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November 8th 2006
Published: November 8th 2006
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Happy as can be!!Happy as can be!!Happy as can be!!

Just for you mom;)
Well, after going to many many different internet cafes we've finally stumbled across one that actually has computers that are run fast enough to download some of our pictures!
We're presently in Koh CHang... we've been here for the past 6 days. It's lovely and relaxing!
It was quite a journey to get here though. November 2nd, from Ko Phi Phi we took a ferry that was 2 hours back to Phuket Town. Then we sat around for 3 hours for our bus to Bangkok, which was a 13 hour ride! Then we took a bus from Bangkok to Trat... which was 5 hours and then another ferry that was one hour to Koh Chang. We did ALOT of read during this time😊 We both finished off 2 books during that time
Sunday was the full moon, so our bungellow Bo's Independant had a BBQ for all their guests, were they served Baracuda.... I don't like fish but I ate it anyway and it was actually quite good. We light candles in paper kites which filled up with heat and floated off into the nights sky. We also made these special offerings made of the trunk of a banana tree. We decorated them ourselves with leaves and flowers and at midnight we stuck a candle and incents in them. We walked into the sea and let them float away. It was beautiful to see all these candles floating in the sea.
Monday we had a Thai cooking class and Brendan and I were the only students who attended... it wa sthe full moon the night before so most were still recuperating. We had amazing teachers, who tough us not only how to cook but taught also the history of the food. It was quite interesting! And tasty😉
Yesterday we went on an elephant trek, which was fantastic!!!!!!! Ban Kwan Elephant camp... I HIGHLY recommend it! The elephants are treated very well!!!!! We got to ride them bare back!! feed them AND Bathe them! No kidding! we actually went into the stream with the elephant, the elephant lay down and we climb on top of them and scrubbed there heads😊 Pretty amazing experience!
After the elephant visit we both got a Thai massage.... I have no idea why I waited this long to get one! One hour were I got my entire body massaged and stretched... even my toes!!!!
We're on our way to Cambodia today.

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Her name is Noi... Her name is Noi...
Her name is Noi...

beautiful animals!

8th November 2006

Now THAT'S the life....scrubbing down elephants!!!
I bet you could just hang a hammock in a tree with Noi at your side (all scrubbed and clean) and live the life of Gilligan. Your wonderful photos are clearly conveying your amazing adventure. I have never seen you happier..... Love Mom PS Keep those photos of yourself coming. We love to see that smile!!!

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