Beebe's Guestbook

5th February 2010

candy wrapper
oh yeah so the candy wrapper is pretty funny - I have early american History up until 1856- I posted on my history discusison board- since we have been talk about the spanish during this time
5th February 2010

Hola Yes, yes I am- I would not mind violently swinging back and forth on the beach in the rain in Acapulco. ( great sentence structure, I know) The picture of the palm trees and the fog looks just like Santa Barbara in June - You know the the June gloom - ahhhahahahhaa (Dr. Evil Laugh) Deseo que estabo en Acapulco ahora. Me gusta la lluvia. Me gusta mucho la playa. I remember the first spanish my dad taught me - Una mas cervesa senorita, por favor ( nice huh?) he would go fishing alot in Mexico. Yo tengo que estudiar mi historia. Espero que tu pies y Bill tengas un buen tiempo en Acapulco. Envia un postal a Julia, si puede- OK enough Spanish- I had spanish las quarter- AY yay ya- ok talk to you later- Hasta Luego, Jen
5th February 2010

Still jealous? You betcha, as the bimbo ex-guv of Alaska might say. We are expecting a major Winter storm in this area today. Hopefully, Detroit will be a bit North of the area that will be hardest hit. Anyway, you made the rain storm sound like fun. I can't remember if you were still in Mendoza when we got that sudden squall and Belgrano flooded. We practically needed a boat to cross the street to our favorite restaurant. I am surprised though, that you don't have a way to close windows. Doesn't the hotel. at some point in the season need air conditioning? It gets hot down there! C.
3rd February 2010

It looks wonderful there and we are very jealous! Glad you are having a restful beautiful vacation. Jer and Shar
3rd February 2010

I'm busy enough, I guess! I filled 3 big garbage cans with tiny clippings from blackberry bushes today. The sun was out and I got a little "color". Tonight Linda and I are going to a class at Island Hospital on lowering Cholesterol (diet and exercise, duh). Tomorrow is busy: open house for agents for a new listing- tri-plex in Anacortes ($399,000), a group picture of the Windermere agents up on Cap Sante, re-home inspection for a house in La Conner that might actuallly close in February(!), then off to Seattle for dinner with a friend and PacificNorthwest Ballet + overnight at their place in Ballard, then the Garden show on Thursday + overnight with a different family, BIG Windermere event at Benaroya Hall on Friday and home! Saturday and Sunday, I don't know...
2nd February 2010

Hi Lynn and Bill, You are making me very jealous. It has been very cold here, low 11 degrees. We had a very icy day on Thursday with 3 school buses sitting on a mountain road waiting for a sand truck for 1 1/2 hrs. I enjoyed the video of the crashing waves. Thanks! Bev
2nd February 2010

Ritmos mexicanos
Whenever Martin and I have a restaurant to ourselves, we tell each other that we are having our "Mexican experience." The waves on your beach resemble the waves in Puerto Escondido, further down the coast, where we were actually warned to stay out of the water because of the strong current -- for surfers only. Your photos are wonderful. Love the dog and the sunset, and both of you relaxing. All you need is a palapa and a couple of coco locos. If you think of it, tell us the name of the town again. Carol
1st February 2010

where in the world is Lynn now?
Ilove it whenIsee the ne travel blog email pop up in my inbox- I like try and guess where you are. I'm never even close. Jen
From Blog: The Lagoon Tour
1st February 2010

AAAAHHHHHHH.......that looks lovely!!
29th January 2010

Oh! My! Parece un paraĆ­so! The weather here tonight is in the single digits. I'm too jealous to comment more.....
28th January 2010

You're missing nothing in La Conner!
Gray and cold here. Well, sundhine yesterday. Thanks for another vicarious adventure.
28th January 2010

Villa Nirvana
Hi Lynn, looks nice! Good to have some reference object when you are going to traveel in the future! Hope everything is fine with you and your family in the beginning of this new year! Me and Therese are going to Congo for two months this Saturday!
28th January 2010

another trip me dreaming to go again too
I just propose to Noel to take a few days from work and go to mexico and Guatamala and catch up with Roxanne in Cancun in March. roxanne and her g-friend going down for spring break..Have fun. Patricia
29th December 2009

Correction for explanation photo Favorite Grafiti
I wanted to point out you that the graffiti from you photographed it doesn't refer to a political formation, on the contrary it is one of the loghis of the fans of the local team of soccer. The Ultras, even if they have a political indication directed to the right, I am not anything else other than the supporters of the team NAPOLI.
23rd November 2009

Turkey Day
LOVE these blogs! I want to go back toooooooo! Guess what, miracle of miracles-Deryl is 'doing' Thanksgiving this year! I said you 2 may be back and of course there will be more than turkey at his table. I'm doing veggies, etc., etc. He is going to dress the table with all his fancy silver/crystal/china and no doubt wonderful flower arrangements. Hope you'll be able to be home by Thurs. 3 days!? I'd love to see all your fotos on the very big LR screen! Linda
20th November 2009

Address change
Hi Lynn, If you can, please change my email address. Really enjoy your pictures.
16th November 2009

your money we're in.....
looks great could be a hotel or brothel.....Trips sound very cool with all the church visits you are really getting tight with the "Big" guy hedging your bets EH? Have fun in Rome and toss a few in the fountain for us.....Weather here sucks!!!
15th November 2009

Glad to have crossed your travel path
Having just met you, it was fun to read your entry for the day we met. Enjoy your continued travels and keep blogging. Elisha
From Blog: More Ruins
15th November 2009

Really appreciate these wonderful fotos and commentary. What a time you 2 are haveing!!!! 'The Hope Is. Neighborhood' is anticapating a re-run oN your BIG SCREEN! However, it is dark, wet, and cold here so don't hurry back. The lovely,fair weather in Italy is too nice to leave. Linda
From Blog: More Ruins
14th November 2009

Thanks for sharing your travels with us. You have certainly covered a lot of ground. It will be a trip you will always remember. I am sharing your blog with a buddy teacher who has cancer. She is Italian and has been to Italy but did not spend as much time there. She is also enjoying your adventures! Travel safely and stay well!
From Blog: More Ruins
12th November 2009

And it's more expensive than Santa Barbara!
12th November 2009

The coastline and the buildings look very similiar to Sant Barbara
12th November 2009

That aqueduct was on an episode of the Simpsons. IT CRUMBLED BEHIND THEM AS THEY DROVE ACROSS- T
From Blog: Rain/Hail/Sun!
11th November 2009

Keep those photos coming.
This is so great. A free trip to Italy with good friends and no waiting in lines! I had lunch (Japanese) with Linda today. We also went to a weight training class at Island Hospital. We were stars. What does that tell you about the rest of the class? Right, oldies but goodies. Anyway, tomorrow we are going on a MONA docent field grip all the way to Guemes Island to Phil McCracken's home and studio + a couple of others. It will be nice to be on an all day art trip. This aftrenoon, I'm busy in the office sending out stuff to let my "sphere" know that I'm still in the RE business. You'll be getting a calendar for the fridg! I think you would give me a referral, if the subject came up, right? Okay, Bill, I'll give the calendar to Lynn! Anyway, the sun is out today and I'm inside the office, so that's not good! Best thoughts, Breta
From Blog: Rain/Hail/Sun!
10th November 2009

You are intrepid!
Wow, sweater weather. It is gray and drippy here. You are not missing a thing. I, on the other hand, am missing Italy. How great it looks! Keep up the great photos and comments- for your home town friends.

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