Page 26 of Weggs Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague December 7th 2007

Wednesday 5th December An early start where we did our final packing and washing of sheets & towels before being taken to the airport by Moe & Colin. They have both been great to us and we would have liked to get to know them better as they have some similar ideas & values. The trip to Prague was uneventful, Easyjet having the best planes and service we have come across with the cut-price airlines. At Prague we decided to use the public transport system rather than a taxi as we had excellent directions on how to get to our hotel through the Net. A us and two metro trains and an hour later we reached our hotel, the City Club. The travel was a bit of an adventure but only cost us about A$3 ... read more
Beautiful buildings
Variety of coloured buildings

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Essex » Great Bardfield December 4th 2007

Our last 2 and a half days back in England after our week in Lanzarote were spent washing, tidying, sorting and packing. We have bought a new trolley case so we have a bag each and one with all the things that we don't need to take to Europe. This is the biggest bag and consists of our summer clothes, things we have bought, books and travel guides. The one thing we did do today was to walk to Moe and Colin's. Moe who assists Nessie with the housekeeping in the B&B has popped in several times to see us. She invited us to visit her and yesterday we made a date for today. We left about 10am for the 20 minute walk. Moe has several animals (see photos) and we spent a long time exploring ... read more
Stone Cottage
European Eagle Owl

Europe » Spain » Canary Islands » Lanzarote December 3rd 2007

Lanzarote Sunday 25th November After spending the morning tidying and ensuring our bag was packed we were ready when Colin picked us up at 11.30am. We had no problems checking in at Stansted and security was well organised and efficient. We killed a little time in the duty free before making our way to the lounge at the gate where we read the novels we had brought until it was time to board. A very bumpy landing ended our flight into a windy, rainy Lanzarote. On the way to the luggage Judy bumped into an old friend Ros Keep who had lived for several years in Perth before returning to England where she now manages a pub near Cambridge. They talked fourteen to the dozen but unfortunately Ros and her friend Mike were booked into an ... read more
Looking north from Playa Blanca
Cactus grows well on the island.
Colourful stalls

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Essex » Great Bardfield November 19th 2007

The last few days have been much quieter than most, we relaxing, tidying up around the house, and generally doing nothing much more than we would at home. We did go to Harlow to look around and do some shopping. Judy introduced Rags to Primark, a place where clothing sells at low prices with the company depending on turnover to make it's money. Interesting place and we walked out with a couple of tops and some new socks for Rags. In the plaza they had some markets where food was the main seller and we had a couple of hot speciality pies whilst watching the Christmas activities of a couple of 'angels' racing around on motorised platforms and a Chinese group doing a dragon dance. The outlet stores at Braintree was another excursion these being packed ... read more
Pretty ladies

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland November 16th 2007

Monday 12th November We awoke to a cold morning, the car was covered in ice and the thermometer gave the outside temperature as - 4.5 degrees. Breakfast was not as good as those we have been having, no choice of cereals and the bare bits of a cooked breakfast - perhaps Scottish breakfasts aren't as hearty as English breakfasts! After washing the ice off the car windows with some warm water we set off for Edinburgh. It was so cold the ice on the bonnet remained there throughout the trip. We found the Castle St carpark following the directions the landlady had given us and walked around the corner to Edinburgh Castle. Here we were given a 'seniors' discount entry using Rag's Australian Seniors card, much to Judy's discomfort. (she upset that they considered her a ... read more
Ice on the car
Our first glimpse of Edinburgh Castle
View from Edinburgh Castle

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cumbria » Lake Windermere November 16th 2007

The Start of the Trip North Wednesday 7th November Today was a catch up day, Judy doing some washing and dusting and Rags raking up leaves and pottering in the greenhouse. Moe came today so we had a great natter with her too! She has agreed to be our taxi driver to Stansted for our flights to and from the Canaries and when we fly to Prague. We are packed and ready to go! Thursday 8th November We had our first taste of the cold weather today. When we awoke it looked overcast but we readied ourselves for “The North Trip” and left just before 8am. Our first stop was Sherwood Forest of Robin Hood fame. We spent some time at the Visitors' Centre after having our cup of coffee and cake that we'd brought from ... read more
A very old oak tree
Blackpool decoration
Kensington Hotel

Europe » United Kingdom » England » East Sussex » Brighton November 4th 2007

Sunday 4th November Awakening early we had intentions of a quiet day and started with the morning papers and a few chores, however the Indian summer continues and we felt guilty wasting the sunshine. We thought a walk would be great so headed toward Hatfield Forest some 30 minutes away. Arriving we discovered we weren't the only ones with a walk in mind. The place was packed with families enjoying the sunshine, children on scooters and bikes and couples walking their dogs. We were glad we'd thought to pack sandwiches as the queue for food was 20 metres long! We set off toward the lake where we found a wooden boardwalk. We were surprised that the forest didn't meet our definition of a forest as it had small groves of trees and large grassed areas. Looking ... read more
Lake at Hatfield Forest
Lunch at Hatfield
Falling leaves everywhere at Hatfield

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Essex » Maldon November 3rd 2007

Saturday 3 November We'd decided to have a catch up day today and Rags bought us a couple of papers to relax with. We were sitting enjoying the papers feeling a bit guilty because the sun was out again when Rags said, “Aren't there markets somewhere today?” We'd written them down in our notebook so Judy checked and yes, Maldon had markets so with the added incentive that this was a harbour town we rushed around and readied ourselves to leave by 10am. After a couple of wrong turns we arrived in Maldon by 11am. Once we had found the parking area and had “paid and displayed” our ticket enabling us to stay until 3.15 we were happy, especially since there were also conveniences near the carpark entry. We've found the English very civilised when it ... read more
A different type of shop?
Distinctive buildings
Barges at Maldon

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London November 2nd 2007

We made an early start as Larni & Lynne needed to get away early and we had decided to go to London to pick up our visas from the Chinese Embassy. They followed us until just outside of Walthamstow where they had to divert to go to Illford for their final school visit before flying to Paris this evening. Much waving as we enjoyed having them for their few days with us. It felt like a bit of Australia had come to us and we had so many laughs while they were with us. We picked up our passports with the relevant visas, no queues to this part of the building and a much shorter one going in than when we applied. Always the way! From here we made our way to Monument Station where we ... read more
Cordwainer statue
St Paul's
Templar Church

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Hampshire » Southampton October 31st 2007

After a great breakfast at our Holiday Inn Express we headed for a leisurely trip to New Milton as we weren't expected there until 11am. We decided to take the route through the 347 sq kilometre New Forest which is the largest area of unenclosed land in Britain, and glad we did as this was lovely. We found the beautiful little village of Beaulieu. There we saw the beautiful Palace House and explored the lovely little shops in the main street. At once stage a huge lorry decided to go through this part of town but cars were parked on either side so he got a bit nervous, we figured he wasn't used to this. Larni ended up guiding him through, what a laugh! We forced ourselves to leave in order to reach New Milton at ... read more
Part of the Abey at Bieulieu
Palace House at Bieulieu
Larni directing truck

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