Blogs from Phang-Nga, South-West Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 4


Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Phang-Nga December 22nd 2007

Our Christmas this year will consist of a New Years Party for 53 Thai Buddhist children 41 Burmese children, 18 Indian children, 34 Thai Muslim children, 16 Nepali children and Marrin and Miles, the only two Caucasian children. This party is the second one the people in this region have held for children here, some Tsunami survivors, some Burmese illegals, some children of vendors from India and Nepal and residents along the coast. Marrin and Miles and I are donating our last personal funds to support it, about $483.00 CDN. The project is usually funded by a friend in Khao Lak, but a personal tragedy ate up the funds halfway through the planning of this party (it takes a lot to coordinate that many kids and adults, none of whom speak the same language!!!) So the ... read more
Gifts for every child!
Happy Holidays!
Smiles for the sponsors!

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Phang-Nga December 14th 2007

Weight. When you talk about the severity of things happening, weight is a lousy measure. The emphasis placed on an event in the hyped up world of the west where families are afraid of their neighbors and a steel cage isn’t enough to keep a child safe in a car, isn’t the same culture to culture. When a child is sick with malaria, the world does not stop to hope he gets better or nurse him through the fever, there are trees to tap and the grounds to cut clean…if the job isn’t done through the night, there isn’t food the day after tomorrow. Mq Nyi Nyi Htue is barely five years old. This afternoon he was told there is no medicine for him, today he lost his home and yesterday his mother died from the ... read more
Waiting for the nightime...

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Phang-Nga December 14th 2007

Bantchi Credit is the idea that our actions build us credit as we go on, and we can draw down on that for a time. It needs refilling but who’s to say what actions earn credit and what deplete it. The Burmese turn to this idea to explain many of their circumstances but use other sources as well. Min Min’s mother wasn’t home when Minoo and Eve and I stopped at Kit 12 to visit the family. His father explained that she had gone out of the Ngan Tawee farm to seek a foirtne teller to explain why Min Min had fallen the day before. The bravery and risk his mother was taking was enormous. Only two days later, when I knew she had returned safely, albeit after losing two days of pay, did I feel ... read more
...days old... door...

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Phang-Nga December 14th 2007

Corruption is just the way we do things…Mn lived as an illegal in Bangkok for nine of the 11 years he has been in Thailand. During that time he had to back into Burma twice. Both times fearing he would never be able to leave again. Mn worked for the government in Burma, and thus is a person the Burmese government doesn’t want to be tromping around much outside its borders. He assures me that he was quite safe as an illegal in Bangkok and that despite not being able to roam freely, having to hide during the day and take only low paying Three D (dirty, demeaning and dangerous) work, as long as he had a B/500 bill pinned to the inside of his trousers to bribe the border officers for his freedom once they ... read more
...more of Mn's work...

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Phang-Nga December 14th 2007

For 62 children between the ages of 2 and 5, I am hoping that things will get a little bit better soon. The 22 “Kits” or permanent settlements in the Khok Kloi Rubber Plantation (Ngan Tawee) are home to about 300 Burmese. There is no fresh water, no sanitation and no permanent houses unless you consider the abandoned crumbling shell of buildings “permanent”. In conjunction with a developing project to introduce water and sanitation to two of the 22 Kits, our goal is to develop two nursery care centers to house the children who are abandoned during the day while their parents work to bring home 35 baht a day in wages. That’s one dollar Canadian. The “we” refers to the organization called Child-trac. This NGO is founded and operated by a woman named Chantalle who ... read more
Gremlin's brother
River boys
School room

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Phang-Nga December 13th 2007

Phang Nga Bay and Coral Island - Day 6, 7 & 8 December 10th, 2007 to December 12th, 2007 I’m sitting on the plane putting this blog entry together as Steven and I are heading north to Chiang Mai. This marks the end of the hedonistic, fun-in-the-sun leg of our trip. I miss Patong already! This flight itself was a bit of an adventure as Air Asia re-scheduled our flight a few hours later which meant we would miss a scheduled event. After a few quick adjustments, we were back on target as we quickly dumped our Air Asia flight and booked a last minute flight with Thai Airways. Was actually kind of fun figuring out how to make things work out under such time pressure. Steven called it our “Amazing Race” incident. Anyway, back to ... read more
Phang Nga Bay 1
Phang Nga Bay 2
Phang Nga Bay 3

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Phang-Nga December 9th 2007

Years ago when I was studying in the North East of Thailand, I came across a magical place in a temple garden that I nicknamed the “singing forest”. I wrote a story about it and used the story numerous times in the past to illustrate my travels to Thailand. The singing forest (of which there are many I have discovered in subsequent travels…though none as powerful as in Essan) is a naturally forested setting inhabited by millions of cicadas. These particularly large insects (anywhere from one centimeter to four inches long) inhabit forested areas and in the early morning and especially the early evening they let loose a vibrating cry that sounds like a locomotive screaming through your brain. With millions of these creatures “singing” together, the air is visually disturbed…much like a comic book sound ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Phang-Nga December 5th 2007

The cool season in Thailand is here and with it comes a small bit of melancholy in my heart. My trip is slowly coming to its close and I have so much to do. In this last month here I need to start making plans for the fundraising portions of my work here. The foundation in established in three projects now and I am already active working on two of them. The Burmese nursery project is underway and some materials have been purchased for my first trip into the Ngan Tawee Rubber plantation kits. Wednesday is an all day foray into the jungles to photograph and record some of the stories of the families that will be affected by the foundations donations and work to build two nursery schools for the children of the kits. The ... read more
strong men do the heavy work
lime green matche severythng else here...

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Phang-Nga December 4th 2007

See & Sprout wrap up This last week has been unbelievably gratifying…I noticed Staci hasn’t uploaded an updated blog yet…I can’t wait to read of her thoughts and feelings. The kids’ enthusiasm hasn’t let up. Already I have had two kids request to take the cameras out for the day again. Yesterday was the King’s birthday, a perfect opportunity to take pictures…and they are amazing! I’ll keep you all posted on the plans for the gallery showing as Staci updates me. I’ve included a sneak peak of tiny pieces of the kid’s work…. ... read more
...when peace reigns...
...a lesson in respect...traditional costume

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Phang-Nga December 3rd 2007

I really feel like I have planted my feet into the traveling thing now. I'm not afraid to walk around town from Hostel to Hostel till I finally find somewhere that has a fair price and a good lock, (and its a good workout walking around with all that weight in my bag). I've sure made my way around Southern Thailand now and it has been a blast! After Patong we went to Phangan for a week. We found ourselves a cute little Bungalow along the water and met some locals, who introduced us to the resident 'traveler's that never actually leave the Island...there is always another party tomorrow. For those that don't know, Phangan is where the Full Moon Party happens, crazy beach party, drinks are served in buckets where instead of measuring the alcohol ... read more
The shoe circle

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