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October 29th 2006
Published: October 29th 2006
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We just came from Phuket Town were they were having the vegetarian festival. It's for 9 days. It is believed that the vegetarian festival and its accompanying sacred rituals bestow good fortune upon those who religiously observe this rite. During this time, local residents of Chinese ancestry strictly observe a 10-day vegetarian or vegan diet for the purposes of spiritual cleansing and merit-making. Sacred rituals are performed at various Chinese shrines and temples and aesthetic displays such as walking barefooted over hot coals and ascending ladders with bladed rungs are performed by entranced devotees known as "Ma Song".
There's a parade every morning for the 9 days were the have young men walking down the street who have done self mortification. We kepted missing the parade cause it's always early morning, so on our last day we woke up at 7am, threw some clothes on, grabbed our cameras and ran down to the street were we heard drums and firecrackers going off. I was still groggy, pretty much half a sleep when we ran into the parade with young man who had swords, tree branches, barbwire... you name it, through their cheeks. It was so hot, everyone is dripping sweat while fire crackers are going off everywhere, with some of the young men jumping into the firecrackers as they went off. We got some amazing shots... which I am dying to share but can't seem to find a computer that will load up my pictures, it's driving me mad!

Anyway, we're now in Ko Phi Phi and I think we're going to stay a little longer here. I love it! The area we're staying in was completely devistated by the tsunami, so there's lot of construction, rebuilding. But it's absolutely beautiful! The beaches are great, snorkeling is great, the sunsets are AMAZING! There isn't allowed ANY vehicles on the Island, no cars, or motor bikes! IT's awesome and everything is walking distance.
We snorkelled today. We took a 45 minute hike to the other side of the island through the jungle. It was pretty tough at times but a fantastic workout. We ran into some lizards, a monkey, some interesting bugs and some goats... not sure if the goats belong to anyone but they were just roaming around all over. We bought some throwaway water proof cameras to try and get some shots of the coral and fish. Hopefully we'll get at least a few good shots from them.
I'm dying to go shopping but just can't. My bag will be too heavy to carry. I'll go on a mad shopping spree the last week we're here. Definitely looking forward to that!
Afte Ko Phi Phi we're going back to Phuket province to camp in a National Park. Then take the bus to Bangkok and work our way to the east of Thailand. This will be done within the week.
Until Next time!!!

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The Infamous Bucket!The Infamous Bucket!
The Infamous Bucket!

We shared the one... we wanted to be good (sober) ambassadors for our Country ;)

29th October 2006

My cheeks feel weak.....
I can see why you needed a PAIL OF ALCOHOL after wittnessing those swords and knives thrust into the cheeks of those young warriors!!! Glad you both are being NOBLE Canadian Ambassadors, not to mention remaining sober enough to not be taken advantage of, by any unscrupulous thieves from the under-belly of that beautiful country! :>) TREK ON....and keep safe!!! Love Mom
30th October 2006

coudn't read the whole thing.. the pix are insane.. trying to eat breakfast.. and looking at that didn't mix..
30th October 2006

Hey Jess!!!! I have been keeping track of your travels!!!! I am glad you are having such a wonderfull time!!!! Anyway, enjoy the nice weather becuase Canada is just getting colder...brrrrr XOX Dijana

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