Page 6 of NikkiandGreg Travel Blog Posts

Asia » China » Guangdong » Daliang December 30th 2013

Felt absolutely dog tired when we woke up this morning after only finishing our Christmas party at 10.30pm last night and then not being able to sleep until 3am. When the alarm went off at 7.45am I was close to pretending I hadn’t heard it and just staying under the covers until lunchtime. But my conscience always gets the better of me and so we get ready and make our way to the school for another long day of lessons. It’s not so bad though because as it’s so close to Christmas, it’s a great excuse to do Christmas activities and watch Christmas movies, so it’s one of the easier days that we’ve had. But still, it’s quite depressing when I check my facebook at lunch time and see that pretty much 90% of the people ... read more
Shower time
No balloons
I said no balloons!

Asia » China » Guangdong » Daliang December 30th 2013

Deck the halls with bows of holly, fa la la la la, la la la la… So, December in Shunde has been upon us and the only hint that it was the festive season is a few fake Christmas trees standing half-heartedly outside shops and Christmas carols sang badly in Chinese being played in the supermarkets. Who can blame them though when Christianity isn’t their main religion. However, the Chinese children still know who Santa is, and like the idea of Christmas, even if they have no idea what the true meaning of it is! We have made it more like Christmas in our own house with the addition of a little (and I mean little) Christmas tree sitting pride of place next to the TV, and we’ve also bought a few traditional Chinese banners in ... read more
Me and one of my K1 students
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Wit you lookin at?

Asia » China » Guangdong » Daliang November 25th 2013

The temperature has definitely changed now with Autumn been and gone and winter finally here. We can’t complain though when ‘winter’ means 18 degrees and sunny. It’s still quite nice though to get the pyjamas on at night and the duvet on the bed! And drinking a cup of tea just isn’t the same when you’re sweating in 35 degrees of heat. Apparently the drop in temperature means less mozzies, which is good news for me as hopefully now they’ll stop dining out on my legs every night. I look like I’ve got chicken pox all over my legs which isn’t the most attractive look. Our teaching journey continues on and this week we’ve been doing review tests to check the students’ progress. However, it’s all a bit pointless when our boss has discreetly told us ... read more
Day out
Chicken feet? don't mind if i do
Can't get enough of my sugar cane

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island November 10th 2013

I’ve literally been dreaming about this day for weeks and at last we are on our way to the buzzing centre of Hong Kong. We’ve heard and read so much about it, so we’re looking forward to finally joining the elite group of people who have actually visited it. It’s a crazy dash when we finish work to get some food and beer ready for the bus journey ahead. Travelling doesn’t really bother us much as we enjoy the anticipation of going somewhere new, and of course having a few bevvies along the way! The bus journey to the immigration check point doesn’t seem to take as long as we had anticipated, and before we know it, we’re making our way towards the border and can see HK beyond… That is until the security guard suddenly ... read more
HK at night
Me in HK

Asia » China » Guangdong October 31st 2013

Wow, where does the time go? So the good news is our first pay packet is finally in our hands (we get paid on the 10th so its a long 6 week wait) and it is definitely a highlight for us, having spent our last few days eating the remainder of everything in our cupboards (including porridge made with water) so we cherish being able to buy some ‘luxury’ items including cheese (oh sweet cheese how I have missed thee), Weetabix (and not the fake stuff either), pesto (3 quid a jar but worth the spend) and chocolate! It’s funny the things that you miss when you are away as when we are back home, we’d think nothing about it and wouldn’t bother if we didn’t have those items in our fridge (apart from the chocolate ... read more
badminton with a 73 yr old
bike ride

Asia » China » Guangdong » Shenzhen October 1st 2013

As part of the National Day holiday, schools and workplaces have a one week holiday known as the ‘National Golden week’. It’s the longest holiday period the Chinese have apart from Chinese New Year and we really want to make the most of it by going away somewhere for a holiday. The only problem is we don’t have our passports at the moment as they are still at Shunde Government for processing, meaning we are a bit limited on where we can go. Even within China, you need your passport to get the bullet trains, so we have to find somewhere easily accessible by bus. Our original plan of Hong Kong has been blown out of the water so instead we find ourselves heading to Shenzen (which is frustratingly only about 5km away from the HK ... read more
splendid china
mini wall of china
Where's the tiger? oh there it is!

Asia » China » Guangdong » Foshan September 30th 2013

Can’t believe we have actually managed to make it this far- OK so it’s only a month but hey! Especially since after the first week here I didn’t think we’d make it to the end of our second week! It feels like the time has gone so quickly, but yet it also feels like a lifetime ago since we disembarked from the plane into the extreme humidity…. It’s definitely been a rollercoaster of a ride, but we’re getting there and so many more things to see and do. Things we’ve learned about China so far: - A simple question never receives a simple answer. Reading between the lines is becoming an acquired skill. - Never take said advice as guaranteed to be correct- most of the time it isn’t. - Mosquitos are NOT my friend. - ... read more
Our school

Asia » China » Guangdong » Guangzhou September 21st 2013

Back to work again on Tuesday evening with my kindergarten class to kick start the week. I thought this would definitely be my easiest class, but actually it is perhaps one of the hardest! I forgot how little attention span a 5 year old has, so for 75 minutes I’m constantly trying to come up with ways to keep them all amused and interested in the lesson. There’s not much book work to do so it’s mostly just running around and having fun whilst teaching a few English words at the same time. I love playing games (mentally I’m only about 10 years old), but if I hear ‘what’s the time Mr Wolf’ one more time I’m going to cry! It does take longer for new words to sink in, and communication is tough as they ... read more
Pick what you like to eat
Turtles on a big turtle
Temple time

Asia » China » Guangdong » Guangzhou September 8th 2013

So the day of reckoning finally came and we were pretty much flung in at the teaching deep end by having to take a one and a half hour class of twenty one boisterous 5 – 7 year olds and their parents! To say we were nervous is an understatement, especially when we couldn’t even have a conversation with them to build up a bit of a rapport. Sign language only goes so far, and some of them were so nervous a little reassuring pep talk would have helped, but never mind. As it turns out, the kids responded really well to us and the language barrier wasn’t as big an issue as we both thought it would be. We both have a Chinese teaching assistant in the class with us, so that makes it a ... read more
Crocodile anyone?
yummy coconut water

Asia » China » Guangdong September 2nd 2013

Its medical time today which is something we’re not particularly looking forward to. We just don’t know what to expect and hope the place is clean. Once we’re there our fears are put to rest as it is really clean and modern looking. We endure an hour worth of tests, including a chest x-ray, ECG, urine and blood tests and an ultrasound. To be honest, a lot of it seems really unnecessary considering we are at low or no risk for half the diseases they are testing for, but never mind. A highlight for me is having to give a urine sample using a toilet which is a hole in the floor. Anyway, I’ll leave that one to your imagination lol. Once it’s all done, our boss drives us back to the apartment and we have ... read more
the main thing is its fat but not greasy
no idea
sounds appealing

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