Page 8 of NikkiandGreg Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Portugal » Algarve » Lagos May 1st 2013

We set our alarm to get up earlier today so that we can take advantage of the free breakfast. In the end we snooze the alarm and make it down with 10 minutes left to spare. What greets us is the best breakfast selection I've seen (well certainly that we've seen based on our usual budget and choice of hotel). They have a huge selection of different cheeses, cold meats and bread- and not the supermarket own brand either. The bread is deliciously light and fluffy, not dry and tasteless. They also have hot options (very unusual in Europe) of eggs, bacon and sausages, and then a huge fruit platter with melon, watermelon, oranges, apples, strawberries and pears. And on top of that they have yoghurts of all flavours and a selection of fresh pastries. The ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville April 30th 2013

There are blue skies on the horizon this morning as we look out the window and it instantly picks up our moods. We have another brief visit in to Tarifa to see the beach while it’s sunny then head onto Seville. There is another huge black cloud over the sea to Morrocco which is heading our way but fingers crossed we manage to outdrive it. I decide to take a turn at driving today and surprisingly manage to remain calm when we get lost coming into Seville whereas Greg is stressing out huffing and puffing, effing and a jeffing. As usual we manage to stumble upon the hotel- who needs directions when Charlie has some sort of homing device built in? Maybe we should rename him Herbie. Our hotel room is awesome, a lifetime away from ... read more
Weird statue thing
Seville river front

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Tarifa April 29th 2013

The Sun is trying to breakthrough today and it’s actually quite mild. Still no need for flip flops just quite yet, much to Greg’s dismay. Breakfast is included in the price of our stay, so I am curious to see what this could possibly consist of. It consists of the following: Value while bread, communal jam and butter and Lidl mini cupcakes. Oh, and a coffee pot too, sheer luxury. We have to wait our turn as it’s only a small area and it’s really busy, so we decide to sit in the foyer until it gets a bit quieter. Whilst we are waiting, our local jake appears and eyes us briefly. He then takes off his hat, and while still looking at us, stakes claim to the remaining free seat by placing his hat onto ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada April 28th 2013

Spain is one of the lucky countries in Europe that is basically guaranteed at least 300 days of sunshine a year. Well not today- it’s really pissing it down as we leave the flat and there are huge puddles of water everywhere. It’s weird to see, as usually our little holiday home in Spain is so warm and sunny. Charlie almost needs water wings to get across some of the roads and I'm expecting a group of ducks to swim by any minute. As we pack the car up, Greg meets an elderly couple on holiday who ask him if we're just finishing our holiday and Greg explains we're actually heading down south on a road trip. They look completely dejected about the weather and Greg tries to reassure them it will get better and they ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London October 8th 2012

At last I'm a dab hand at navigating subways after having managed to find our way around and survive at least 4 other different countries subway systems, all of which were in another language, so the London Underground should be like a breeze. We cook Jason some breakfast to say thankyou for putting us up then head out into the big bad world to do some sightseeing. Our metro line intercepts with the centre of the city, but for now we’re heading a bit further out of town to the sight of the 2012 Olympic stadium. The station and surrounding shops have all been recently done up so the area is really nice looking, but no sign of the stadium. We wander around for a bit before asking someone who points us in the right direction. ... read more
London Eye
Sun has came out yay!

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London October 7th 2012

We say goodbye to the windmills and tulips and head in the direction of good old blighty. We're starting to see more and more British cars now. Random debate: There's an old wives tale that says if cows are lying down in their field it means it's going to rain. As we pass one of the fields, half of the cows are standing and half are sitting. Greg ponders "so does that mean showers?" He may be onto something there. For once we arrive at the ferry port early, so have a little drive around Calais and stock up on some cheap drink. The ferry is only half an hour late which isn't too bad, and we get into Britain for about 7pm. We have to keep repeating over and over "drive on the left, drive ... read more

Europe » Netherlands » North Holland » Amsterdam October 6th 2012

Our alarm is set to go off at 10 this morning, but it's nearly half 11 by the time we can be bothered to get out of bed. Amsterdam isn't that big though, so we should have plenty of time to see everything. We find a nice little delicatessen up one of the side streets in the centre of town where we order a chicken sandwich each (mine with chilli sauce, tomato and cheese and Greg’s with sate sauce, just in case you were wondering) which are delicious and cheap (always the magic word). Hunger satisfied, we go into tourist mode and wander along the cobbled streets and canals taking pictures. It's such a weird mix of people here, lots of tourists and normal looking people going about their daily business, interspersed with prostitutes, dodgy street ... read more
The 'coffee' shops

Europe » Netherlands » North Holland » Amsterdam October 5th 2012

We're back on the road again after what feels like only 5 minutes of arriving. It's a shame we don't have more time (and money) here as we'd have loved to see more and gone out clubbing in one of the super clubs (before we officially get too old). But not to worry, still plenty more things to see and do on our trip, and I'm really looking forward to Amsterdam as everyone I've spoken to has said how awesome it is. Thankfully no bloopers or cryptic 'slight turn right in approximately 243metres' directions today, and it's a straight forward drive to our hotel. Our hotel is once again really nice and it has a kettle too, yay (no sneaking counterfeit kettles into our room), but Greg is horrified when we are charged 11 euros for ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin October 4th 2012

We try to get up at a reasonable time today as we have lots to see. We manage to get up and out for 11am (early enough for us!), but unfortunately spend the next 40 minutes trying to buy a train ticket, as the machine won't accept our visa card, and when we decide to chance it and go onto the train without one, we spot the train inspectors on the train and bottle it. So we have to go back outside and search for a cash machine which we eventually find, but not after a mini heated 'discussion' that nearly results in us going nowhere (that’s what happens when you spend 14 full day and nights with someone). You’d think we were pros at using subways in foreign countries by now, but clearly not. Our ... read more
Brandenburg Gate
Standing in East and West Germany

Europe » Germany » Berlin October 3rd 2012

Its rubbish to be up so early again after a few days of some late lie ins, but we've got a long journey ahead so we need to get ready. Plus we're also dropping off Greg's parents at the airport this morning. It feels weird dropping them off, as it feels like they are the ones going travelling, and it's also weird cos we’re dropping them off in Poland, not Glasgow. We’ll be seeing them in a week though, so it's not too bad. Getting out of Bydgoszcz proves more troublesome than anticipated, and it's almost like a comedy sketch as we actually drive past our hotel three times in a big circle. (Why can we find our way into a city but never out of it?). Eventually we manage to find a way out and ... read more

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