Ouaga's Guestbook

6th February 2009

Thanks for such an interesting entry. Really well written and great photos. Thanks for sharing it with us
29th January 2009

Hey, sorry, Mell, I think you have me a little wrong here. I didn't say that non-violent protest was ineffective...I was saying that using the name 'Burma' instead of 'Myanmar' seemed ineffective. I know that non-violent forms of protest are what will eventually bring down the military junta...along with correctly implemented sanctions, a complete turnaround in the attitude of China to the regime, plus a belief by the Burmese people that they can force a change in their country. I long for that change as much as any right-thinking person, too.
28th January 2009

Non violent protest in various forms was a tool used in Eastern Europe for decades. The iron curtain is gone now.
27th January 2009

Myanmar or Burma?
I wouldn't say that simply not using the name 'Myanmar' is a very effective form of protest against the regime. The name of the country has very little to do with the way that the government misrules Burma. 'Myanmar' is just a label. The Burmese people pretty much all use 'Myanmar' to describe the nation, only occasionally using 'Burma'. They all call the national language 'Myanma'. Not calling it 'Myanmar' is a bit like still calling Iran 'Persia' because we don't like the tyrannical government there. It really does nothing to reduce the power of those who oppress their people.
27th January 2009

''......it does seem childish to simply refuse to recognise the new name.'' Strange suggestion to make about a method of non violent demonstration against a tyrannical government. Great blog though! :)
25th January 2009

To go or not to go...
Well, we have been debating for well over a year about going to Burma (to us Burma is the right name too!). We were going to but the cyclone hit and we are still debating bout whether it is right to visit because we don't agree with the military dictatorship. Your blog and perceptions have definitely given us something more to debate! Nice pics too.
25th January 2009

A really interesting, insightful blog. Thank you for sharing your experiences... and for explaining the whole Burma/Myanmar thing. I knew the name was officially Myanmar and was confused to hear the BBC still referring to it as Burma. Thanks for clearing it up! Enjoy your travels and I look forward to reading your next blog. :)
18th January 2009

Fantastic list of lists! Pushed me over - I'm going to Africa later this yeah.. First Madagascar, the rest of the continent will have to wait a little longer! Cheers Take care!
8th January 2009

I can't remember thirty at all. How come your travels always end up being so exotic? Why aren't you back here worrying about the next term???? Enjoy yourself mate.
8th January 2009

Ye ol' scallywag!
Happy birthday Tom. Didn't know you were that old, always thought you were 25-something. Enjoy Burma! Love to read about those golden stupas. Aili says "Hugs"!
7th January 2009

Happy Birthday
30 -- I remember turning thirty. I came to Australia on holiday to celebrate and never really went back. We're enjoying our own tropical idyll in far North Queenland -- snorkled the GBR yesterday, very cool. See you back in the Big Smoke.
6th January 2009

Happy 30th Tom
I look forward to hearing more of your adventures and to the Thai meal when you return to Sydney. Love to you both. Gerry
6th January 2009

Sounded like an awesome way to spend your 30th!
11th December 2008

Cape Verde was Green....
fyi,. Cape Verde was green, so was monte verde, hence the names. Your narrative failed to report how the Portuguese ruined the feritle, lush landscape that led to its descriptive name. Also, the islands were inhabited---before the bunch of Ports came and raped the islands! Give more credit to nation built on ruined land--unlike great EURO on the backs of slaves!!
20th November 2008

To Penda
Please remember that African (Ghanaian) tribes also where part of slavery! - Yes we european have to accept our ugly past - but it is all to easy just blaming the white man! Please also remember that slavery is still going on in West Africa - Blacks buying and selling Blacks! Kids without parents being kept as house slaves in Black households! and it goes on and on!
1st May 2008

Just what I needed
I've just seen the movie recently and was looking for follow-up info on Rwanda, how (if) people moved on. Your travellog answered all my questions even including what the hotel's name meant. Thank you.
4th April 2008

Unless you can arrange a private boat...there are no ferry services to Cape Verde from Senegal. Either you can arrange a boat from the Canaries/Madeiras, or fly from Dakar...
2nd April 2008

how to get to cape verde?
how can we get to cape verde on ferry from senegal? please help any info is appreciated. thank you in advance
28th March 2008

what a coincidence
hey, funny thing, my names tom griffis, and another funny thing, the picture of the stairs and the gorgeous beach view, thats my private beach house property, and my private stairs, kinda funny that youre all up on my propertty and shit and you have basicly the same name as me................
28th February 2008

Tom, I must say, I have sincerely enjoyed reading your blog over the past few months and I look forward to reading more from you soon, hopefully! Tiffany, USA
24th February 2008

I like your pic
I search photo by google for see "zebra" i see it on your web i love it very mush, Thanks for all
From Blog: El Cinco Grande
17th January 2008

thanks tom!
tom, thanks for sharing your adventures - you did an awesome job! best of luck and blessings to you and your gal :) sincerely, kimberly in oregon
7th January 2008

hey tom, going to miss your blogs! its been awesome to hear about your adventures...
7th January 2008

Anonynous List-lover!
Thanks Tom. What would theworld be without lists? How could we grasp it at all? Africa will miss you, you humble adventurer.
6th January 2008

Robin Hood
That was a joke, Ernst. I detect more than a hint of racism in your comments. Try to take it easy and bear in mind that this blog is about my opinions, not what I think are cold, hard facts.

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