Page 5 of Hendis Travel Blog Posts

The Bolivian Amazon The Bolivian Amazon is full of mystery. The Incas tried to conquer the area in the 15th century when they believed it was a powerful civilization living there. The indigenous people, mainly the Moxos tribe, posed so hard resistance that the Incas, instead of fighting them, they allianced and settled among them. The tale of the Incas' experience fired up the imagination of the spanish conquerors a century later, and they too searched the jungle for the rich and powerful civilization. The name of the kingdom was El Dorado (the Golden One) or Paititi (the land of the celestial jaguar). The Spanish spent the whole 16th century trying to find the kingdom, but found nothing but death and diseas. The Bolivian Amazon has some of the richest wildlife habitats on earth, and is ... read more
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South America » Bolivia » Beni Department » Madidi May 9th 2008

Ciclismo Andino After a couple of days relaxing in Sorata, it was time to move on. The reason I went to Sorata in the first place, was that I planned to do a trip from Sorata to Rurrenabaque. A five day trip, organized by "Andean Biking" in Sorata. ( We started out driving up to about 4800m, at the northern end of Cordillera Real, which I was mountaineering in a couple of weeks ago. From here we started our two days long downhill adventure. The dirt road we followed is plunging down from the Cordillera Real and passes tiny villages, most of them based on gold mining. We started off in sunny weather, and biked for a couple of hour before our guides made lunch in spectaculare settings. After the lunch we headed down through the ... read more
Illampu and Ancohuma in the background
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On the way up to the starting point at 4800m

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Sorata May 4th 2008

Relaxing in Sorata After one and a half week in La Paz, with all its noises and stress, it was time to get out of the city. Sorata is a proper laid-back place, 4 hours drive outside La Paz It's situated on a hillside in a valley beneath the peaks of Illampu and Ancohuma. In the colonial days, Sorata provided a link to the Alto Beni's goldfields and rubber plantation, and was the gateway to the Amazon Basin. Today it's a great place to relax and it's also one of the better destinations for trekking. I chose the first option, relaxing, for a few days before I headed on. Or, I actually went for a 11 km walk (each way) down to Gruta de San Pedro, some caves further down in the valley. The caves it ... read more
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Cordillera Real, Bolivia After about two months since I was trekking around in Patagonia, I felt for getting out in the mountains again! At least for a couple of days. And Bolivia is a paradise for trekking and mountaineering. Compared to Himalaya, it's far from the same bureaucracy here and it makes the climbing much easier. Not to mention that a lot of the interesting mountains is just outside the capital!! Bolivia's Cordillera Real has more than 600 peaks above 5000 meter, and the range is situated just outside La Paz! Illimani and Huayna Potosi Huayna Potosi is the most popular peak in Bolivia, and it's heaps of tourist companies in La Paz which organise trips here. After a little research, I will change it's name to "tourist mountain" instead : ) But it's popularity is ... read more
Looks like a expedition....
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South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz April 22nd 2008

Hello guys!! Travelling solo again... After one month of visit from Norway, I'm now travelling solo again. Siri wen't home on monday, flying from La Paz in Bolivia. And today she arrived in Oslo, after a journey without problems! The world's highest everything..!! We crossed the border to Bolivia about two and a half weeks ago, and the contrasts are huge! Argentina and Chile has been really good, but maybe not the biggest adventure. It's a bit too westernized some times. But Bolivia is different. We went from a comfortable semi-cama bus to a rotten bus on dirt-roads. The people was also different. First of all, Bolivia is a much poorer country, actually one of the poorest in South-America...! But it's a fantastic country! It's the hemisphere's highest, most isolated and most rugged nation. It's among ... read more
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South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz April 20th 2008

Tidlig hjemreise Reisen min har faatt en braa endring. Allerede etter en maaneds tid kom hjemlengselen, og jeg foelte at jeg var mettet av opplevelser. I denne anledning vil jeg skrive litt om hvordan det er aa vaere paa reise:) Fra foerste stopp som var Argentina sitter jeg igjen med foelgende fem punkter: Biff Farmacias som ligger paa hvert eneste gatehjoerne Sanwicheria, sjapper der de selger sandwicher, eller de man faar paa bussen Busser, som er hovedtransportmiddelet, grunnet svaert faa jernbaner. Majonesa, herregud aa mye majones de spiser!!!! Jeg har laert spansk paa videregaaende i 2 aar, saa litt bakgrunnskunnskaper hadde jeg. Men jeg skjoente fort at Magnus hadde laert mye fortere enn meg paa 4 uker med spansk kurs i Argentina! Vi var vel ganske likestilte. Men jeg maa nok innroemme at han var flinkere ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Uyuni April 14th 2008

