known, I will spend the night here, that is all. I am tired, and it is time to go home. As Paul Simon once sang, Homeward Bound!! How many of you have changed planes in Frankfurt over the years? I have changed planes here at least half a dozen times, on the way to or from: Tripoli, Turmenistan, and Tabouli to name a few. Frankfurt Main Airport is one of the busiest international airports in the world, and of course, a hub for the state airline, Lufthansa. The airport is the biggest cargo airport in Europe. Over 342 trains daily arrive and depart for other parts of Germany, as well as Europe. But little do I know about this great German city. I recall from Uncle Murl's world history class as a sophomore in ... read more
Old town square
Party time

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich October 27th 2017

I was last here 46 short years ago for the Oktoberfest. And no, I do not remember much, so don't ask. The train over here was simply smooth and uneventful. No complaints, other than our Amtrak should be at least 50% as fine as the trains here. Not in my lifetime. Smoke everywhere here in Munich. Not the horrible Napa smoke, the cancer killing type smoke of cigarettes. It could not be worse! None of the locals I asked could answer why so many people smoke. The lush, green, quiet countryside was only sparingly interrupted by cute little towns, and old Bavarian cities of yesteryear. Lots of corn, soy, farm livestock, and neatly kept farmhouses. The limited view of the mountains, the Alps, with their sharp, snow-covered peaks reminded me a little of Torres del Paine, ... read more
Famous pudding and donut
Surfing in Munich???
On my bike tour of Munich

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich October 27th 2017

Most of us think Munich means only the famous Oktoberfest whenever September rolls around. But this great German city, which I last visited in 1971, offers much more than just great beer. I spent the better part of a week here, but hardly recall much more than spending each day and evening at the enticing Oktoberfest grounds. So, here is quick shot at some Munich facts and figures, most of which you will either ignore or at a minimum, rolls your eyes into cabbage rolls. Munich is Germany's third largest city, after Berlin and Hamburg, with 1.3 million residents. Just so you know, the Oktoberfest started in 1812, and attracts over SIX million people in a three week period. That is more beer than Lake Tahoe (just kidding!). It is the biggest folk festival in the ... read more
Some fried fish for a change of pace
Empty now, but soon to be packed with families
Six different sausages=excellent

Europe » Austria » Vienna October 27th 2017

So, it feels like Germany, they speak German, and mostly, they act German. One thing for sure, they love their ice cream and cigarettes. What a combination! My German speaking, or lack thereof, is coming back so very slowly. The brain cells are still there. They think we have gone bonkers with Trump. My hotel, the Ruby Marie on MariahilferStrasse is way too hip for me. Totally paperless, tablets everywhere, why don't we all do this? Only an ice cream joint would serve beer here. Friday night, time for wurst, kebabs, or ?? With beer and some apple strudel for dessert? The train ride here was uneventful, except for one thing. The locomotive died about 20 minutes outside of Budapest. An hour or so later, we got another, and proceeded to stay an hour off schedule. ... read more
Wien Hauptbahnhof
I always crave fruit
Lunch with the locals

Europe » Austria » Vienna October 26th 2017

From the time I first saw the Sound of Music, Austria has been a place I wanted to visit. I expect to hear the von Trapp family singing from the trees and lakes outside of Vienna. But what do we really know about Austria, other than perhaps, Germany's little sister? The Soviet collapse in 1991, and Austria's entry into the European Union in 1999 were landmark events. They are not members of NATO. Distancing themselves from Germany has been positive for this country. As a rule, it is difficult to categorize Austrians, as they do not stand out for any particular reason. They are moderate in their outlook and behavior. They are soft-spoken, well-mannered, family-oriented, and socially conservative. They do NOT like to be called German!!! As the 114th largest country in the world, their land ... read more
Asian restaurants everywhere
A great lunch spot
My circular hotel, the Ruby Marie on Mariahilferstrasse

Europe » Austria » Vienna October 26th 2017

Have I waltzed in Vienna before? Perhaps back in 1971, on my very first trip to Europe, with a magical young maiden I met in Zurich? The trip is now a distant memory, perhaps real, perhaps imagined. Does it really matter? If you love music, this is the perfect city. More famous composers have lived here than any other city. But it is not confined to classical and opera. Music spans all genres here, including pop and rock. After all, it is called the City of Music! Once somewhat disreputable, the Viennese waltz epitomizes Vienna thanks to Johann Strauss. His Blue Danube Waltz, the highlight of every ball since, became famous internationally. Vienna has a museum dedicated solely to the Strauss family history and music. Following on the coattails of Strauss comes the Vienna Boys Choir, ... read more
The Vienna Hauptbahnhof
Love fresh fruit wherever I go in the world
A little lunch?

Europe » Austria » Vienna October 26th 2017

How many times have you been to the opera in Vienna? How many times have you had a Viennese coffee? How many times have you listened to Strauss and Haydn? For me, I am not sure of any count. Vienna is a mystery to me, perhaps back in the Seventies? The German name for Vienna is Wien, that means Austria's most famous dish, wiener schnitzel, translates to Viennese schnitzel. Fast forward to today, on the train from Budapest to the capital city of Vienna. This city of 1.7 million people actually produces wine within its city limits, to the tune of 1700 acres and 340 vintners. And can you believe four of the top ten classical composers in history worked in Vienna from 1750 to 1825? Better yet, Sigmund Freud lived and worked in Vienna for ... read more
Time for some lamb?
I decided on kababs
Aida Bakery, before the war, and now back stronger than ever!

Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region October 24th 2017

To Slovakia or not, that is the question. Formerly part of Czechoslovakia, Bratislava is Slovakia's capital city. It Is located on the train route from Budapest to Vienna, sits along the beautiful Danube River, and very close to the Austrian border. It became the capital as recent as 1993. But the nightlife is said to be among the best in this part of Europe, though the city itself is nota raving beauty. Notably a nice place to hang out, Bratislava is safe, friendly, and hassle-free. And there is always something to do, which I like. With a population of only 415,000, it is smaller than the city of Fresno, next door to my home in Clovis. The city still has a goodly share of Communist era buildings in the modern city center. The city has two ... read more
Three time world cycling champ, Peter Sagan
red car
Slovak bridge

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