Page 7 of NikkiandGreg Travel Blog Posts

Asia » China » Guangdong » Guangzhou September 1st 2013

Seeing as we only have another 3 days before our first ever English class (seriously we must be insane), we decide we should have a look at what we’re actually going to be teaching. It’s a nerve wracking prospect, especially when they have none or very little english. Building a rapport with young people is hard enough without the added pressure of trying to communicate in sign language and hand gestures. We head down to koala school to take a look at the teaching text books and are slightly disheartened when the teachers instructions pack is all in chinese language! There’s no English version to follow, so it looks like we’ll be winging it by trying to decipher the topics based on the pictures and words in the kids’ exercise books. Now we’re even more worried! ... read more
the pool

Asia » China » Guangdong » Guangzhou August 30th 2013

We wake up at 6am to rapid lightning- at first I think I’m dreaming as all we can see is these little flashes of light every few seconds coming from behind the curtains. When we look outside it’s like a magical light show as several forks of lightning illuminate the clouds every few seconds making them seem translucent. The rain is like nothing we’ve ever seen before, it’s so loud and the droplets are huge! We eventually manage to get back to sleep and then wake up at 12 before snoozing until 2pm. I think we needed the extra few hours seeing as we hadn’t slept for the last few days. I don’t feel jetlagged as such, but have a bit of a fuzzy head and not feeling the sharpest. Hopefully once we’ve had something to ... read more
walmart woohoo
live fish in walmart
better than any mall in britain

Asia » China » Guangdong August 28th 2013

After months of planning and dreaming about this day, it’s finally arrived and we almost wish it hadn’t as we are so nervous and unsure of what to expect… Still, it’s about time we took ourselves out of our comfort zones and try something new. Don’t think you could get much further outside the comfort zone than this! We use the afternoon to finish packing and making sure we have everything and then make our way over to the airport for our evening flight. By the time we get to the airport I am chalk white and almost lock myself into the car so I don’t have to go- all these thoughts about what we’re actually doing are swimming through my mind. Will the kids like us? Will they understand us? Will we like the job? ... read more
our flat
comfy sofa

Europe » France » Upper Normandy » Rouen May 8th 2013

I only managed to get about 4 hours sleep last night as I'm so paranoid I'll sleep in. It's always the same when I know I need to get up at a certain time, so I toss and turn in a light sleep until the alarm finally goes off at 7.30am. It's officially what the scots would class as a 'minging' day - cold, grey and raining. We definitely feel like we're on our way home. The roads are horrible as we make our way to Calais, and the windscreen wiper nearly comes off again. Not ideal when pissing with rain, and we'll definitely need to get that sorted when we get back. Hold on Charlie- not much longer now! The plan is to get to Calais early so we can go to the Carrefour supermarket ... read more

Europe » France » Upper Normandy » Rouen May 7th 2013

The thought of driving for at least 10 hours today is not inspiring me to get going, but we're on the home stretch now and needs must. As much as we've had a great and really eye-opening tour of Spain, I think we're both ready to head home and just relax for a while. I think Charlie also feels the same. I used to mock people who went on about getting home to 'have a cup of tea, put a washing on and put their feet up' but now I get it- I can think of nothing better either (N.B - for the youngsters amongst you out there, it will happen to you one day too, I can almost guarantee it will happen, so no mocking!). We once again try and phone the hotel in Rouen ... read more

Europe » Spain » Basque Country » San Sebastián May 6th 2013

It's so hot when we wake in the morning (well, actually early afternoon) and my mouth is dry and almost bleeding from the amount of pippas we consumed last night- now I know how a gerbil must feel. However, I cheer up the moment I look outside and see clear blue skies- definitely a beach day at last, yay! We get ready quickly and head out in search of some brunchfast. We head down towards the beach and stop at one of the bars on the promenade as we don’t want to be too far away from that elusive sun, sea and sand. In these restaurants there is a succinct lack of menus (I get the whole pinxto thing at night where you look and point at something on the bar, but what about during the ... read more

Europe » Spain » Basque Country » San Sebastián May 5th 2013

Like all the best laid plans, what we expected would be a fairly straight forward drive to the north of Spain turns out to be a long 6 hour nail biting journey as Charlie starts to lose power 20 minutes into our trip, just as we're about to overtake a lorry on an uphill road. We pray it’s only a one off but he does it twice more and we look at each other with a sinking feeling. We’re in the arse end of nowhere, not even a small town in sight so for the rest of the journey Greg is reluctant to go more than 35mph. To add to the fun and excitement, at one point the windscreen wipers start to go awol and nearly fly off completely. I can understand why Charlie is beginning ... read more
Zarautz sunset
Pinxto = delicioso!

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid May 4th 2013

Unfortunately we don't have more time in our cosy hotel room as its really lovely, but we're staying more central in Madrid tonight as we are going to watch the real Madrid game at the Bernabau stadium. Carlos comes along to meet us at the hotel as he knows the way to our next hotel, which is extremely helpful as Madrid is huge and I don't fancy our track record. We need to get something to eat before we set off so go to the supermarket but there isn’t any sandwiches- it’s not like tesco back home and the Spanish don’t really seem to do pre-packed sandwiches. Instead we get two huge chocolate croissants - such a healthy breakfast you'll agree but yummy. I have an orange too which at least makes it feel slightly healthier. ... read more
Anyone recognise this?
Bernabau stadium

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid May 3rd 2013

We set off at about 11am and as we still can't use the toll roads we are stuck on the single lane b roads again. It’s a pain in the ass, but at least they aren't as bad as we thought they would be. Still, it takes us about 5 and a half hours to get back into Spain! But now we can get on the motorway again and hopefully make up some time. We're staying in Valdemoro tonight to see our friend Carlos who lives there. It’s just outside of Madrid and so will hopefully take us slightly less time to get to. It doesn't quite work out that way though and we don't end up getting there until about half 9 at night. We get lost trying to find our hotel but thankfully Carlos ... read more
Fiesta tiempo en Madrid

Europe » Portugal » Algarve » Lagos May 2nd 2013

We forget the time is the exact same as British time in Portugal so we end up sleeping in a bit longer than anticipated. Jamie the surfing bar man from last night has been waiting on us for a few hours which I feel bad about, so we get ready as quick as possible and then head off with another one of the boys called Dave and also Sally, the only other female staff. Thankfully Matt has offered us to use his van, as I don't really think 3 surfboards would fit in Charlie. The rental is cheap- a board and wetsuit for a whole day for only 15 euros- its good having contacts! Jamie drives us to a beach about 20 mins away and when we get there the waves are quite ferocious and foreboding. ... read more
That's me!
Gorgeous beach

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