Sorry guys! I haven´t written anything in english for a while now.... As you probably have seen, I have got company, and it´s more natural to write in Norwegian. But we´ll try to make all the comment´s on the pictures in English, so that will hopefully give you a little overview! I will try to give you a little resume now and then, but meanwhile you can enjoy the pictures and read the comments there....!! (Unfortunately, it´s bit tricjy to upload pictures here in Bolivia, so it can take a little while) Tupiza Vi krysset for en uke siden grensen til Bolivia, til fots. Forskjellene var med en gang merkbare og vi har nesten opplevd mer paa en uke, enn de andre tre Siri har vaert med! Den foerste, veldig, merkbare forskjellen var bussen og veiene ... read more
Tupiza is situated in a......
western like landscape
We got inspired and......

South America » Argentina April 6th 2008

Mendoza Kryssing av Andesfjellene For aa komme til Mendoza fra Santiago, maa man krysse Andesfjellene. Vi hoppet paa en buss i Santiago og ble nok engang imonert over den gode servicen til busselskapene her nede. Vi fikk (selvsagt) utdelt lunsjpakka, men enda bedre.... sjaafoeren satte paa en video med 60 til 80-talls hits!! Et gledelig gjensyn med mange gode gamle slagere, som ogsaa ville satt rockefoten hos dere i foreldregenerasjonen i sving : ) Turen over gaar foerst forbi uttallige vingaarder utenfor Santiago, for deretter aa starte klatringen oppover i Andesfjellene. Vi passerte over 3000 meter og Siri satte dermed ny hoeyderekord : ) Halvveis kunne vi ogsaa faa et glimt av Aconcagua, hvor Magnus var i Januar. Naar vi sakte men sikkert legger Andesfjellene bak oss, blir vi igjen omkranset av flere av Mendoza´s mange ... read more
There is a lot of left overs after vinepoduction.
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South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón March 31st 2008

Aktive Vulkaner!! Pucon Etter noen late dager i Argentina. Maatte vi nesten ta oss selv i nakken for aa ikke havne inn i feriemodus. For vi er jo tross alt paa backpackertur og adventuretravel, ikke sydentur ; ) Vi bestemte oss derfor aa dra til Pucon i Chile, for aa avlegge den aktive vulkanen Villarica (2847 m.o.h) et besoek. Pucon ligger i oestenden av innsjoen Villarica, og er et skikkelig turiststed overfylt med turistbyraaer som tilbyr alle aktiviteter man kan tenke seg. Vulkan Villarica Vi booket inn paa et hjemmekoselig hostel i Pucon og fikk grunndig innfoering i alt man "maatte" gjoere her i omraadet! Vulkanen var selvsagt hovedpunktet, og vi bestemte oss fort for aa satse paa denne. Et kort spoersmaal avklarte fort hvordan det skulle foregaa: * Kan vi gaa opp der alene? * ... read more
Our hostel
Pucon had an alert system:
On the top of Vulcan Villarica

Noen late dager i Bariloche Som nevnt i forrige brev, trengte Siri litt tilvenningstid. Det ble derfor ingen planlagt tur i omraadet, men noen late dager langs innsjoen Nahuel Huapi. Bariloche, som Magnus har tilbrakt tre uker i tidligere har nok av "turistattraksjoner" aa by paa. Paa lista over obligatoriske ting aa gjoere finner vi sjokoladebutikkene, som finnes paa hvert gatehjoerne, isbutikken JauJau med kanskje verdens beste is??!!, biffrestauranten "Boliche de Alberto" og massevis av friluftsaktiviteter. (Som vi da ikke benyttet oss av denne gangen) Bariloche blir ogsaa kalt "little switzerland"...... Til tross for paaskeferien og en overfylt by med turister, var det en helt annen atmosfaere i Bariloche enn Buenos Aires, noe som gjorde gaatt for Siri's aklimatiseringsprosess, og hun er naa klar for nye oppplevelser. Vi tilbrakte de to foerste nettene i hjemmet... read more

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