Dreamchasers 2020: Diving into Deep Adventures and Deep Gratitude

a trip by Bev and Stan
From: January 1st 2020
Until: March 22nd 2020

Jane Kenyon 1947 - 1995

I got out of bed this morning on two strong legs
It might have been otherwise
I ate cereal, sweet milk, ripe, flawless peach.
It might have been otherwise.
I took the dog uphill to the birch wood.
All morning I did the work I love.
At noon I lay down with my mate.
It might have been otherwise.
We ate dinner together at a table with silver candlesticks.
It might have been otherwise.
I slept in a bed in a room with paintings on the walls
And planned another day just like this day.
But I know, one day it will be otherwise.

It may seem a bit unusual to begin a travel blog with this poem, but then again, authentic travel is not always about getting from point A to point B. It can also be about evolving through life, and that process of evolution and aging which brings us to appreciate more deeply each moment that we have on this planet. Travel is not necessarily confined to visiting geographical destinations - there are emotional, intellectual and spiritual journeys as well, wherever undertaken. My husband and travelling companion Stan and I are very aware and grateful that we continue to be able to explore various destinations, and those choosing to travel vicariously with us are invited to join in this multi-dimensional exploration.

It has been an incredibly busy year on our Canadian soil, since we returned home from Asia last May. During this time, Stan underwent a successful knee operation, and then a few short weeks later we threw ourselves into months of home renovation initiatives inspired by the necessary construction of a new garage to replace an old one that had been begging for removal for many years. It was a project which inspired a thorough clearing and decluttering of our small home, an exercise which was in many ways spirtually cleansing, allowing space for other involvements including a course in facing climate change and several community volunteering initiatives. It has all been good.

But we are very ready for a change of pace, and look forward to returning to warm waters, warm smiles, the music of foreign languages, and the unexpected experiences that will surely enrich us and bring joy to our hearts.

We begin this New Year crossing over to the other side of this beautiful planet we call home. Thank you for your interest in our travels.

Stan and Bev, the Dreamchasers
Trip Length: 12 weeks
Blog Entries: 5
Photos: 81
Words: 5066

Blog Entries

Date Blog Title Location
January 4th 2020 Mother Universe Prepares Us for our Travels - Reflections from Stan ? North America » Canada » Saskatchewan » Regina
January 14th 2020 Stan’s Search for the Elusive Coconut in Koh Phangan Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Pha-Ngan
January 25th 2020 Thai Language Learning Adventure Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Pha-Ngan
March 1st 2020 Koh Phangan Thailand 2020: Two Months Stretching our Limits with Yoga, Thai Language and Music Study, Immersed in the Beauty of Nature Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Pha-Ngan
March 15th 2020 Bali: Ahead of its Time in the 2020 COVID19 Era? Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud
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