Mikey M's Guestbook

5th March 2010

just wanna say that i think San Ignacio is so beautiful and fabulous!
13th August 2009

South America
Hello Mike, I am Brazilian, living in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in the city of Rio Grande, near the city and Limet with Uruguay, I believe we have the same name on, with my great-grandparents came from Italy. Greetings, Gilmar Meggiato
20th March 2008

nice blog
hey andy --- hope your trip was okay and thanks for putting me in your blog! rich
19th February 2008

Hey Ariana i was on a whistle stop tour and sorry i did not contact you, im now up in Mexico
18th February 2008

I like ur bloog, it`s nice, also U didn`t tell me that U were in Nicaragua, I was waiting for ur email, do u remember me? Am from Esteli, Nicaragua... I chated with u in the CS room
17th February 2008

Chin up Mikey!
I have my fingers crossed for your girlfriend in Oz - I hope she finds a job soon! And I hope this comment finds you in better spirits!
12th February 2008

Where Is The Flea Market
I can Not Remember but i will email my host/friend larry when i get chance and get back to you Thx Mike
12th February 2008

Hey Anna thanks for the comments, maybe it was my luck but i prefer Nica and Northern Honduras was good and so far Gute is good too Thx Mike
12th February 2008

Where is the flee market?
I'd like to add it to phx411.com
7th February 2008

Costa Rica is really not that expensive. I spent less then a thousand dollars while I travelled through and I was there for a month and saw most of the country. You just have to know where to go I guess. BUt it is one of the most expensive of the latin countries because it is more developed. So I guess you have to expect it. It still is one of the most beautiful countries I have ever seen! =0) Good luck with the rest of your travels. Anna
4th January 2008

Nice photos!
And it was a pleasure having you stay with us. :) The Richmond connection raves about how much she likes the city on her website. Be sure to mention what's so good about it! I've never heard anyone so enthused about about Virginia before.
4th January 2008

What a great description & pics! I like your tendency to pose with cops. Very cute.
14th September 2007

Hi Pj thanks for the advice, i have been in the Kao San road boots and never noticed the Malaria stuff, i d imagine if its in boots it should be genuine, so i will get some for SEA when im in BK and as for South America i will get it in the UK or US. That way less to carry. I appreciate the advice, thanks mate Mike:)
14th September 2007

Hi Mate, Doxycycline is available in Boots Kho san road area in Thialand well cheap. PJ
26th July 2007

Re:Good Luck
Thanks for the best wishes traveling Mum, id deffo be up for a schooner or two when i hit Oz if you want to?........suppose that would depend on a baby sitter...lol.........would like to see Brisbane if you have a 6ft piece of spare floor space
26th July 2007

good luck
Best of luck with it all... looking forward to reading more of your blogs.. If you make it to Brisbane in OZ.. be sure to look me up.. I might have some free space on the floor to bunk for the night!
21st July 2007

Thanks for the concern Jase, they have been arsey with me before and im not exactly fond of the job and will be glad to leave. But any trepidation i had seems so far to unfounded and instead i can walk around with a big smile and tell everyone and make them jealous, i will miss the leaving my notice to last minute trick. But i can get on with stuff without the work headace Mike:)
21st July 2007

That sounds okay then .... thought they may have been being arsy with you ..! now you can go aroun with a big smile on your face at work and they'll know why :0)
20th July 2007

Hey Jase, my boss heard a rumour out i was going away and she asked me to be honest and tell her if i was going and the would be no worry's about my job, so i was honest with her and so to make sure it was all above aboard i gave her my written notice confirming my intended leaving date of the 23.11.07 and confirming the days holiday i have left and wanted paid for.They did not force me .......but to be honest it has been good to get it out in the open as i can speak freely to work colleagues about it and no more hidden internet searches or muffled calls...lol. Also this way they know im leaving and they have the date in writing and everyone i work with knows what a good job i do and so they couldn't terminate we early or id be able to take the to a tribunal. I feel a weight is lifted and we are practically into august and so it would have only been a few months till i told them anyway, id like to think that me being honest would stand me in good stead for references in the future and it means not having to go through pointless training or appraisals when they know im going. I suppose the are pros and cons to it, but its done now and out in the open. I think as far as they are concerned im not off to some competitor and i have known i was going to leave for sometime and my work is fine and has not suffered. It also means they can find someone to replace me before they get stuck without staff at the year end. I would like to leave sooner Jase, but i don't have enough saved yet, but that is only a matter of time. Thanks for your concern Jase:) Take care Mike
20th July 2007

I'm puzzled - why have you handed in your notice now? surely they can't force you ? does your notice confirm your intended leaving date of 23/11/07 or sooner ?
28th May 2007

Just a thought ...
Dude - Sounds like you're seriously excited about this trip - but I think you might have left something out of your plans .... spontaneity?! Just a thought ...
15th May 2007

Itinerary is a go!
Hi Jase, thanks for the positive comments, the comes a time in life were you either have to live your dreams or dwell on what could have been. I m not expecting a nobel prize anytime soon and have not ties so i thought i may aswell go fulfill one of my dreams, glad my ramblings don't bore you and for good or bad they will keep going till d-day and right though my adventure
14th May 2007

Keep the blogs coming
Mike Found your blog this weekend and its exactly what i've been looking for - i plan on travelling but not for a good few years when my kids are at an age pushing me out of the door ! I've been saving for six years now and plan on saving for at least another 6 years and then i'm just taking a well earned year off work ! It's just great to read about a guy from similar area to me with similar ideas on the lifes too short theory talking about how they feel leading up to an adventure like this ! keep it up jase
14th May 2007

Hi Dave + Cathy, i have already tried the Nationwide account thing, however because of some error on my credit file (as my credit score was excellent and it was the file and not my score which was the issue) meant they turned me down for an account. They said i could reply in 6 months but that would be too close to me leaving the uk, plus it took them 5 weeks to tell me i wasnt getting an account and i dont know if i can be bothered with the hassle, i hear nationwide make up for the no charges with a lower coversion rate,so all in all it may work out not that baddly if i go the way im going, thanks for the advice and hope the trip is going well. Take care Mike
13th May 2007

Hi, stumbled on your blog as we are also from Sale and we are halfway through a trip round the world - also booked through Trailfinders. On the cashcard front, get yourself a standard Nationwide account. They are the only bank in the UK that offer completely free withdrawals at any ATM in the world. It's worked so far in Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore and Oz. The other good thing about it is that although it is a standard current account, the card is VISA so is accepted anywhere. You'll save a lot of money with it as it means you can withdraw money daily, as and when you need it. mPlus it's all done on t'internet so very easy to look after.

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