Page 14 of JenGog Travel Blog Posts

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham July 26th 2022

As we drove I found myself telling Glenn all about the Park Wall and the country park that now filled the space between Gwersyllt, Bradley and Llay. It was not always a country park . I had less than fond memories of walks from my home village along the park wall to Cefn Y Bedd . I thought it was never ending . A high wall I could not see over . If I were lucky I would only have to walk along part of its length . Some days thought my gran made me walk from Gwersyllt to Bradley where the wall was lower . I still don't remember what was the other side of the wall . It seemed mysterious. I later found out that it was the wall that surrounded the old Gwersyllt ... read more
Enamel dragonfly
The river gently babbled by
The metal frog

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham July 15th 2022

I don't particularly like this time of the year . The mornings are cool. The skies are like a grey blanket covering us and keeping the sun out. When the suns does appear it swelters . It is so muggy that the trousers I wore this morning are discarded for shorts . The thin jumper thrown back in the cupboard and the T Shirt dug out . The air feels still . The sun burns down . High summer has arrived and with it unpleasant sultry conditions . We don't do summer well . The grass is turning yellow . The hedgerows are dusty. The flowers in the fields are almost over . Everything looks a uniform yellow or off tinge of brown . The schools are out for summer . Well at least some of ... read more
All Saints
The evangelists atop the tower
One of the disaster memorials

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham July 14th 2022

You know what it is like don't you ? You want to do something but you cannot find anything to do . It always happens after you live somewhere for a while . You exhaust all the local walks . All the nearest English Heritage , Cadw and National Trust properties are out of travelling distance. To top it all there is nothing going on in town . After much searching I found a plant fair going on at Cholmondeley Castle gardens . Brilliant I thought as I realised the entrance fee was halved today . So instead of £9 each to see the gardens we could pay £4.50 and benefit from the plant fair with the garden half price . Without too much ado I set to booking the tickets . How hard could that ... read more
The Japanese gate
The japanese bridge
The bardic standing stones

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cheshire » Tattenhall July 6th 2022

We had a plan to day but it was thwarted by the weather . For July it is dreadful . It threatens rain every day . The skies are overcast . That complete covering of grey with little to relieve it . The plan had been to do something most days . Hodnet Hall - only opens in the summer months on a Wednesday . Each week something else got in the way . Looked it the same would happen today . Cholmondeley Castle Gardens - again summer opening only . This time Thursdays only. By the time mid morning had come around we just had to go out somewhere . In the end we got in the car and just drove . Across the border into England . To a small hamlet called Bruera . ... read more
Many of the gravestones were in wonderful condition
This is as close as I got to inside - the porch message
The sundial

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham July 2nd 2022

Cymru Rhydd- Free Wales . That is what we could hear being chanted by the crowd marching in front of us . The Welsh national anthem was being sung with gusto. The words of Calon Lan - a welsh hymn about a clean and pure heart rang out . What do we want ? Independence came the reply. The flags flutter in the breeze . We join the march on Queens Square which is set up with stalls selling welsh produce and welsh beer . A large TV screen is set up and the march has already started . We read that it would assemble at 12 and set off up Duke Street at 12.30 . This would give us time for a coffee, a bacon sandwich and a sausage roll. We latched on the middle ... read more
The flags pointing the way
Independence wanted - message sent to Boris
A welsh woman with Dafydd Iwan

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Shropshire » Whitchurch June 30th 2022

Sion was rather excited as we had promised to take him out for a trip . " Yes it was a lovely day, the last day of June and I was being shuffled along with the words Come on Siony we are off for a trip" I got very excited to be fair and was a bit bemused when they did not go into Gabby . They told me I was going to see a Dutch bridge . Now that excited me . I remember we were supposed to go to Holland and see bridges in Amsterdam so I thought to myself we were probably off to Holland to see the bridges . About time too. Sadly Sion was going to be a tad disappointed . His face dropped when we got into Ziggy rather than ... read more
The Roving Bridge on the Shropshire Union Canal
Signposts on the Shropshire Union
The Sunflower looking rather bright

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham June 28th 2022

We found ourselves in town again . We seem to do this often. Today was another trip to the optician . We never would have done this in Chesterfield . There would have been any old excuse to stay at home . The plan thought did end up rather back to front . What we planned to do first was relegated to last. What was last ended up first . Usual parking spot and the usual walk across St Giles Crescent and down Charles Street . We were early for the appointment so there was the need to find something to do to pass 20 minutes . We knew the optician would not want us there early and it was not quite enough time for a coffee . We did pass Cafe de Galles and put ... read more
A silent choir
Crowns hidden everywhere
Fit for royalty

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham June 27th 2022

We were driving into town talking amongst ourselves as we drove . What have we done since we have lived here ? Had we realised we have been here 15 months ? We came down to rain, a flooded garage , a family who would not move out and Covid almost instant lockdown . Life had drifted along under Covid. Gabby had stood unused and stored . It is fair to say she has not travelled far in the last 15 months nor in the months that preceded the move . We have struggled getting workmen to come and do the jobs we are not allowed to do . We saw prices of materials rise. Life was very different to 2 years ago . Would we have driven into Chesterfield for Arms Forces Day? No probably ... read more
The RSM with the regimental mascot the pony
Looking at the WW1 and WW2 artifacts
Is it a spitfire or a hurricane ?

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Shropshire June 26th 2022

The walk from Boscobel House to the White Ladies Priory was sign posted as one mile away . We had a choice . Trust the sign . They are sometimes under egged and the walk turns out much further . That was coupled with the heat , a pair of new shoes being broken in and the horse flies which had a taste by this time for my blood . Like vampires they swooped . In the end we decided to drive down what was a very narrow country lane . Far too narrow for Gabby had we come in her today . And no parking . Just a rough piece of ground with enough room for a mini sized car . We parked up Ziggy and commented that it was indeed further than a mile ... read more
White Ladies Priory
Looking through to what might have been the cloister
Set in the fields - not much left

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Staffordshire » Brewood June 25th 2022

First things first . Boscobel House is in Shropshire . Boscobel is one of those oddities in our small isle . The building , the house itself lies inside the boundary of Shropshire however part of the property and its land lie in neighbouring Staffordshire . The post address is Brewood which clearly falls into Statffordshire and the house has a Stafford postcode . So I have one foot in one county and one foot in the next . The house once belonged to the nearby priory . The White Ladies priory which we would be visiting next . When we move we usually draw a circle of fifty miles from our home or one hours driving time . This is the limit we like to travel without taking our girl Gabby out for an overnight ... read more
Looking at the back of the house
Inside the parlour
Delft tile fireplace

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