The Dreamchasers' Guestbook

11th February 2017

You to yours and Lucy and I to ours. How goes the diving? Lucy and I leave for St Lucia in a few days where she will complete her certification and finally we'll be able to dive together. She also turned 18 yesterday -- the drinking age
there so we will not be relegated to the room in the evening. Great fun to be had!
4th February 2017

What a great "living" sign post!!
4th February 2017

Ohhhh I love it!
4th February 2017

It's a very pretty script isn't it?
3rd February 2017

Enjoy your diving in Bunaken. It is great there. And thanks for the review. Perry (Coral Grand Divers) Koh Tao Koh Tao
28th January 2017

How wonderful those boats look! Nice to know the extra $ was worth it. Excellent that you are able to sleep through the flight!
13th February 2016

Happy belated birthday, Stan. Lucy is now 17 and still SHORTER. Just thought I would keep you up to date. heheheGina and Mike arrive tonight and we are off to Cuba in 2 days--can't wait!!
26th January 2016

Oh ya... I could relax there.
26th January 2016

Looks like you are wearing a hat... are you wearing a hat? Isn't it hot?
4th May 2015

So cool!!! I want to go there.
23rd April 2015

"From teacher to student" sounds like a wonderful lesson to take away from your amazing experience. I'm so happy you were part of it all.
7th April 2015

Hello,Bali looks as beautiful as always. Susanne and I are enjoying the end of the winter season in Big White. It has been years since we have skied together but it has been just usual. We looked you up...and you look like you
are enjoying life!! Take care....lots of love D'Arcy and Susanne.
25th March 2015

Darlings! Today I enjoyed a catch-up with your travels, your joy, and your serenity. A breath of fresh air, YOU ARE!!!! The world is ours to embrace, and you lead by example. May the remaining weeks be as inspiring as these installments. T
ake care of each other. Buckets of love to you both. xoxoxo
24th March 2015

This is the perfect family photo. The colours are wonderful!
24th March 2015

Oh, you really shouldn't have bought us so many presents!
24th March 2015

Oh my, he is just too cool!
24th March 2015

This is such a fabulous thing to do on your winter vacation!
24th March 2015

When we come to visit you it will be for New Years. Love the party, love the idea of a day of reflection.
14th March 2015

Thank you Hannah. Nice to know you are following our travels and enjoying the trip.
11th March 2015

Hello! Its clear to see you put alot of time into this post and the amount of effort really paid off! Its amazing everything that an underwater camera housing can make possible<\a>. I really liked your introduction. Thanks so
14th February 2015

Lava-roasted hotdogs. Best marketing angle ever.
14th February 2015

"Great hornytoads." -- Yosemite Sam"Great Googely Moogely" -- Frank Zappa"Great Smoking Sinabulu -- Stan Mustasia
11th February 2015

Great photo. What an awesome experience. Annie

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