Ouaga's Guestbook

20th September 2010
Almost in Dakhla...

yes thats as.for ever.thanks for your interesting.
22nd August 2010

is among the problem which faced our country now. so what is a so lution of this problem?
28th July 2010
Standing Buddha

good photo
wonderful photo
23rd July 2010

I liked your article but maybe you was unable to capture the "REAL" Cape Verde because you didnt have a proper tour guide. I was born in America and my parents migrated to America of course but my Cape Verde experience is one that I can not seem to get enough!! Thank you for writing this blog!
17th July 2010
Sotho hut

miss lovely
17th July 2010
Standing Buddha

Picture of Standing Buddha at Monywa
Dear Mr. Griffith: Hi. I was looking for pictures of the Standing Buddha of Monywa and came across your picture at: http://www.travelblog.org/Photos/3371558 I'm currently doing research for a non-profit Buddhist Art Dictionary. We would like to include an entry of this beautiful statue and were wondering if you can let us reference your picture. Please contact me if you have any quesitons. I would greatly appreciate it if you can take the time. Thank you. Best Regards, Yuan Chou
18th May 2010
Africa em Portugues

16th March 2010

just a little help for our friend
we've just finished a website for the little seafront hotel in Toubab Dialaw run by Baby, and we would like to ask you to fill in the LIVRE d'OR , a nice recommendation to advertize the place to other travellers ... This is the website : www. chezbaby.jimdo.com thank you in advance for her. Roxane and Jo, the french owners of the place ...
24th January 2010

good decision
I am so pleased to hear you have finally reached the right decision. Congratulations and lots of love to you both. Gerry xxx
22nd January 2010

congratulatuons! no beter place to get engaged than gods own country!
16th January 2010

Great Blog!
Very insightful as I prepare for my first trip to Africa (during the World Cup 2010). Thanks!
9th January 2010

Thanks for the update... started to wonder what had happened to you two!! ...... and where's suze?? :)
8th January 2010

hello sir
By Vishnu, I can't help but be overcome by flashbacks. You're so right that it doesn't change, and even more right about the nokias. you can almost touch the contradictions with the stick that they use to beat the pachyderms into line with. Nice blog bro, captures that strange damp rotting odour that seems to permeate everything but is somehow vaguely enticing very well. Hope it keeps going well.
15th December 2009

I googled my alter ego and I found this
From Blog: El Cinco Grande
9th September 2009

Thank you for writing this entry. I just wish more people knew a bit more about how Africa really is.
19th July 2009

Is this really works?
How can a Chimpanzee head bring your memory back?
21st June 2009

1ST off Cape Verdes economy is rapidly growing and now is one of the top in Africa... CV Islands is now a definite tourist attraction... you obviously didn’t appreciate the culture nor, do u understand. Alcoholism isn’t a problem, it’s just something that is offered throughout the country and used freely. Being of Portuguese descendents CV has grown extensively. You need to look past poverty and look more into culture and growth... and for your information it is a tropical paradise......Obviously u didn’t visit all livable islands.
29th May 2009

Am I American?
That is an awesome comment. Thanks for your insight. You have illuminated us all.
25th May 2009

Reading your Blog makes me want to visit this poor country of mine. Can't live in it and can't quite let it go either. It is quite a dilemma. I crave a good rich catchupa just about now. I use to occasionally get it from my mother and older sisters when I visited, but now everyone is on a diet and catchupa is not exactly a low calorie food. Ciao
20th May 2009

are you american?
you, my friend, are an ignorant ass.
13th May 2009

Mate, I was having a whinge about corrupt cops. They hassled my Dad and I didn't like it. I spent ten months in Africa and loved the joint. You can read the 40 blogs I posted all about my 'experimental trip'. Stop browsing the web looking for blogs to post silly comments on.
6th May 2009

Guess you should just stay the hell out of Mozambique all together. Maybe just patronize the south african businesses in moz. Ever thought about staying in your backyard? Yeah, you sound like those brats who want to travel to Africa as an experimental trip then just talk bullshit. Ever heard of the press being over cautious when it comes to advising anyone about traveling anywhere? Africa is what it is and if u do not like it, go to Madrid!
18th March 2009

Calm down caboverdeanos
If I'd have known that the Cape Verdean diaspora around the world would take my comments so seriously, I would have chosen my words more carefully! I actually loved the place, I was just passing on my feelings about how Cape Verde compared to my preconceptions. And despite what anyone says, the place has massive unemployment and alcohol problems. That's not an insult - that's just the case in a country with few resources, not much money, and a small economy. Please - don't take it personally. If someone said 'Australia is full of beer swilling arseholes', I'd shrug my shoulders and say, 'well, that's your opinion...and you probably have a reason for thinking that'.
12th March 2009

I just read and loved this little narrative about your visit to cape verde! I'm 1/2 cape verdean myself and have yet to visit any of the islands. I live in a very portuguese/cape verdean community in massachusetts actually and my neighbor just made some cachupa for me last night! haha sooo good! come to southeastern mass or (like christy said) rhode island where a lot cv people live to get some really good cachupa. : D -oh and 'cachupa rica,' you sound a little bitter. joao campos is right about the history. sorry to burst your self-righteous bubble : / ..lol
14th February 2009

Setting things right
Cape Verde was named after a green cape on the coast of Africa, wich served as a reference point to the sailors of the fifteen century who wanted to go to the islands,hence this name. It had no people and was never green, except Santo Antão, as stated in several sixteen century reports, as the writings of Zurara.

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