Blogs from Northeast, Vietnam, Asia - page 35


Asia » Vietnam » Northeast August 29th 2010

We managed to get off the train in Haiphong without too much trouble. We had breakfast en route but neither of us had a clue what it was! Some kind of weird doughy thing with some pork meat in the middle-not your typical breakfast! As soon as we were off the train, a girl told us that she would organise a taxi for us as the boat for Cat Ba was leaving really soon. Started to think, hmmm and tried to avoid her. Got in a taxi and went to the port. and funny enough, there was the same girl again telling us to 'Quickly, quickly buy our tickets for 150000 dong as the boat is going to leave'. We had been told it was cheaper and just really had the feeling we were being ripped ... read more
At the Bamboo cafe
View from the hotel
 our boat cruise

Asia » Vietnam » Northeast August 27th 2010

We arrived in Vietnam actually in the afternoon after about an hour and a half's flight from Hong Kong. After having enjoyed the comforts of the western world for so long, we were a bit unsure of what to expect from Vietnam. After successfully picking up our Visas and making it into the country we were happy to be picked up by a taxi guy that we had arranged through the hotel-it made the journey to Hanoi a bit easier! One of the first shocks was the crazy driving of the Vietnamese people. Our taxi driver seemed insistent on making sure we would crash, whether into other cars, lorries or mopeds or bikes. We just about made it, though it was a challenge just to get across the road to the hotel through the mass of ... read more
On the way
Our room, Hanoi
Street bar

Asia » Vietnam » Northeast » Quang Ninh » Halong Bay August 22nd 2010

Sunday, 22nd August Via a relatively poor night of sleep due to the fact there was a storm and our roof had more holes in it than the plot of Star Wars (see Robot Chicken) we got onto a 3 hour bus to Ha Long Bay. We hadn't booked onto a party boat but were quite surprised that the average age of our tour group was older than Helen Mirren (what she looks like, not is). Of course we made the classic commission-for-bus-driver stop on the way, panicky to see the Israelis from the bus on a similar tour (please not the same boat). At the port was more p*ss*ing around but a view of things to come. A thousand junkers in front of a thousand islands. At the port I was groped on the bum ... read more
Thousand Islands
Sunset on Cat Ba Island
The junker problem

Asia » Vietnam » Northeast » Quang Ninh » Halong Bay August 12th 2010

Another 20 hour combined trip of normal sitting bus to Hue and then an overnight sleeper bus got us to Hanoi, this time in relative comfort and safety (at least compared to the hell that was the journey from Nha Trang to Hoi An). Our first bus from Hoi An to Hue was only half full so I could get a window seat and watch the coastline unravel below me as we climbed twisting roads clinging to the cliffs and mountains on this stretch of the journey. It was extremely picturesque, just a shame we missed the very best of it by cutting through massive tunnels in the mountains. We stopped in Hue long enough for a Laughing Cow baguette, and again later for a bowl of Pho (delicious staple out here, it's only noodle soup, ... read more
Hanoi Cathedral
Water puppet theatre
Toasting surviving Vietnam with a glass of Dalat wine

Asia » Vietnam » Northeast » Quang Ninh » Halong Bay August 4th 2010

An 8:00am checkout and a four hour drive with our guide Mr Tom and driver took us to Ha Long bay. The journey stretched through through rice fields, industrial areas (including a huge Canon factory), and towns of various sizes. We shared the road with all kinds of vehicles (cars, lorries, bicycles, walkers and the ubiquitous scooters) all disregarding the rules of the road with great tolerance for other drivers. We also had a range of fellow-travellers, including cows (some oin foot, one strapped securely to a scooter), pigs (at least three per scooter), boxes of chickens and ducks, as well as fruit, bread and veg of all kinds all moving along at speed. Mr Tom was a fount of all knowledge, explaining Vietnamese history, culture and language, while pointing out various exciting or interesting sights ... read more
Ha Long Bay
Ha Long Bay
Ha Long Bay

Asia » Vietnam » Northeast » Quang Ninh » Halong Bay August 3rd 2010

Hi again, Well, its our last night in Vietnam, and party animal that I am I'm spending it blogging. Not for long though, Bia Hoi awaits! Bia Hoi is awesome, its basically microbrew type beers that are served in any liquid holding receptacle available to anyone who cares to sit down on one of the tiny plastic chairs that litter the pavements of Hanoi. These chairs are absolutely minute, although they are very strong. It's not surprising - our tour guide for Halong Bay described Vietnam as a one word country - SMALL! The people, the buses, the motobikes, the chairs... even the country is skinny! But I digress. Drinking Bia Hoi is another one of these 'must-do' experiences, and for good reason. Even if you don't get into conversation with the locals also drinking there, ... read more
Bia Hoi!
Market fish

Asia » Vietnam » Northeast » Quang Ninh » Halong Bay July 30th 2010

Halong Bay was amazing and definitely up there in the favourite places I've been this year. We had a lovely boat and the bus ride wasn't even that bad, but it did seem to take a really long time. There were the four of us, two couples, Stefan and a French family. Everyone was really lovely. The first day we got the boat out to the islands whilst we had an amazing lunch and then cruised around the bay taking photos and marvelling generally. We went out on kayaks and spent some time jumping off the boat into the water, loads of fun. To start with, even though they were in the same kayak, Crissi and Pete looked like they were racing each other, it was so funny to watch. Dinner that evening was relaxed and ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » Northeast » Quang Ninh » Halong Bay July 26th 2010

Hanoi and Halong bay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We got another early flight to the capital of Vietnam, called Hanoi. When we got there we got another local tour guide named 'Mr T' who took us around Hanoi to see the major sites and then off to see Mr ho chi ming .. it was the wierest/ creepest thing EVER there he lay surrounded by lots and lots of guards with spears!!! No crossing of arms, talking, or walking at an unacceptable pace was tolerated, which was a problem for us. We kept being prodded by these men to hurry up and stop diver dathering... Later that day we were told to pack an overnight bag, as we were off to stay overnight on a boat a halong bay, When we arrived about the boat we were shocked as to ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » Northeast » Quang Ninh » Halong Bay July 7th 2010

Halong Bay, 17th - 19th May 2010 Monday 17th and we were up bright and early to catch our bus to Halong Bay. We climbed onto the bus to be welcomed by Tony our tour guide for the three days. Tony, although Vietnamese spoke very good English, but also had a Hi De Hi approach to his tour guide persona which we could see could get a little annoying. After 3.5 hours on a mini bus on the mad, mad roads of Vietnam (witnessing double overtaking towards onward traffic) we finally pulled into the harbour area of Halong Bay and after a brief wait we boarded our junk boat which would be our home and means of transport for the next couple of days. Halong Bay is a mystical and inspiring natural wonder where 3,000 or ... read more
Our junk boat
Inside the first cave
The floating village

Asia » Vietnam » Northeast » Quang Ninh » Halong Bay July 6th 2010

Hanoi is a city of motor cycles. At every turn they are there, you can’t escape it. The fact that we would be home in a week started to sink in and we spent our time wandering the streets, not really seeing, feeling numb thinking that a whole year has gone by. Did I really do all these things? What will it be like to go home again? Have I changed? Am I now this great mature and worldly person I thought I would become after a year in the wildness of the world? Yikes that motorcycle almost ran me over! To take our mind off our approaching departure we took a trip out to Halong Bay for a 3 day cruise through the Fiords. We hopped aboard a Vietnese ‘Junk’ as they call their boats ... read more
Photo 3
Tracks Through Poverty
Amazing Sleeper Buses

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